Political Book Notes
Political Book Notes Public affairs books to be published in January The Accountability of Power: Toward a Responsible Presidency. Senator Walter F. Mondale. McKay, $12.50. Beyond Culture:...
...For instance, Valenti disputes George Reedy’s imperial-court picture of a White House rampant with courtierism but himself provides convincing evidence of Reedy’s accuracy...
...This is a solidly researched, consistently leftist critique of the reaction of American lawyers to social change...
...Indian-White Relations: A Persistent Paradox...
...Basic, $12.95...
...Jonathan Schell...
...We need one like him in every jurisdiction much more than we need billions of dollars from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration...
...Do books really have to be this compendious...
...Anchor, $7.95...
...speak before a joint session of the Nevada legislature in Carson City...
...In fact it’s not very good at all, with little original material and a lot of the self-righteousness that seems to be the author’s way of atoning for his service in the Nixon Administration...
...No one was called to Moyers’s domain so that the conquest was not flaunted to others on the staff who had understood the takeover was merely temporay...
...Food Additives and Federal Policy: The Mirage of Safety...
...Scribners, $8.95...
...John L. Hulteng...
...Doubleday, $7.95...
...The rest of it is not that good, But it does abound in fascinating ironies...
...present the Davis Cup in Charlotte, North Carolina, to the American tennis team and a special trophy to a soldier, Stan Smith, who won the final match for the United States...
...Ruth Simpson...
...Viking, $12.50...
...As a former editor, Kluger must have many times had occasion to ponder the question...
...John T. Norman, Jr...
...I. William Zartman, ed...
...For several weeks, nothing more was heard...
...The book is redeemed by an extremely valuable account of the crucial White House meetings of July 21, 22, and 27, 1965, that led to the major escalation decision of the Vietnam war...
...Nice place to do this important presidential speech...
...Edward T. Hall...
...Otis L. Graham, Jr...
...Weybright & Talley, $15...
...On Writing Well: An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction...
...Jacques Bkgier...
...The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism...
...Morrow, $6.95...
...The Messenger’s Motives: Ethical Problems of the News Media...
...More room to spread papers, was Moyers’s reasoning...
...R. R. Bowker, $42.50...
...George Ball and Mike Mansfield cast the only negative votes and emerge as the heroes of the story...
...present the outstanding football player award in the Liberty Bowl in Memphis to Joe Ferguson, subsequently quarterback with the Buffalo Bills...
...Oxford, $13.95...
...Bobbs-Merrill, $12.95...
...The book is worth buying for the war chapter...
...The hero is the prosecutor, Richard Sprague, who has the kind of zeal for justice one usually encounters only in novels, movies, and television...
...Robert Kaiser...
...Ronald Radosh, ed...
...Jean Curtis...
...The villain is McNamara, who emerges as the primary moving force for escalation...
...Clark Mollenhoff...
...Daniel Bell...
...Persons and Masks of the Law...
...He inadequately perceives the extent to which lawyers themselves are part of the problem-not just their social attitudes but the fact that they are lawyers-and therefore doesn’t perceive the danger of solutions that would require more lawyers...
...Atheneum, $12.95...
...Jerold S. Auerbacf...
...The author is one of the great investigative reporters of the current era, but this book is not great...
...Norton, $9.95...
...Carl Solberg...
...Nightmare: The Underside of the Nixon Years...
...A Man Named Tony...
...The author will never receive a prize for graceful prose, but he has a gift for narrative that makes this story of the solution of the Yablonski murders an exciting book...
...deliver a Veterans’ Day address in the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City...
...address a panel session of the American Bar Association on military law in St...
...His solution: public regulation of the legal profession and legal services for all, to be financed by federal subsidies and an excess profits tax on corporate law firms...
...Senator Ted Kennedy: The Career Behind the Image...
...William Zinsser...
...Beyond Culture: Into the Cultural Unconscious...
...More fascinating than the anecdote itself is the fact that Valenti’s supposed immunity to courtierism did not keep him from remembering for eleven years who got the office with the john...
...Game Plan for Disaster...
...Prentice-Hall, $8.95/$4.95...
...Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $10...
...John Barnes...
...from this book was published in the November issue of The Washington Monrhly...
...Knopf, $15.95...
...Schocken, $8.95...
...J. Anthony Lukas...
...But he also makes some compelling points, e.g., that the mining of Haiphong Harbor did not produce the disastrous results those of us against the war had predicted, that the hawks who always favored quick, hard action against North Vietnam were probably righter than those whp supported the Johnson-McNamaraBundy graduated response, which could have kept the war going forever...
...Press, $15...
...He finds it grossly inadequate,of course...
...The Peter Plan: A Proposal for Survival...
...It’s quiet in there, Moyers said matter-of-factly, as if the Sorensen office was of no real consequence, only a refuge from the tempo and bustle of the West Wing...
...A Soldier Reports...
