Tidbits and Outrages
Tidbits and Outrages Share the Wealth The Senate remains the friend of the little guy. A recenl memo to its members recommends that staff salaries be raised on the following basis: Present...
...The Fat of the Land Most outsiders thnk of Washington as a town divided between congressmen, bureaucrats, and lobbyists...
...Last December, according to Kay Michael of The CRarleston Gazette, 143 physicians took the test and only 32 passed...
...Now we would like to congratulate him for the following: “One of the biggest disasters-that-weren’t in American history occurred in December, when the tanker Argo Merchant ran aground off Nantucket and began to cough up its cargo of oil...
...The agency for which she is the press spokeswoman is slated to go out If business this year...
...But these balls have hard outer surfaces and are inert and non-toxic...
...This month we want to pass along a report from Joyce Maynard of The New York Times about a luncheon at Elaine’s for Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is Mr...
...Since there is no draft, one wonders where the money goes...
...Federal regulations require that ordinarily federal employees are not to use first class...
...Maynard captures the scene: “Kenneth Jay Lane, a jewelry designer, was talking about a comment he had heard the other day, to the effect that ‘reality is just a crutch.’ Gael Greene, the New York magazine food writer, was talking about New York magazine...
...Ah, you say, then the rigorous examination requirement has saved the public from 111 hept doctors...
...Productivity, as measured by the tons of trash col,lected per man-hour, has since increased by 40 per cent...
...One year ago the trash crews were reduced from four to three men...
...In fact, it never hit the bottom at all...
...It never touched those lobsters and crabs and scallops...
...Rest Easy, the Government Is on the Case The Tower City, Pennsylvania, mine tragedy reminds us of one of the more enlightened rulings of the Board of Mine Operators Appeals, the final voice of the Secretary of the Interior in mine safety matters...
...Answering the Call Congressmen always say they ran for office in order to serve the people, but the real reasons are often a far less exalted combination of desperation and career opportunism...
...He reports: “I walked through those doors and was thrown out...
...The reactions were neo-Chicken Little...
...But the problem is that it didn’t happen...
...Thus, if a miner has a one-in-three chance of being wounded by a roof fall before the roof can be adequately supported, he will just have to take his chances...
...The Federal Home Loan Bank Board did even better than Selective Service, with 287 firstclass flights...
...The guard explained that if you’re an ordinary citizen not working for the govemment, - you still have to enter the side doors...
...At the moment, she’s with the Commission on Federal Paperwork...
...Russell Train, the Environmental Protection Agency direc...
...To understand its significance to you as a taxpayer, you need to know that “information source” is a polite term for publicist and that the directory contains 104 names...
...She always does...
...It was at the University of Maryland that Zubroc discovered the federal government...
...the Argo Merchant carried no...
...As the Coast Guard kept trying to tell anyone who would listen...
...If I lost, which I knew was probable, I was hoping the publicity would at least enhance my law practice...
...I still had enough political connections there to mount a reasonably effective-and possibly victoriousprimary campaign...
...According to two experts in the industry, L. Thomas Galloway and J. Davitt McAteer, mine safety enforcement has also been hampered by the appointment to key positions of people who have long-standing ties to the coal companies...
...In order to alleviate the student of the mechanical and taxing process of securing available research, Collegiate Research Systems can provide a research document that effectively deals with a student’s particular area of interest and that can be utilized as an appropriate piece of co-lateral material in the student’s development and construction of comprehension and a point of view...
...More jobs followed...
...But the chances of a Democrat winning the general election were shm, at best...
...The revolving door principle came into play again in January when one of them left to become vice president of the Pittston Coal Company...
...Laurent dress-part of the ‘peasant’ collection that is in style...
...The action was reDorted as a symbol of the iew administration’s policy of openness...
...She reads the Federal Register anc the Commerce Business Daily...
...Besides, I would have to go home, open up a law practice and somehow try to earn a living while gearing up for the race two years away...
...6 fuel oil is significantly lighter than sea water...
...Plain Speaking Here is the first paragraph of a press release recently distributed in Washington on behalf of Collegiate Research Systems, an organization suspected by some churlish souls of selling term papers to college students: “According to the president of Collegiate Research Systems, John Magee, ‘Students, especially today, are required to disseminate an abundance of literature in a short period of time...
...She got a job with thc Smithsonian as a micropaleontology intern, which meant more or less, that she spent the morning crushing rocks anc then looked at the pieces under a microscope...
...Eventually, according to the Coast Guard, floating no...
...Once she worked for a newslettei that tells others about what grants are available and once she became a consultant to a consulting firm-telling them what to tell the government so they could get a grant...
...Closed-Door Policy On Wednesday, January 26, Jimmy Carter and Griffin Bell opened the giant steel doors that had closed the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance to the Department of Justice since the Mitchell era...
...In fact, today they can’t find the oil...
...That wa: under a poverty youth grant,’ she said...
