Washington Notebook BY DANIEL SCHORR Clinton on the High Road AS THE HUNDRED DAYS of the House Republican Contract With America neared their end, climaxed by passage of a draconian welfare...
TUMULT IN THE REPUBLIC Turkey's Embattled Secularist BY JOHN DOXEY ISTANBUL HEADS OF government rarely score points by losingtheircool inpublic. But when Prime Minister Tansu Ciller burst into...
Euro Vista BY RAY ALAN France's Uneasy Spring "IT WAS the best of times, it was the worst of times... it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was...
A DELEGATE'S ACCOUNT Bringing Books tO Cuba BY ASHBEL GREEN the 1950s that Cuban and U.S. literary representatives had held a series of meetings. They were at once revealing, contentious,...
The Dismal Science THE ENEMY IS US BY GEORGE P BROCKWAY HARDLY A DAY goes by without your being asked by a political party or a news organization or some other public-spirited body to name the...
Writers &Writing COLE'S NEW LOOK BY PHOEBE PETTINGELL AN ASTUTE CRITIC I know has observed that it is not uncommon for young would-be poets to produce one, perhaps two "promising" collections...
The 21st Century Limited The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era By Jeremy Rifkin Putnam. 350 pp. $24.95. The Jobless Future: Sci-Tech and...
The Way It Was Up Front By Bill Mauldin Norton. 240pp. $19.95. Reviewed by Fredric Paul Smoler Faculty. Sarah Lawrence; editor, "Audacity;" contributor, "American Heritage,"London...
An Academic Romp MOO By Jane Smiley Knopf. 414pp. $24.00. Reviewed by David Galef Assistant Professor of English. University of Mississippi; author. "The Supporting Cast." "Flesh " SOME 40...
On Television TURNING KNOWLEDGE INTO PROFIT BY REUVEN FRANK LAST JANUARY 26, a Chinese-made rocket carrying an American-made communications satellite smoothly completed its predawn liftoff from...
On Stage PAST PERFECT AND IMPERFECT BY STEFAN KANFER AFTER THE OPENING of Guy Domville. Henry James' only theater piece, the author was led onstage. A handful of Jamesians clapped their hands...