...Take the story about Ted Sorensen’s office: “When Ted Sorensen resigned in early 1964, his spacious office became vacant...
...Paul Dickson...
...A Very Human Pyesident...
...Norton, $9.95...
...Indiana Univ...
...He apparently decided to include every known fact about the case in this dauntingly enormous tome...
...participate with more than 30,000 others in honoring Vietnam veterans in LOS Angeles where I was privileged to announce that a new US0 building’was to be named for Bob Hope...
...A day later, Moyers’s secretary, Carole Welch, moved in typewriter, bag, and baggage...
...Working Mothers...
...Simple Justice, Richard Kluger...
...Gareth Porter...
...The 5% Solution: How to Bargain Successfully with Hijackers, Strikers, Bosses, Oil Magnates, Arabs, Russians, and Other Worthy Co-opponents...
...Viking, $12.50...
...Oxford, $10...
...Laurence J. Peter...
...A day after that, Hayes Redmon, Moyers’s assistant, arrived to take up residence...
...The S oiled Child of the Western World...
...Jack Valenti...
...Because whomever occupied this office would be vaulted by eminent domain to the top of the presidential aide list, and because LBJ instinctively realized this, he ordered the office remain vacant...
...Secret Armies: The Growth of Comorate and Industrial Espionage...
...Stuart Brown...
...But day by day, the Moyers colonization continued, until, like the Saxons, the staff woke up one day and found the Normans had moved into the palace...
...Doubleday, $12.95...
...The former chief of staff and commander of American forces in Vietnam can come across as downright mindless, as in this description of his activities during the fall after his return from Vietnam: “It was my pleasure to address the national conventions of all major veterans’ organizations in various cities...
...The president nodded absently...
...Scribners, $8.95...
...Kluger, formerly an editor at both Simon & Schuster and Atheneum, spent seven years working on this book about the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka school integration decision...
...Oil Power...
...The president frowned, and possibly was about to haul Moyers down, but Bill then suggested he wanted to call several meetings of key cabinet people and other experts...
...Eisenhower’s request, present to the academy the Presidept’s class ring, which, for fear of losing it, I wore from Washington to the ceremonies...
...Foreign Affairs Bibliography 1962-1972...
...Jane F. Smith, Robert M. Kvasnicka, eds...
...General William C. Westmoreland...
...The0 Lippman, Jr...
...The Future of the Workplace: The Coming Revolution in Jobs...
...Unfortunately, Westy never realizes that the people who were rightest were the ones who always said we should pull out now...
...From the Closet to the Courts: The Lesbian Transition...
...Norton, $8.95...
...Russia: The Power and the People...
...Norton, $9.95...
...The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class...
...But to Bill Moyers, capture of the Sorensen office “. became essential, and he stalked his prey with all the wily cunning of Henry V at Agincourt...
...Une ual Justice: Lawyers and Social Chan e in 8odern America...
...Howard Univ...
...It was a corner room with one absolutely priceless and attractive asset: it had a john, the only staff office so equipped in the West Wing...
...breakfast on St...
...The speech was duly completed, and then Moyers, again with a query offered so negligently, solicited the president’s permission to sit in the Sorensen office to lay out some crucial domestic legislative programs...
...Harper & Row, $6.50...
...The New Cuba: Paradoxes and Potentials...
...No place to put them, except in the Sorensen office, said Moyers, but, of course, we could hold the meeting in the White House Mess, knowing full well the mess would be too open, too easily a site for leaks...
...Press, $15...
...Next to them in expressing doubt was, ironically, Johnson himself, who clearly saw all the dahgers of escalation but was unable to free himself from the fear that the United States-and he-would appear to be paper tigers if we pulled out...
...Beatrice Trum Hunter...
...participate in laying the cornerstone of Eisenhower Hall, a new cadet activities building at West Point, and at Mrs...
...How to Cut Your Taxes...
...One day, when Moyers and I were closeted with LBJ, Moyers asked, innocently, casually, almost a throwaway line, if he could sit in the Sorensen office for a few days while he completed work on a presidential speech...
...A predictably sympathetic portrait of Lyndon Johnson by one of his former assistants...
...Dean MacCannell...
...John Costello, TerQ Hughes...
...The Concorde Conspiracy...
...This large room was the lair of the appointments secretary, a chore I was assuming more and more, though at that particular time I sat in a smallish office next to the appointments secretary room...
...Patrick’s Day with men I have long admired, the New York Police Department...
...The Time of Illusion...
...Moyers sat in a shared office with Ken O’Donnell, JFKs chief political agent, next door to the Oval Office...
...It’s only temporary, shrugged Moyers...
...Toward a Planned Society...
...The president nodded hesitantly...
...Mason/Charter, $12.50...
...The sheer size of this opus no doubt assures it a place on library shelves, where, by the same token, it is in danger of reposing undisturbed...
...A Peace Denied: The United States, Vietnam, and the Paris Agreement...
Vol. 7 • January 1976 • No. 11