Political Book Notes

Political Book Notes Public affairs books to be published in April. America by Design: Science, Technology, and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism. David F. Noble. Knopf, $12.95. The American...

...Three women who helped run a daycare center in the New Haven ghetto have written a long, excruciatingly specific, but very sound account of their experiences and the issues it raised...
...Roger Langley, Richard C. Levy...
...Snap Crackle and Popular Taste: The Illusion of Free Choice in America...
...We Were There: The Story of Working Women in America...
...The meat of the book is a series of interviews with Washington prostitutes who describe in vivid detail their professional lives...
...Barry Cunningham, Mike Pearl...
...Viking, $8.95...
...for Contemporary Studies, San Francisco, $5.95...
...Talking to Myself: A Memoir of My Times...
...But they are commendably aware of the huge traumas for parents and children that it can bring on if not administered very well indeed...
...Frank Burnham...
...Wife Beating: The Silent Crisis...
...The Crisis in Social Security: Prospects and Problems...
...Orville Schell...
...The autobiography of a veteran labor-union lobbyist, ghostwritten by a Newsweek reporter, this is an entertaining, detailed defense of lobbying...
...Charles Trout...
...In the People’s Republic...
...The Presidential Character: Predicting Performance in the White House...
...This is a very good book, well conceived, researched, and written-a model of how historians can profit by using the tools of several disciplines...
...Boston, The Great Depression and the New Deal...
...Taking Rights Seriously...
...Oxford, $15.95...
...Inside the Alaska Pipeline...
...Unfortunately, Meyer is no Ramond Chandler...
...Delacorte/Dell, $7.95/$2.95...
...Goals for Mankind: A Report to the Club of Rome on the New Horizons of Global Community...
...Anthony Eden...
...William Ker Muir, Jr...
...Random House, $8.95...
...Bruce A. Ackerman...
...Rites of Passage: Adolescence in America, 1790 to the Present...
...Yale Univ...
...This is an alleged scientific study by experts of the sexual psychology of congressmen and the like...
...Martin J. Schiesl...
...Ervin Laszlo, et al...
...The Future That Doesn’t Work: Social Democracy’s Failures in Britain...
...McKay, $8.95...
...The Wall Street Journal Views America Tomorrow...
...in an agrarian, unspecialized age, there was no need for a transition period between childhood and adulthood...
...Norman Sheresky...
...Martin’s, $8.95...
...Class, State, and Crime: On the Theory and Practice of Criminal Justice...
...Viking, $7.95...
...Simon & Schuster, $8.95...
...of Chicago, $15...
...Their attitude toward daycare is that it’s inevitable, so we might as well prepare for it as best we can...
...Johnson retaliates by getting a second line), but one is not left convinced of the nobility of the lobbying profession...
...Harvard Univ., $12...
...International Disaster Relief Toward a Responsive System...
...of California, $1 1.75...
...Norton, $1 3.50/$8.95...
...Lippincott, $1 2.95...
...Norton, $7.95...
...A Government as Good As Its People...
...Dutton, $8.95...
...Fortunately, the authors know more about Watergate than they do about wine...
...Police: Streetcorner Politicians...
...McKay, $8.95 /$3.9 5. Falling Apart: The Rise and Fall of Urban Civilization...
...McGraw-W, %7.95/$3.95...
...Cleared to Land: The FAA Story...
...Adolescence, it turns out, is a fairly recent invention...
...Gerald T. Dunne...
...An excerpt appeared in the March issue of Re Washington Monthly...
...Doubleday, $6.95...
...Richard Ben-Veniste, George Frampton...
...Lawrence Meyer...
...The Politics of Efficiency: Municipal Administration and Reform in America, 188@1920...
...Steven PhiUips, Random House, $8.95...
...Flight from Inflation: The Monetary Alternative...
...Private Property and the Constitution...
...Richard Quinney...
...The first sentence of this book does not inspire confidence...
...Pierre Bigo...
...Doubleday, $6.95...
...Gena Corea...
...The Church and Third World Revolution...
...The Time of Their Dying...
...Donald Moffitt, ed...
...A. J.P...
...E. C. Riegel...
...The Hidden Word...
...Martin’s, $8.95...
...PrenticeHall, $9.95...
