Memo of the Month DEPARTMENT OF THi AliMY HEAOOUARTERS. PICATlNNY ARSENAL DOVER. NEW JERSEI 07101 . . . SARPA-CP 25 Jan 7b Mr. Jay A. Berger LOO Center Grove Rd/ I . Apt 8-111, Randolph,...

...and cost of the pens...
...hve Awards Administrator This suggestion is not recanmended for adoption in sccordsnce with WASHINGTON...
...AlthouEh yqur suagestion was not given favorable consideration, the interest and i n i t i a t i v e you displayed i n submitting it are appreciated...
...are in contact with industry and have.initiated a testing project with, ' the intent of finding ways of improving the quality of the pens and reducing cost...
...Alth?l;ih the suqqcstion 110s nct .recommended for adoption, we.oppredate'the (ime and thought ' ' *iLen.trozl OGffice Szuqq*estiqan C-wr dinator Enclosures Our File No., OA 74 - 127 Suggestion No: OA 74-127 Date Referred: 10/31/73 ' EVALUATION TIic sur;pesf:er alleges that the metal plunger and metal band are not nccded and should be eliminated thereby saving material and money...
...blarie Lee ,(IDA) A d j a t s n t G e n e r a l C e n t e r ' , . Department of t h e Anmy Room -159, F o r r e s t a l Bldg: , . . . , I , . . . . . . I . , I . . . , . . . , , , ATTN: .DAAG-ASO-P .' ' , . . , . . I . . , , ' , . . , . ' Washington,DC 20314 . . , . . We are ret,yrninq an employee suqqcs:ion which <vas forkarded to General SerGices Administration' , ' for evaluation...
...Ideas received through the Anny Suggestion Plan have resulted i n benefits of many millions of dollars to the government, improvement ipmorale and climbation of numerous safety hazards...
...LO314 , . . SUBJECT: Suggestion, Removal df Silver Tip on Retractable Ball-Point Pens, H-34-74 . . . . , . , I . . , ' . . . . . . Cmander , . Pic...
...1 :!.-T7 Oficc if Admiriirfrotion , , Wnrhinzfon, D.C., 20405 I '' . . . .. , , I , , , , . . . . : ., HCPLV 50 A ~ LoIs : tjpoii ' I . . . , , . . . . . " . , . . .. . . .;e,ECT: !:,,v,c:'llon No...
...3h-7h Subject: Removal of silver t i p on Retractable Pall-Point Pens vhich was referred to primary interested agencies for evaluation, was not icconmended for adoption...
...The metal parts are intended to' improve the Revision "C" of subject . From the response, it,appears, . . . . W,e ' ' ', ;'' ; , Adoption of this suggestion is not recommended...
...111- suw~cstor has qiven this suggestion...
...l h c b.tI1 p o i n t pcnn are rlesjgped to be serviccable during the liia of scvvral refills...
...After further study...
...The suyqesiion has been eyoluated and hos.not been recorrficnded for'arlopiion...
...Jay A. Berger LOO Center Grove Rd/ I . Apt 8-111, Randolph, NJ 07801 kar Ur...
...You flre urged to continue your participation in the Let your ideas be for konomy - Safety - Progress...
...Reasons far t h i s decision by the evaluator(s) %'pation Plan...
...spocific.ation was developed and is sued after extensive 'consultatibn with industry and Federal agencies...
...General: . . . . . . , . , . ' 1 . 'A,TTN: SARPA-IS -SS-Sm . . . , , . , , , , . ' Service Administration comments are attached...
...Futurey,hanges c-iinot be attributed to this or previous suggestions...
...that will decrease the cost of the pens, pro-vided these changes will not impair the quality and aesthetic value of the pens...
...H-34 -74 1 " ' ' , . .. ' , . .. .. . FITS...
...This o:fice is aware of the apparent savings that could be realized by redesiF;ninq and changing some of the r,equirements of the pens...
...that thc: majority of the users are now satisfied with the design, quality, acsthcl.ic: value...
...pcrforinanrc, scrviccahility and aesthetic value of thc .pens...
...Ekrger: Your %wstion No...
...t inny Arsena 1 Dover, ~ e wJe rsey 07801 ' ' Subject suggestion is 'returned not recamaended"for adoption...
...are given in the attached comments...
...Sincerely yours, 1 Incl . *valuation jar...
...Psior to revision of GG-B-0060C...
...the Government received'numerous Complaint: about thc quality of the pens...
...I . . . . . . . FOR THE CTCYINDER: 1 Incl GENE, RAUNL ~STEERDSV TLACTEESS AOFD MAMINERISICTAR AT'I O,N . ' I1 ' ' , : . , . . oArc 1...
...The reosovs me . ' , . . , . , . . .. . . . : . . , . qiven in the cnclosed evaluation...
...we will implement those changes...

Vol. 6 • March 1974 • No. 1

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.