the political puzzle
Barclay, Jordan
the political puzzle by Jordan Barclay ACROSS 22.A turn Al makes look 7.A sender arranged 1.There are 538 of tliese easy. (7) charms. (7) which can be made to 24.Direct thy write to 8.0ne who...
...7) 23.Victoria, Louise, and 20.Reagan: Panama must 6. Airport in Winnie-the- Constance, for exhis issue be...
...93) FDR’s first...
...8,6) Texas...
...8) 9. French spa is unsophis- 25...
...5) dramatist...
...2. Let the air teem around 17.Its root makes Italian (792) sheikdom...
...7) 16.Everything around this i2...
...5) ample...
...7) dish...
...Answers to last month’s puzzle are on page 38...
...9) line...
...A little saint in dough 3.A river, a waltz, and a 18.Study shape to bring in gets doughy...
...5) 5. Leading Republican, 21 .Composition met to 17...
...5) 13.Commentator distills . ticated, backward...
...7) which can be made to 24.Direct thy write to 8.0ne who sells out lager ieveal closet...
...5) home...
...Re: piano moved out- to the East to produce shake-up bring insect side...
...4-3) medical procedure...
...7) happy...
...7) 14...
...7) . 1 5 . h ~hg eles in Parisian 4.Porters make loud 19.Turning n o riots summer would make us noises...
...3,4) 13...
...Ample sounds doubly 11.pnprofessional aura met confusion...
...Jack‘s man puts Cuban left of center in New hero in the list...
...Way the Post advances...
...9) York...
...5) The numbers indicate the number of letters and words, e.g., (2,3) means a two-letter word followed by a three-word letter...
...Groups of letters, e.g., USA, are treated as one word...
...Dance search...
...9) DOWN 14...
...7) Pooh area...
...5) 26.Intangible lumber in from 100-striped ar10.To beg for a part of election year...
...6-3) with server inside...
...7) turning...
Vol. 8 • June 1976 • No. 4