Memo of the Month
Memo of the Month Uriiied States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SFRVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240 IN PWLY IEPLn To: F34-AC Memorandum To: Direcrurate From: Associate Director,...
...When the regions e s t a b l i s h p r i o r i t i e s for t h e i r combined "carryover plus new program" f o r FY 1976, it w i l l be t h e i r prerogative t o make adjustments within the t o t a l funding t o be a v a i l a b l e from both FY 1975 and 1976 within WE...
...As in t h e p a s t , durjng the course of the f i s c a l year, WAS0 may approve adjustments between primary work elements by covering t h i s from WAS0 reserves or by trade-offs between regions...
...In estimating carryover y r o j c c t s funded from "no-year'' appropriations, DSC w i l l , i n e f f e c t , show a d i s t r i b u t i o n of its a n t i c i p a t e d Juno 30 unobligated balance by PWE within region t o p r o j e c t s needing t o be completed i n FY 1976...
...20240 IN PWLY IEPLn To: F34-AC Memorandum To: Direcrurate From: Associate Director, Administratton Subject: Professional Services Carryover P r o j e c t s , FY 1975 t o FY 1976 We understand t h a t DSC is managing its funding by PWE within the t o t a l program for a given region to make adjustments between approved p r o j e c t s . PC/IP's are s t i l l required t o add, drop or defer a projecl...
Vol. 7 • June 1975 • No. 4