Letters This letter-which I have been meaning to write for some time, but have only now gotten around to-is in regard to several specific articles which have appeared in your pages since...
...KEVIN P. PHILLIPS Bethesda, .Md...
...LEO F. DONOHUE Virginia Beach, Va...
...DAVID B. WILSON Norfolk, Va...
...With Carter abandoning the “outsider” posture of the campaign before the ink dried on reports of his election, opposition to the resurgent “Network” may ultimately generate a populism that cuts across party and ideological lines...
...Kevin Phillips is author of The Emerging Republican Majority...
...The impression I had was that yours would be a magazine of investigative reporting...
...The articles to which I am referring are: “Prisoners of Liberation” by Tom Bethell (September ’76...
...Your usual prejudices have blinded you to the fact that Carter’s campaign proceeds from the opposite premise...
...Please cancel my subscription to your magazine, and refund the remainder of my subscription payment...
...The Imperial Press” by Tom Bethel1 and Charles Peters (November ’76...
...I think we finally have a good chance for an honest, capable government...
...RICHARD SCHIRO Congratulations on your “Why Jimmy Carter Doesn’t Hire Jimmy Carters” piece...
...and “Concerns About Carter-And His Chief Courtier” by Charles Peters (December ’76...
...I read that and thought, “But you’ve got it all wrong, Reston...
...Rather, he wrote that, despite disillusionment about the results wrought by the Schlesingers and the Bundys, a new crop of would-be government leaders was waiting at Harvard and in the large law firms to staff a new Democratic administration...
...I do not understand the reason for your constant attacks on President Carter...
...Jimmy Carter Your article entitled “Why Jimmy Carter Doesn’t Hire Jimmy Carters” in the February issue was particularly apt for me because I remember having a related thought during the campaign...
...I thought it and argued it over a few dinner tables, and now we see the result...
...More likely, though, little short of a major revolution can displace the infrastructure you profile...
...A Harvard Man Discovers Free Enterprise” by James K. Glassman (October ’76...
...The quality common to all these articles, I believe, is the keen .and astute unconventionalitv with which thev flv in the face of conventional “liberal” wisdom...
...Letters This letter-which I have been meaning to write for some time, but have only now gotten around to-is in regard to several specific articles which have appeared in your pages since September ’76...
...The dateline, I recall, was Cambridge, Mass...
...instead, I get lost in the editorializing of every page, as I look for facts, for substantiation...
...Philadelphia, Pa...
...He didn’t name names...
...Carter knows that bright lawyers abound in the nether regions and that excellent people, who may or may not have Harvard . degrees, staff universities throughout the land...
...At some point in the past few months-I ,don’t recall whether it was before or after Carter’s nomination, but I believe it was before the election-James .Reston wrote a column in which he sycophantically intoned about “the eligibles” for posts in the Carter administration...
Vol. 9 • April 1977 • No. 2