...Heather Foundation, San Pedro, Calif...
...A fascinating study of the changing social roles of youth in America...
...A Capitol Crime...
...Stephen S. Rosenfeld...
...Dutton, $1 5 /$7 9 5. The Growth of Crime: The International Experience...
...A look at life in China by a writer who managed, by working both in a factory and in the countryside, to see a good deal more of the nation than is accessible to most Westerners...
...District Attorney: The Story of Frank Hogan and the Manhattan D.A.’s Office...
...Jeffrey Schrank...
...Vested Interest...
...of California, $3.25...
...Paul Tillich...
...Taylor, ed...
...Amacom, $9.95...
...Michael J. B o s h , ed...
...Yale Univ., $12.95...
...Aero Publishers, Fallbrook, Calif., $11.95...
...Yale Univ., $8.50/$2.95...
...James David Barber...
...The Challenge of Daycare...
...Stein & Day, $10...
...The Feminization of American Culture...
...It reads, “John Dean’s call came as Richard Ben-Veniste was hastily recorking a recently opened bottle of Italian Chablis...
...Prentice-Hall, $11.95...
...Basic, $11.95...
...Ronald Dworkin...
...One complaint: for 327 pages, it seems awfully expensive...
...Their book will be valuable to all lawyers who are Watergate buffs...
...A Capitalist Romance: Singer and the Sewing Machine...
...Elaine Morgan...
...Sally Provence, Audrey Naylor, June Patterson...
...Ruth Brandon...
...But the scientific part is only a thin veneer...
...R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., ed...
...A Sexual Profile of Men in Power...
...Dirksen gets a phone of his own...
...His first novel is a whodunit about the murder of a Jack Anderson-like figure, starring a canny, cynical reporter for the Washington Journal...
...Knopf, $15...
...Celestial A r t s , $4.95...
...Gerald M. Pomper, et al...
...Kett traces the American teenager’s metamorphosis into a troubled, sensitive product of industrial society, and then his more recent attempts to close the gap and begin adulthood earlier...
...Mason/ Charter, $10.95...
...Orbis, $8.95/$4.95...
...Harper & Row, $10.95...
...An excerpt appears in this issue of The Washington Monthly...
...Women’s Health Care: The Hidden Malpractice...
...Pantheon, $1 5.95/$6.95...
...Ed McGrath...
...Hugo Black and the Judicial Revolution...
...his writing and plot are only occasionally as tight as they should be, and his social observations of Washington are absolutely standard fare...
...Leon Radzinowicz, Joan King...
...The notion that the reporter story will be to the 1970s what the detective story was to the 1940s is an intriguing one, and it has obviously occurred to Washington Post reporter Lawrence Meyer...
...Victor Lasky...
...Pantheon, $10...
...Stephen S. Cohen...
...Houghton Mifflin, $7.95/$3.95...
...No Heroes, No Viains: The Story of a Murder Trial...
...It Didn’t Start with Watergate...
...Dial, $10...
...Judith Nies...
...Although the point is apparently that men in power have staggeringly deviant notions of what constitutes sexual pleasure, it’s mostly just cheap thrills...
...Studs Terkel...
...Simon & Schuster, $12.50...
...On Trial: Masters of the Courtroom...
...Psychology of Women: Behavior in a Biosocial Context...
...Modem Capitalist Planning: The French Model...
...Basic, $16.50...
...Morrow, $10...
...Jimmy Carter...
...Barbara M. Wertheimer...
...Juanita H. Williams...
...Viking, $8.95...
...Seven Women: Portraits from the American Radical Tradition...
...Lipsen comes across as a very sane man, and some of his anecdotes are delightful (Lyndon Johnson gets a limousine phone to one-up Everett Dirksen...
...Congress-Keystone of the Washington Establishment...
...Henry F. Thoma, ed...
...a Stonewall: The Inside Story of the Watergate Prosecution...
...The American Prospect: Insights Into Our Next 100 Years...
...Stephen Green...
...Ann Douglas...
...Sam Janus, Barbara Bess, Carol Saltus...
...The Election of 1976: Reports and Interpretations...
...Unfortunately, what’s good for them-an exhaustive discussion of the legal issues involved-is deadly for the rest of us...
...R. A. Haldane...
...Charles B. hpsen with Stephen Lesher...
...Morris P. Fiorina...
...The Socialist Decijon...
...Joseph F. Kett...
...Simon & Schuster, $1 1.95...

Vol. 9 • April 1977 • No. 2

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