MEMO of the Month

MEMO of the Month THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ALBANY, NEW YORK 12224 January 4, 1971 TO : All Professional Staff FROM: Gerald L. Freeborne, Office...

...If you have comments, suggestions or recommendations to make concerning the application of technology to improving learning, please forward your memoranda and any available appropriate resource material directly to: Roger W. Ming, Executive Secretary ITE Task Force Committee Room 3 10, Main Building I Phone: 4-4345 Please do so by January 15, 1971 and earlie...
...In contrast with the PAR and Position Papers which have been developed in the past, the ITE Task Force Committee has the enormous task of developing a De artment-wide attack on the application of computer and non-computer tech:ology to the improvement of learning...
...See request within the box at end of this memo Established over a year ago, the ITE Task Force Committee has recently been charged by The Instructional Technology Subcommittee of the ESC Planning Council with the responsibility for the preparation of the Departmentwide Program Analysis and Review (PAR) Paper and the Position Paper (PP) on the application of technology to the improvement of learning...
...Under the tight time constraints of producing the draft of the papers by the end of January, it will be necessary to have any additional inputs from other units of the Department by no later than January 15, and earlier if possible...
...The Position Papers are to be the policy declaration statements of the Board of Regents derived from PAR papers...
...During the entire month of January 1971, the writing team will be spending its full time in developing the PAR and Position Papers...
...It is anticipated that these PAR papers will provide a rational basis for establishing valid and effective criteria for allocating the resources of the Department to meeting these needs in an appropriate, logical priority order...
...The whole process is designed to provide an effective integrated package of program development, policy declaration and budgetary implementation...
...At this time, however, the Committee wants to make sure that no appropriate input from any other unit of the Department is overlooked...
...Since many units of the Department have a concern in the application of technology area, the ITE Task Force Committee has been systematically interviewing personnel from various units of the Department judged to have a concern and/or expertise in the technology area...
...MEMO of the Month THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ALBANY, NEW YORK 12224 January 4, 1971 TO : All Professional Staff FROM: Gerald L. Freeborne, Office of Long Range Planning SUBJECT: Invitation for Inputs N.B...
...The Committee is also concerned that its Writing Team receive these inputs in early January 1971...
...PAR papers in general are to be the embodiment of guidelines and plans of the Department for meeting emerging statewide educational needs...
...The purpose of the interviews has been to assess the current efforts of the various units of the Department in this area so that the ITE Task Force Committee would have the information it needs in order to prepare the PAR and Position Papers...

Vol. 4 • September 1972 • No. 7

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