Tidbits and Outrages
Tidbits and Outrages The Quest for Truth: I According to Lance Gay of The Washington Star, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare recently wanted to find out how much it...
...P. Tyson Bennett of Annapolis wrote the White House asking for a congratulatory letter from the President for her grandmother, on the occasion of the latter’s 90th birthday...
...The Washington Star, to its credit, reported Obey’s charges and asked editorially: “DO members of the press who cover Capitol Hill need 24 gallery employees to wait upon them...
...The government tells us it’s to house computers...
...The letter explained that in the interest of economy the President was no longer sending congratulatory letters to people under 100...
...We suspect another factor is involved...
...and it was signed by Valerio Giannini, of the White House staff, rather than the President...
...Bennett instead of her grandmother...
...As we understand the essence of this transaction, Mrs...
...Our Spacious Government Over the past ten years, Washington has experienced an explosive building boom...
...Uncertain airport renovation plans further confused the issue...
...If they can’t install their own phones, as many do, why can’t they use pay telephones...
...special press tables in the House and Senate dining rooms...
...Finally, everyone compromised by inflicting the maximum inconvenience on the general public...
...A letter duly arrived, but to Mrs...
...Tidbits and Outrages The Quest for Truth: I According to Lance Gay of The Washington Star, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare recently wanted to find out how much it pays private industry for consultants...
...The longer people stay in government, the higher pay and rank they achieve, even though they may continue to do the same work...
...free stationery with congressional letterhead...
...Why all the extra office space...
...For example, three chemists at the National Bureau of Standards recently completed an 18-month study to find what would remove graffiti from public buildings...
...A recent Reuter report from Peking says that one Liu Kuei-Yang, a Chinese civil servant, complained in a letter to People’s Daily that during his last three months on the job he had spent 32 days in meetings...
...As their rank increases so does their entitlement to federal real estate...
...He Who Work for Revolution Have to Put Up With a Lot From time to time word filters out from behind the Bamboo Curtain that confirms our suspicion that the enemy of us all is not capitalism or communism but bureaucracy...
...According to James M. Perry of The National Observer, of the 1,024 top jobs in the Foreign Service, only 21 are held by people from minority groups...
...Surprisingly, however, the number of federal employees in the area has grown by only slightly more than half that amount-25.1 per cent...
...Bennett was sent a form letter that displeased her while her grandmother was not sent a form letter that would have deased her...
...desks, chairs, typewriters, and other equipment...
...In fact, we said, the administration was answering more and more correspondence with form letters...
...That astounding conclusion was followed by the word that the next best removers are well-known household aild industrial cleaners...
...access (at equivalent prices) to the same office supplies, meals, barbers, subways, and check cashing facilities available to members of Congress...
...GS - 16 though GS - 18 Modelling Criminals There used to be a cultural lag rule that said whatever was happening in England today would happen in the United States in ten years...
...The Quest for Truth: I1 The value of government research is cons t an tl y being demonstrated...
...I remain firm in my determination to deal honestly and openly with the American people, and while we might not always agree, I am most grateful for your own deep concern over the challenges before us...
...The answer took the form of a pre-printed, pre-signed postcard, complete with White House seal, which read: “Your comments touch upon one of the most complex issues of our time...
...So the agency let a’$378,147 contract with Rock well International Corp...
...about 180 free telephones...
...The General Accounting Office later found that the government let that contract overrun to $2.2 million and that after the study was completed HEW duplicated its work with computers...
...A GS - 1 through GS - 6 gets 60 square feet of office space while a gets 300...
...Why should a news organization expect the government to provide free typewriters or stationery...
...It’s the phenomenon called “grade creep,” described by Marjorie Boyd in our April issue...
...It seems that Mrs...
...That Personal Touch we recently reported that the never-tell-a-lie gang over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue had bent the truth a bit when they said the White House staff was increased to take care of the mail the President has asked the public to send him...
...a private contractor) to find out...
...The study found that liquid paint removers will do the job best...
...David Obey recently pointed out that the reporter who criticizes congressmen for their perquisites should take a look at his own...
...Glass Houses Department The State Department faces some embarrassment in carrying out President Carter’s human rights program...
...As for semi-private elevators, the public elevators go to the same places just as fast and it is doubtful that anyone would be inconvenienced if the press signs were taken off “There’s no reason why Congress should provide much beyond a space for the press to work...
...Jimmy Carter” Why We Need a Comprehensive New National Birthday Policy Another triumph by the White House mail room was reported last month in The Baltimore Sun...
...Bureaucrats 1, Public 0 The subway stop for National Airport in Washington is located a half mile from the Main Terminal and a quarter mile from the North Terminal, separated from each by six lanes of heavy traffic...
...John Cramer of The Washington Star obtained one example, a copy of a Carter answer to a Massachusetts citizen who wrote the President to protest revision of the so-called sick-pay exclusion-hardly a matter of burning national concern...
...The FAA, which controls the airport, had wanted the stop underground and close in...
...Metro, the Washington area transit agency, said its budget couldn’t pay for an underground station...
...While the benefits of Eton may be debatable, And it takes a lot of highly paid civil servants to do that...
...Here’s what the taxpayers provide for the press on Capitol Hill: Twenty-four employees of the House and Senate press galleries plus special doorkeepers and messengers...
...Governmentowned and governmentleased office space has increased 46.8 per cent...
...Shouldn’t members of the press pay reasonable fees for parking spaces at the Capitol...
...semi-private elevators...
...Why should any news organization have free telephone service...
...Let’s hope the rule is no longer ri t, for we have before us a report in Spectator by Auberon Waugh that the cost per while the cost of Eton is El ,800 er year...
...Deadline USA Rep...
...181 reserved parking spaces in choice locations...
Vol. 9 • July 1977 • No. 5