Memo of the Month
Memo of the Month MEMOR4NDWM FOR: FEA Senior Staff SUBJECT: Executive Position T i t l e s I n t h e p a s t few weeks the nunber of t i t l e s available t o important FEA personnel has been d...
...It is hcied t h a t a l l desirous of t i t l e s w i l l be s a t i s f i e d with those l i s t e d above...
...I n the i n t e r e s t of maintaining s t a f f morale, it has been decided to make the remaining t i t l e s available on a limited b a s i s f o r the next t w o weeks...
...Tine use of informal titles, such as Executive or Special A s s i s t a n t , w i l l remain f l e x i b l e as i n the past...
...A niernorandum describing t i t l e s available to t h e Office of General Counsel, Office of Congressional A f f a i r s , Office o f Communications and Public Affairs, Office oE Private Grievances and Redress, and Office of Intergovernmental and S?ecial Programs w i l l b e c i r c u l a t e d within the next t w o weeks...
...These persons, of course, are free to use the more formal title, Deputy Associate Assistant Administrator...
...Although other t i t l e . . are available, such as Deputy Associate ~ e p ~ x At yd mini s t rator redundancy...
...good form d i c t a t e s avoidance of such Assistant Administrator Managemen...
...Those t i t l e s currently i n use are: 1. Administrator 2. Deputy Administrator 3. Assistant Adiiinistrator 4. Deputy Assistant Administrator 5. Associate Deputy Administrator 6. Associate Assistant Administrator 7. Deputy Associate Assistant Administrator * Those t i t l e s available for selection during t h e next two weeks are: 1. Associate Administrator 2. Deputy Associate Administrator 3. Assistant Associate Administrator 4. Deputy Assistant Associate Administrator 5. Assistant Deputy Associate Administrator 6. Assistant Deputy Administrator 7. Assistant Associate Deputy Administrator 8. Associate Assistant Dnputy Administrator 9. Associate Deputy Assistant Administrator * Some offices have opted t o c a l l t h e i r Deputy Associate Assistant Administrators Office Directors...
...It is a l s o understood t h a t ON3 w i l l shortly place a freeze on the p r o l i f e r a t i o n of FEA titles...
...Memo of the Month MEMOR4NDWM FOR: FEA Senior Staff SUBJECT: Executive Position T i t l e s I n t h e p a s t few weeks the nunber of t i t l e s available t o important FEA personnel has been d r a s t i c a l l y reduced...
...Written requests and j u s t i f i c a t i o n s for the remining t i t l e s should be f i l e d with the Deputy Associate Assistant Administrator for Management Nomenclature, telephone number, 961-8534...
...and Administration...
Vol. 7 • September 1975 • No. 7