POLITICAL BOOK NOTES Public affairs books to be published in October American Civilifation. Daniel J. Boorstin. McGraw-Hill, $29.95. American Military Commitments Abroad. Roland A. Paul....
...One island has turned into Las Vegas in the Caribbean, with cruise ships vomiting rum-lusting tourists ashore...
...W. W. Rostow...
...Michael Gukin...
...William H. Chafe...
...Arlington House, $8.95...
...Grossman, $6.95...
...Wrlington House, $9.95...
...Edward Wenk...
...D. T. Armentano...
...Dutton, $9.75...
...Coming up against the dilemma of how the U. S. should handle a racist regime, Hoagland sounds just like Edwin Lansdale did in Southeast Asia in 1961...
...Elizabeth Flexner...
...Old stories about the environment, thrown together with sloppiness...
...Three Faces of Revolution: Communism in the 1970s...
...400 Miles From Harlem: Courts, Crime, and Correction...
...Americans Are Alone in the World...
...Allan R. Talbot...
...A plug for the maligned “buck smeller” of genuinely free enterprise...
...James kdgeway...
...Richard Parker...
...Putnam, $12.95...
...Roll0 May...
...Arlington House, $7.95...
...Black Political Parties...
...The Three Hundred Year War...
...Why should Southern Africa be different from the rest of the world...
...Simon & Schuster, $6.95...
...An Asterisk to the History of a Hopeful Year, 1962-63...
...Russell G. Oswald...
...Black Mountain: An Exploration in Community...
...It also created new ones, as an uprising in South Africa would do...
...Grossman, $6.95...
...Alfred Steinberg...
...American Heritage/McGrawHill, $17.95...
...Ramparts/Nash, $6.95, $2.95...
...Damnin the West: Ralph Nader’s Study Group keport on the Bureau of Reclamation...
...Rusk usually concentrates on the amputeees and war victims he has repaired, he occasionally wonders about the systems that cause the injuries and distribute the care...
...Jack Woddis...
...Jerome G. Rose...
...The Harrisbur Seven and the New Catholic Left...
...Basil Collier...
...John Henry Cutler...
...American Heritage/McGraw-Hill, $15...
...200,000,000 Guinea Pigs...
...The rise and fall of six old-politics bosses in the 1920s and 30s...
...James L. Buckley, Paul C. Warnke...
...Eugene Ionesco...
...What you’ve been waiting for...
...The solution is to reverse Adam Smith’s efficient division of labor and give everypne a fuller chunk of work to do...
...Max Wylie...
...Fifty Years of Forei n Affairs...
...George Sternlieb, Bernard P.Kdik...
...As advertised, a self-serving account of the Attica slaughter by the warden who presided over it...
...The High Priests of Waste...
...Ronald Gross, Paul Osterman, eds...
...William 0. Douglas...
...Tells why it is no coincidence that Congressman DuPont comes from Delaware...
...Dutton, $9.75, $3.95...
...Here is Hoagland’s paean to idealistic bloodshed: We could begin our support immediately, however, by dropping the present policy assertion that violence will not solve the problems of Southern Africa...
...Frankfurt Institute for Social Research...
...J. D. Bales, ed...
...Dutton, $7.95...
...William 8’Rourke...
...Grossman, $7.95...
...Mary Wollstonecraft...
...A belated sequel to 100,000,000 Guinea Pigs, written in 1933, which recounted enough food horror stories to help start the FDA...
...Schenckman, $8.95, $3.95...
...The Ecolo of Welfare...
...Vaginal Politics...
...The Rape of the American Virgins...
...Richard S. Lewis...
...Praeger, $6.95...
...Ed Brooke: Bio aphy of a Senator...
...Herbert Parmet...
...this book bears the mark of its publisher...
...Quadrangle, $6.95...
...Just the right amount of backgroundon life as a Jesuit, on Hoover’s FBI, on the message carrier who turned state’s evidence -added along the way...
