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Issue Vol. 007 Issue 020 (February 4 2002)
Issue Vol. 007 Issue 021 (February 11 2002)
Issue Vol. 007 Issue 022 (February 18 2002)
Cover Page ••Cover Page••
Contents ••Contents••
Paid article Scrapbook
Scrapbook Another Ride with Sheila Jackson Lee IN LAST WEEK'S WEEKLY STANDARD,Sam Dealey reported on Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's using a government car and driver to chauffeur her one block to work...
Paid article Casual
Casual OFF TO SEE THE WIZARDS Where there was economic stagnation, now there's prosperity. Where there was weakness in confronting rivals, there's strength and cunning. Where there was a moral...
Paid article Correspondence
Correspondence I'VE BEEN GOOD TO HER DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN's 1993 statement to the Boston Globe in which she alleges that I under-cited her work is not only regrettable, but erroneous. As...
Paid article No Medals for Title IX
EDITORIAL No Medals for Title IX In February 1998, after an American team won the first Olympic gold medal ever awarded for women's hockey, there was a brief rainshower of patronizing media...
Paid article Borking Judge Pickering
Eastland, Terry
Borking Judge Pickering It's open season among Senate Democrats on Bush's judicial nominees. BY TERRY EASTLAND WHEN JIM JEFFORDS left the Republican party last May and became an independent,...
Paid article My Fellow Lefties
My Fellow Lefties . . . Stop it with the America-bashing. BY MICHAEL H. SHUMAN THE REV. JESSE JACKSON says that an eagle can only soar with two wings. But what if one wing refuses to fly? From...
Paid article When Bush Met Sharon
When Bush Met Sharon The key visit was the first one. BY JOHN PODHORETZ ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER Ariel Sharon last week paid his fourth call on the Bush White House. The primary subject of...
Paid article Profiles in Ambivalence
Profiles in Ambivalence After September 11, Muslim-American groups flinched. by Noah D. Oppenheim IN THE DAYS after September 11, mainstream Arab- and Muslim-American community groups condemned...
Paid article The Wreck of the Deutschland
Caldwell, Christopher
The Wreck of the Deutschland The German economy is in trouble, and so is Gerhard Schröder. BY CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL Berlin GERMANY'S Social Democratic chancellor Gerhard Schröder, the first...
Paid article Despotism in Saudi Arabia
Despotism in Saudi Arabia They're even more intolerant than you think. BY STEPHEN SCHWARTZ PRESIDENT BUSH, in his State of the Union address, gave a stirring summation of the values dear to...
Paid article On to Iran!
On to Iran! Checkmating the clerics BY REUEL MARC GERECHT President George W. Bush's stunningly forceful State of the Union address has probably forever altered U.S.-Iranian relations. It may...
Paid article Bush Keeps the Faith
Bush Keeps the Faith Contrary to some reports, the president's faith-based agenda is alive and well. BY JOHN J. DIIULIOJR. Over the last three weeks, the Bush administration has taken important...
Paid article God, Man, and Physics
God Man and Physics Does the universe aim at human life? BY DAVID BERLINSKI God's existence is not required by the premises of quantum mechanics or general relativity, the great theories of...
Paid article Looking Backwards
Looking Backwards Pat Buchanan's world. BY JOSH CHAFETZ Pat Buchanan's thesis in The Death of the West is simple enough: The "cultural revolution" that swept across the West in the 1960s led to...
Paid article Printing the Web
Printing the Web Why do online magazines want their work preserved in books? BY RICHARD KOSTELANETZ Few publishing developments seem to offer as much opportunity as the Internet periodical. Easy...
Paid article Fighting Death
Fighting Death The argument against euthanasia. BY WESLEY J. SMITH Supporters of legalizing assisted suicide often claim religious belief is the only reason to oppose killing as an acceptable...
Paid article The Standard Reader
The Standard Reader Losing His Stuff The New Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract by Bill James (Free Press, 998 pp., $45) There was a time I was sure the greatest pieces of American prose...
Paid article Parody
Parody February 14, 3:45 a.m. Instapundit had a good piece on the rise of blogging, the creation of web sites to link to interesting pieces on the web, drawing my attention to the point that...
Issue Vol. 007 Issue 023 (February 25 2002)
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