POLITICAL BOOK NOTES Public affairs books to be published in July. American-East Asian Relations: A Surve . Harvard, $15. These essays by 18 scholars offer both orthodox and revisionist...

...These essays by 18 scholars offer both orthodox and revisionist points of view...
...wallow Press, $7.95...
...Wodd Po ulation Policies: An Annotated BibliograpIy...
...Appendices and annotated bibliography are helpful additions...
...A dry consideration of the possibility of implementing an effective, flexible, international security system without totally dismantling our present one...
...Viking, $7.95...
...G. William Domhoff...
...Pa ers on the War...
...Billy Graham’s friendship is not taken as a sure sign of divine guidance...
...The Running of Richard Nixon...
...The Nixon Theology...
...This “how-to-do-it” book on organizing and winning local elections is based on proven tactics employed by the author in his successful challenge of the Chicago Daley machine...
...Lexington, $30...
...Despite the too obvious attempts to reach today’s young radicals (black, close-fisted hands denote sub-chapters), this is a scholarly, well-documented account of the labor movement’s major work stoppages...
...The Washington Post collection is excellent, with vivid interviews and fine investigative reporting...
...Swallow, f6...
...Leonard Lurie...
...Drugs and the Public...
...Laurence Learner...
...Pocket Books, $1.25...
...Robert Heller...
...Dick Simpson...
...David Howard Davis...
...How the Bureaucracy Makes Foreign Policy, An Exchan e Analysis...
...Since much of the information is insigmficant, except to real Roosevelt fans, the author’s stylistic deficiencies, which tended to be obscured by the fascinating story told in Eleanor and Franklin, are unhappily apparent...
...Simon & Schuster, $8.95...
...Crime: International Agenda...
...The Peter Prescription...
...The Great Executive Dream: The First Myth of Management Is That It Exists...
...Gerald Krefetz...
...Lexington, $15...
...Richard Curtis, Maggie Wells...
...kchard Boyle...
...Thomson’s concluding piece is particularly fresh and thoughtful...
...With this book the author comes close to providing another illustration of his great principle...
...Lexington, $7.50...
...American Policy on the Division of Germany: The Clash with Russia Over Reparations...
...The $in8 Dollar...
...Constitutional Change...
...A generally comprehensive report on drugs, drug experimentors, and drug controls...
...Bruce Kuklick...
...Political Science in Po ulation Studies...
...At $10, this critical look at the President’s career is a little steep...
...Sidne Abbott, Barbara Love...
...Arm in Anguish...
...Pocket Books, $1.25...
...A solid beginning towards understanding this grossly distorted subject...
...Jeremy Brecher...
...Ben H. Bagdikian, Leon Dash...
...Benedict S. Alper, Jerry Boren...
...Norman E. Zinberg, John A. Robertson...
...Laurence J. Peter...
...Arlington House, $9.95...
...Coward,%lcCann & Geoghegan, $6.95...
...Penguin, $3.50...
...Written in the first person by a convict, and covering a period of one year and three months from March, 1970, to June, 1971, this book paints a clear picture of life in the prison community, but the not period is not included...
...POLITICAL BOOK NOTES Public affairs books to be published in July...
...These articles are less impressive in book form, where their redundancies are more evident, than when they first appeared serially in The Washington Post...
...Lexington, $13.50...
...What’s a Nice Girl Like You Doin in a Place Like This...
...Robert E. Meagher, ed...
...In an election year, political biographies are a dime a dozen...
...Edwin D. Driver...
...Daniel Ellsberg...
...Fat Cats and Democrats: The Role of the Big Rich in the Party of the Common Man...
...Communes, USA: A Personal Tour...
...Prentice-Hall, $5.9.5...
...Straight Arrow, $7.95, $3.95...
...The Reform of Power...
...Not Exactly A Crime: Our Vice Residents from Adams to A ew...
...Dial, g.95...
...Stein & Day, $7.9$ Though not free of the humorless, rather shallow dogmatism which has plagued all fronts of sexual liberation, this book on being lesbian-what it was like, and what, with the slow discovery of self-worth, has changed-is intelligent and clear...
...Discussions with 11 women who have put liberation into practice and built successful careers...
...Essays on Population Policy...
...How to Start Your Own Private SchoolAnd Wh You Need One...
...Leonard Beaton...
...Of the same timbre as the myriad magazine articles on the subject, this book nevertheless could be of use to women contemplating careers with trepidation or to men who are having trouble getting used to the idea...
...The author, a chaplain at Princeton, examines the role of religion in Nixon’s political life, including his stands against communism, pornography, abortion, and marijuana...
...Richard Fairfield...
...Winning Elections: A Handbook in Partici atory Politics...
...A fine, first-person account by a journalist whose internal changes mirrored, those in the army he describes...
...Harper & Row, $6.95...
...He “loved” his first combat experience in 1965, but by 197 1, was smuggling mutinous petitions from troops in the field to Washington...
...Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, $10...
...Good cartoons and a nice title are about all this one has to offer...
...The Paper Revolutionaries: The Rise of the Under ound Press...
...A complete account of the great lady’s activities after her husband’s death...
...Stein & Day, $6.95...
...Lexington, $11.50...
...William R. Coons...
...Morrow, $5.95...
...Attica Diary...
...Edwin D. Driver...
...Simon & brilliance in this collection of articles to make us regret that the seductions of celebritydom and the persecution of the Justice Department have combined to keep the author from settling down to write the major analytical work on Vietnam that he is capable of producing...
...Haynes Johnson, George C. &on...
...Delacorte, $7.95...
...Jo ce Tietz...
...Sappho Was A Right-On Woman...
...Joseph P. Lash...
...Toothing Stones: Rethinkin the Political...
...A glib series of one-liners, some funny, some not-so-funny, about the men who have held America’s number two post...
...The Shame of the Prisons...
...Simon ESchuster, $8.95, $2.95...
...Richard Clinton, William Flash, eds...
...Norton, $9.95...
...Except for the first three essays, which tell the too-familiar tale of the politics of hope of the early 1960s turning into the politics of despair at the end of the decade, this book offers some provocative thinking about today’s political ideas and attitudes and where they are leading us...
...Charles P. Henderson, Jr...
...Clement E. Vose...
...Playboy Press, 7. 5. Eleanor: The Years Alone...
...Finis Farr...
...Ernest R. May, James C. Thomson, Jr., e d s. Flower of the Dra on: The Breakdown of the U. S. Army in tietnam...
...Samuel L. Blumenfe T d. Arlington House, $9.95...
...But there is occasional delight and enough real insight to make up for the phony profundity...
...Nothing new, either in information or understanding...

Vol. 4 • July 1972 • No. 5

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