...Eye in the Last Storm: A Reporter’s Journal of One Year in Southeast Asia...
...James Phelan, Robert Pozen...
...Grossman, $7.95...
...Dutton, $7.95...
...Sister Mary Roger Thibodeaux...
...Like all good exposes, this look at the Virgin Islands tells about more than its subject...
...McGraw-Hdl, $8.95...
...The Myths of Antitrust, Economic Theory and Legal Cases...
...Capitol Hig Press/ Nash, $8.95...
...Dutton, $12.95...
...Dutton, $8...
...Where Have All the Robots Gone...
...The Big Buck and the New Business Breed...
...Weybright & Talley/McKay, $10...
...Oxford, $7.50...
...Harvard, $15, $3.95...
...Landlords and Tenants: A Guide to the Residential Rental Relationship...
...Violence in each of these cases did solve problems...
...E. A. Butler...
...Robert Lee Grant Lippincott, $7.50, $2.95...
...The Bosses...
...Faith in the Twentieth Century: Hope and Survival...
...South Africa: Civilizations in Conflict...
...Winston, $7.95...
...The Black Dilemma...
...another has a grimy factory amid the vines...
...Harry S. Broudy...
...Martin Duberman...
...The Ten-Second Jailbreak...
...Saturated with detail...
...Luigi Barzini...
...Warren Hinckle, William Turner, Eliot Asinof...
...Sincerity and Authenticity: Six Lectures...
...Waldemar Nielsen...
...The For otten American...
...Fitzgerald’s descriptions of the Minuteman system, the F-1 1 1, and others make one wonder why the C-SA was so notorious...
...Edward Faure...
...Politics of the Ocean...
...Macmillan, $6.95...
...The Nuclear-Power Rebellion: Citizens vs...
...Philip Nobile, JoXn Deedy...
...Columbia, $10.95...
...Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, $7.95...
...The Money Lords...
...Informative not only about health, but about the health of the economy and its claim on government attention...
...Michael Hudson...
...The preface sets the tone: “The awakening-most succinctly described by the 1966 transition in terminology from ‘scientific oceanography’ to ‘marine science affairs’-did not occur easily, spontaneously, or even visibly...
...Oxford, $fO...
...Brother Richard X Clark...
...Economic Philoso hy of the Twentieth Century...
...McGraw-Hill, $6.95...
...John R. Price, Frank F. Furstenberg, Russell B. Roth...
...The0 granyi-Unger...
...Capitol Hill PressINash, $7.95...
...Law, Politics, and Birth Control...
...Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934...
...A Mingled Yarn: Chronicle of a Troubled Family...
...Norman Cousins...
...National Health Insurance...
...Norton, $7.95...
...Beacon Press, $9.95...
...Macmillan, $6.95...
...Free Press, $6.95...
...James Willweth...
...Viking, $10, Great Stories of American Businessmen...
...Wilhelm Reich, Lee Baxandall, eds...
...The only thing that keeps this from being an engrossing story of what’s gone mong with work are the lumps of indigestible sociologese (“for non-authoritarian workers, alienation is twice as great among workers in low-task levels...
...Simon & Schuster, $8.95...
...Edward O’Neill...
...Gloria Lentz...
...J. Edgar Hoover Speaks Concernin Communism...
...Arlington House, $11.95...
...The Brothers of Attica...
...What Walt’s been doing these last three years...
...Joseph P. Fried...
...An accountant in wonderland...
...The Improbable Triumvirate-Kennedy, Khmschev, and Pope John...
...Capital, Inflation, and the Multi-Nationals...
...HoF Rinehart & Winston, $7.95...
...Editors of American Heritage...
...The Atomic Establishment...
...A City on the River...
...Doubleday, $7.95...
...A thorough enough chronicle of the Eisenhower years, but not proof for the author’s claim that Ike was a closet activist...
...Grove Press, $1.95 The Prison: Voices From the Inside...
...Random House, $8.95, $2.45...
