Tidbits and Outrages
Tidbits and Outrages . . . But Don’t Let Us Pressure You ’Tlze National Observer reports that the Air Force Reserve has a form titled “Privacy Act Statement,” which reads in part: “Information...
...The report found that the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Federal Power Commission were the least effective of the nine agencies...
...The only bid for the job was $2,250,000...
...Double-stitching protects each foam pad, adding to the sturdiness...
...Getting Away With It Adminstration Qfficials who are investigated by Congress ;hould henceforth refuse to cooperate with the investiga.ion and then denounce it because it is based on inadequate naterials...
...Recent ly in San Jose, California, some poor park attendan apparently neglected to shut off a drain and some valuable fish, called Koi, were killed...
...The reason: District officials had budgeted $192,000 for the radio system they had designed...
...Only Nicholas Von Hoffman, the columnist, wrote about the case’s significance...
...tory agency,” the report said...
...Now David Burnham of The New York Times reports that a study of 3,887 atomic workers who died between 1944 and 1972 shows that occupational radiation exposure well below present government standards rFsulted in increased qeath from cancer...
...Here’s another reason federal safety standards aren’t being strictly enforced...
...Ah, Competence: I1 . -1 Remember Da!d Thiemann’s article in our October issue telling how the government of the District of Columbia had made a mess of its opportunities to get a good emergency medical system...
...All this for only $23.63...
...Ronald Glasser pointed to evidence that any exposure to carcinogens could lead to cancer...
...Here are some of the headlines: Valuable Fish Left To Die Parks Chief Alters Story On Fish Kill Parasites Found In Koi Fish Koi Controversy Continues Heated Session On Koi Garza Blasts Parks Chief Zn Sesion On Koi Deaths I Fish Death Censure Stalled Breathe Easy, GSl8s In our September issue we complained that political reporters had failed to say anything about the significance of Elrod v. Burns, a Supreme Court decision that severely limited the patronage powers of a Democratic sheriff in Illinois and by implication that of federal, state, and local officials generally, including Jimmy Carter-a case that was bad, bad news for everyone who thinks we have to cut back on the civil service...
...bers based in Washington who in turn employ 45,000 people...
...The Vigilant ;overnment: I A recent report on Federal Regulation and Reform by the Oversight Subcommittee concluded that the central characteristic of the nine regulatory agencies studied was their devotion “to the special interests of regulated industry and lack of sufficient concern for underrepresented interests,” meaning the public...
...There are now 85,000 employets working in positions of possible exposure in the nuclear industy...
...Closer Touch “Trade association” is a polite term for lobby...
...And because each bat is made frorr sturdy, durable foam, there is little chance of causing damage...
...And the ridged plastic handle makes it easiei to grip with both hands, thus reducing the risk of sprains...
...The Vigilant Government: 11 We recently explained one reason why you regularly read about coal mine disasters: the coal companies don7 give safety training to new miners...
...Thus it was with interest that we recently learned from William H. Jones of The Washington Post that the American Society of [Trade) Association Executives has 1,500 mem...
...The ICC remains mired in confusion over its appropriate regulatory function” and the FPC has “displayed a conscious indifference to the public beyond compar...
...Failure to provide information could subject individual to be called to extended active duty when member might be eligible for assignment to the Standby Reserve...
...The Lucky Few The President’s Advisory Commission on Federal Pay recently recommen de d that federal executives making the to civil service salary o $39,600 be raised to $59,400...
...Jones notes that “many large groups have moved here in recent years from New York and Chicago, mainly to be in closer touch with federal government agencies...
...In every other specialty of medicine doctors need take an examination only once and may then call themselves ‘board certified’ for the rest of their lives, even if they never again read a medical journal or attend a scientific meeting...
...That sounds reasonable, you say, for a few top men, maybe even for a few hundred top men...
...Each bat is 6 inches in diameter and 24 incher long...
...Ah, Competence: 1 For all our readers whose anxiety level was increased by the tales of medical incompetence in our October issue, there is good news in this report from Boyce Rensberger 77ze New York Times: “Some 330 family doctors hunched over examination booklets in meeting rooms at the Essex House Hotel here yesterday, scratching their heads, rubbing their eyes and marking answers in the first mandatory test ever given physicians to see whether they have kept their medical knowledge up to date, “The 330 in New York were among l’,400 around the country who took the four-hour examination that is required by the American Board of Family Practice for a family doctor to renew his ‘board certification.’ “Six years ago the newly formed board became the first medical specialty group in the United States to require its members to periodically prove that they have maintained their competence...
...That is exactly what Henry Kissinger did in the :ase of the yayaguez investigation, and as far as we can letermine, with the exception of one article in Newsdqv, he Long Island newspaper, he got away with it completely...
...Oj $60 million in fines the Mine Enforcement and Safety Administration has levied against coal companies for safety violations, only $25 million has been collected...
...Forty-five thousand people marching shoulder to shoulder for a better America...
...Other triumphs of the District government that have come to light recently include these discoveries: 1) the District has spent $180 million to build 22 new schools oveI the last five years, during which time school enrollment has declined by 24,000 pupils, and 2) the operating deficit of the District’s bus systeq has risen from under $2 million per year in its last two years under private ownership to an average of $50 million in its last two years of public ownership...
...the K I M Company ir advertising a new product called: “Encounterbat-the satisfying and fun way to pounc out pent-up emotions...
...Well, there are over 20,000 federal officials who now make $39.600...
...The San Jose Mercuo responded with four-alarm Woodward and Bernstein cover age...
...If Only We’d Known This Before Vietnam Under the headline “Warning: Bottled-up Aggression is Dangerous to Your Health...
...But the next paragraph of Rensberger’s article reminds us that we still have reason to fear our physicians...
...Reporters Linked To Koi Scandal We have from time to time complained that the investigative reporting craze is getting out of hand...
...ison with any other regula...
...an effective and safe means of releasing aggres sive feelings...
...We found no other story until finally, on November 17, the Times put it on page one...
...The story continues to be depressing-a couple of weeks ago it was revealed that they’ll have to go back to the drawing boards again...
...Tidbits and Outrages . . . But Don’t Let Us Pressure You ’Tlze National Observer reports that the Air Force Reserve has a form titled “Privacy Act Statement,” which reads in part: “Information is voluntary...
...The Front Lines You may recall that in our October issue, Dr...
Vol. 8 • December 1976 • No. 10