Memo of the Month
Memo of the Month PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATIONS [Determination of August 5, 1975] Eligibility of Fiji To Purchase Dsfenss Articles and Defense Swviees Under the Foreign Mljliiary Sales Acf, as...
...Memo of the Month PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATIONS [Determination of August 5, 1975] Eligibility of Fiji To Purchase Dsfenss Articles and Defense Swviees Under the Foreign Mljliiary Sales Acf, as Amended [Presidential Determination No...
...Pursuant to the authority vested in me by Sectim 3(a) ( I ) of the Foreign Military Sales Act, as amended, I hereby find that the sale of defense articles and defense services to the Government of Fiji will strengthen the security of the United States and promote world p c c . You are directed on my behalf to report this finding to CongrtEs...
...76-11 Memorandum for the Secretary of State THE wH?'k?E HOUSE, Washington, Bug& 5, 1975...
...FR Doc.75-22681 Filed 8-22-75;2:53 pm...
...75-2 Of October 29, 1974 (39 FR 39863) , and No...
...73-10 of January 2,1973 (38 FR 7211), as amended by Presidential Detennination~ N O.7 3-12 Of April 26,1973 (38 FR 12799), NO.7 4-9 Of &CWber 13, 1973 (39 FR 3537), NO...
...This finding, which amends Presidential Determination No...
...75-2 1 of May 20,1975 (40 FR 24889) , shall be pub Lhed in the FEDERALR EGISTER...
Vol. 7 • February 1976 • No. 12