...A dull, padded beginning tells too much about Henry Hudson and the Erie Canal, but the book then gains steam and covers the legal, scientific, and social questions...
...W. Norman Brown...
...Also suffers from the increasingly rare “affluent society myopia”: Levinson assumes that “society” means the rich Western nations, and that an unlimited rise in production is the answer to most ills...
...American Enterprise Institute, $5.75...
...Richard N. Ellis, ed...
...Jim Hoagland...
...The Company State: Ralph Nader’s Study Group Report on Delaware...
...Library Press/Nash, $5:95...
...Joseph A. O’Brien, Mary Page...
...What religion was to Dulles, “national interest” is to Rostow...
...Although Dr...
...Rutgers, $12.50...
...Speeches supporting three health plansNixon’s, Kennedy’s, and the AMA’s...
...Cousins as go-between during the Cuban missile crisis and the test ban treaty talks...
...Super Imperialism: The Economic Strate of American Empire...
...Simon & Schuster, $7.95...
...Harold Saltzman...
...From the grave...
...Free Press, $7.95...
...Bofbs-Merrill, $12...
...Roderick MacLeish...
...The Mutual Fund Trap...
...The Real World of the Public Schools...
...The Heart of the Battle...
...It’s supposed to be about the CIA, but most of the good stuff is about the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), where the author worked...
...The battle over the Storm King power plant-the first time the environment showed up in court...
...Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, $8.95...
...Race War in Hi School: The Ten-Year School in Brooklyn...
...David Ehrenfeld...
...The American Woman: Her Chan ‘ng Social, Economic, and Political Roles, f920-1970...
...The “abstractly formulated and thus antithetical theories” of both Eastern and Western economics come out second best to “economic and social facts...
...Turning it into a them-orus argument, Maddox says we must choose people over beasts...
...Thomas Y. Crowell, $6.95...
...Narcissistic, irritating monologue by one of Nixon’s black appointees...
...Viking, $8.95...
...The New Professionals...
...A book which does not live up to its ambitious goal-tying the modern economic woes of inflation, unemployment, wasted resources, and concentration into one logical package...
...Caution-This Job May Kill You: Ralph Nader’s Study Grou Report on Occupational Health and Saity...
...Fred Schwartz...
...The growth in the number of guinea pigs has not benefited the newer version, and its frazzled, used-up stories will not help reform the disappointing agency that the earlier book helped create...
...a third is still lush, but subject to more primitive exploitation by the Rockefellers and local rich...
...Regnery, $7.50...
...We have not been able to formulate a concept of our own interests and policies based upon them which permitted us to avoid costly crises...
...he United §tates and India, Paltistan, and Bangladesli...
...Hamilton Fish Armstrong, ed...
...Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, $8.95...
...New World, $10, $3.65...
...The Last Play: The Struggle to Mono olize the World’s Ener Resources...
...Matthew Josephson...
...New Theories of Revolution...
...Dae H. Chang, Warren B. Armstrong, eds...
...Charles Levison...
...Lionel Trilling, Harvard, $6.95...
...Random House, $5.95...
...The “ifs” of nuclear deterrence against the “probablies” of domestic recovery, in a race for the money...
...Patrick McGarvey...
...Harper & Row, $6.95...
...Doubleday, $10...
...H. Peter Metzger...
...Housing Crisis USA...
...Worker Dissatisfaction in the ’70s...
...John Maddox...
...University of Nebraska, $6.95, $2.95...
...Power and Innocence: A Search for the Source of Violence...
...The Diffusion of Power: An Essay in Recent History...
...William Proxmire...
...Holt, Rinehart &Winston, $6.95...
...Let the Glory Out...
...John L. Springer...
...Eisenhower and the American Crusades...
...Macmillan, $9.95...
...The moral is familiar: boring work rots the soul...
...Especially sharp in probing the bureaucratic mind...
...Ellen Frankfort...
...blraeger, $12.50...
