The Political Puzzle
the political puzzle ACROSS 1.Rne candy needed to make real holiday. 9. Is this where professor spoke wildly recently? No, why? (7) 10.How bees, for example, seek God? (7) 11. Fragile...
...Fragile country...
...5. It is clear how to make levity end...
...Sun out somehow around toy makes unpleasant rejoinder...
...2,3) means a two-letter word followed by a three-letter word...
...7) 19...
...Due to go back and win inside...
...15.Packs large crowd in coin marts...
...7) 20.The last form of trickery...
...Form of tin seen very deep...
...Second hand pump is quite comfortable...
...9) %.Flu bug in foreign wines...
...Rot sounds like don’t know initially...
...translated becomes even clearer...
...9) 21.Took away from land, indeed...
...3,2,2) 14...
...5) 7. Kissinger and Zhivago both have D.C...
...4’2,3 1 (3,4) 17...
...Answers to last month’s puzzle are on page 32...
...Groups of letters, e.g...
...Demonstrator for a l i t t l e business in eternity...
...6,3) 15...
...9) 13.Nine tents arranged for game need...
...USA, are treated as one word...
...7) 27.The very foul jury comes around when 1 Across does...
...5) 23...
...7) 8. Yet “si, si...
...7) 26...
...7) 2.Speaks in a way to predict Ionian style return...
...9) 6. Stormy Washington sea put in boxes...
...5) 16...
...Like, for example, making a test...
...roots, in (2-3) a way...
...7) 22...
...9) 4. Taboos for Nanette...
...5) 12.Fast way to travel over adobe step...
...Actresses’ busts...
...5) 18.New York meats for Santa’s elves...
...Laconic reform for dunce-cap style...
...5,4,6) DOWN 1.Improper here in F r a n c e i n l i l t composition...
...7) 3. The Gipper ran around getting started...
...5,4) 16...
...5) The numbers indicate the number of letters and words, e.g...
...5) 25.Shy tone could be (1 2,3) optimum rule of conduct...
Vol. 9 • July 1977 • No. 5