...Elaine Kaufman, proprietor of the restaurant, was carrying around a very small, shaggy-haired dog, and a lot of people at the restaurant’s tables were looking at people at other tables...
...But it was a discovery-the beginning of a pattern From then on, Zubrod would either work temporarily for i federal agency under some grant program or for a private firm that received a grant...
...On Thursday, January 27, our friend Frank Warner went to Justice to do some research in the Antitrust Division library...
...tor, who, rumor has it, still hopes to click with the Carte1 people, called it ‘the biggest oil-spill disaster on the American coast in our history.’ Senator Kennedy, as is his wont, held hearings...
...Disaster Recently we chided Cato, the author of the National Review’s “Letter from Washington,” for being wrong on some predictions about the Carter cabinet...
...After college she worked in Baltimore evaluating a iuvenile delinquency program under an LEAA grant...
...George Plimpton...
...Universe and the star of the new film,fimpingIron...
...All in all, then, nothing happened...
...Schwarzenegger-who is 6 foot 2 inches tall, 210 pounds, with 22-inch biceps and a 31-inch waist-he did not appear particularly hungry...
...So convincing were the media predictions of disaster that a group of Cape Cod fishermen sued the owners and the captain of the Argo Merchant for $60 million for destroying their livelihood...
...Money Well Spent HEW publishes something called a Directory of Information Sources...
...As for the star of the day, Mr...
...In his new book, Vested Interest, lobbyist Charles B. Lipsen, who never ran for Congress but once thought about it, gives the most convincing account we’ve seen lately of the motivations that lie behind a congressional campaign: “1 had no job lined up and couldn’t think where to start...
...No, the law does not require that physicians pass the test, and the 11 1 doctors who flunked are free to continue to practice...
...Among those attending were Andy Warhol, Jacqueline Onassis, Patricia Lawford, and Mrs...
...of South Africa, featuring a diamond clip for only $1,350...
...Three assistant administrators of the Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration came from copper- and coal-mining companies...
...A Magazine’s Best Friend Is there a tendency toward rising income and declining principles among our liberal intellectuals...
...NBC called it ‘an ecological disaster to marine life’ and predicted that the black muck would spread across the ocean floor, wiping out such bottom-dwelling species as lobsters, crabs, flounders, and scallops...
...She is confident she will find iomething...
...This Month’s Good News If you’ve given up on making government e fficient, let us rekindle your hopes with some news about the District of Columbia’s trash collectors...
...Senator William Proxmire has found at least part of the answer: a total of 105 first-class air trips by Selective Service officials in the period ending October 1 of last year...
...She helped write a book on service> available for the elderly with grant funds and she worked 3n an environmental impact statement with grant money She used ,money from another grant to pre-intervieb ipeakers for a conference and then she wrote a book with mother grant called ‘Solid Waste Is Energy.’ “Zubrod is starting to look for work again...
...But neither NBC nor the other networks have yet bothered to tell us that it didn’t, and many Americans who watched the coverage and listened to the official reaction no doubt believe it did...
...I even dallied with the notion of returning to Wisconsin and running for Congress...
...So Sheila Zubrod does no1 read the Racing Form...
...It never reached the prime Georges Bank Fishing grounds...
...A woman at the table next to his wore an Yves St...
...Style and Substance The Selective Service System has an annual budget of $6.3 million...
...We’re not sure, but f i e New Republic recently published an advertisement from that great equal o p po r t unity employer, DeBeer s Consolidated Mines, Ltd...
...But there is another kind of Washgtonian, too, recently described by Richard Cohen in The Washington Post: “Sheila Zubrod is to Washington what maybe a Broad, way type is to New York...
...The networks covered it around the clock...
...The board refuses to allow federal inspectors to close a mine unless there is a one-in-two chance that miners will die or suffer serious injury...
...It was perhaps one of the most widely publicized and comprehensively covered disasters in American history...
...There is no way, in other words, that it could blanket the bottom, as NBC confidently told us it would...
...She knows how to play the town has no job for longer than a year or more and survives more Dr less because she long ago recognized that the action in Washington is the federal government and the coin of the realm is something called grants...
...The Peasant Style We try our best to keep up with the beautiful people so that from time to time we can give our readers a ghmpse of the world of glamour...
...6 fuel oil, and no...
...6 fuel oil can coagulate into taI balls that will sink to the bottom...
...A recenl memo to its members recommends that staff salaries be raised on the following basis: Present Salary : under $20,000 at least $20,000 but less than $25,000 at least $25,000 but less than $30,000 at least $30,000 but less than $36,000 at least $36,000 but less than $42,000 at least $42,000 but less than $48,000 at least $48,000 or more Suggested Raise: 4.83% 6.12% 6.94% 7.92% 9.05% 10.359 1 1.83% ‘A’ for Effort The State of West Virginia requires all physicians practicing under a temporary permit to take the Federal Licensing Examination at least once a year...
Vol. 9 • April 1977 • No. 2