...If violence does not solve problems, thcre should have been no American revolution, no point in going to war against Hitler, no birth of Bangladesh, and why are we in Vietnam...
...Random HouselReader’s Digest, $7.95...
...Richard L. Berkman, W. Kip Viscusi...
...CIA: The Myth and the Madness...
...Northern Illinois University, $12.50...
...Prentice-Hall, $6.95, $3.95...
...Aspects of Sociology...
...A Black Nun Looks at Black Power...
...Editors of American Heritage and Business Week...
...Random House, $7.95...
...Norton, $5.95...
...C. Thomas Dienes...
...From an intelligent journalist, a short-sighted, misinformed blast at the ecologists...
...The FBI and the Berrigans...
...Am erica n Enterprise Institute, $2 .OO...
...John Herbers...
...Present Past Past Present: A Personal Memoir...
...John G. Fuller...
...Saturday Review Press, $6.95...
...A thorough, quite well-written account of the Kissinger kidnap plot...
...David Horowitz...
...John Foster Dulles: A Statesman and His Times...
...The Corn lete Ecology Fact Book...
...Raping Our Children: The Sex Education Scandal...
...Humanizing, just-folks portraits of the three, the best showing Khruschev as dinner host...
...Ivan Doig, Carol Doig...
...The Western American Indian: Case Studies in Tribal History...
...Macmillan, $12.95...
...Attica-My Story...
...POLITICAL BOOK NOTES Public affairs books to be published in October American Civilifation...
...Albert Gore...
...Unforgettable Experiences of a specialist in medical rehabilitation...
...Liveright, $7.95...
...Hanes Walton, Jr...
...Allen and Unwin, Ltd...
...Strategic Sufficiency: Fact or Fiction...
...Also an excellent chapter on migrant workers from “down island”-the rootless people who are this century’s slaves...
...Power Along the Hudson...
...Thick, poli-sci study of national and international policies for marine exploration...
...Norton, $8.95...
...The Big Foundations...
...The Myth of the Middle Class: Notes On Affluence and Equality...
...A. Ernest Fitzgerald...
...Forrest C. Pogue...
...Macmillan, $14.95...
...Margaret Mead...
...What’s wrong with the country might not be free enterprise rampant, but the smug stagnation of the giant corporations...
...Frank E. Armbruster...
...Viking, $7.95...
...Conservin Life on Earth...
...Jack Nelson, Ronald J. Ostrow...
...The Fate of Midas and Other Essays...
...young workers won’t put up with it...
...Putnam, $8.95...
...Covers Fanon, Debray, and Marcuse, and finally condemns them all for abandoning the working class...
...An dherwise excellent histoiy of Southern Africa ends with a disturbing reminder that outside of Vietnam, the lessons of Vietnam are losteven to intelligent journalist-reformers like Hoagland...
...Houghton, Mifflin...
...Columbia, $12.95...
...Postwar history, crammed into an enormous volume and worked into a thesis of “planned” liquidation of the American empire...
...Praeger, $7.95...
...The Doomsday Syndrome...
...Noticing that a smaller-hearted trio now rules, Cousins concludes that the UN should take over...
...News: A Consumer’s Guide...
...Billions of Dollars and No Sense: America’s Misplaced Priorities...
...Still useful for its almanac-like collection of editorials, letters, documents...
...unions have paid too little attention to anything but pay...
...A World to Care For: The Autobiography of Howard A. Rusk, M. D. Howard A. Rusk...
...Yale, $7.95...
...The Historv of American Business and Industry...
...George C. Marshall: Organizer of Victory 1943-1945...
...Sheed & Ward, $6.95, $2.45...
...University of Illinois, $15...
...Beulah Parker...
...Harold L. Sheppard and Neal Q. Herrick...
...University of Washington, $14.95...
...White Papers of an Outra ed Conservative...
...the Atomic Industrial Establishment...
...The Lion and the Eagle...
...John Day, $5.95, $1.95...
Vol. 4 • October 1972 • No. 8