TIDBITS and ... OUTRAGES The Most Compelling Case for No-Fault Buried in a section of short news items in me Washington Post was the best evidence for the advantages of no-fault...
...Patman went on to show that the very same banks that were pushing for the government to bail them out by guaranteeing Lockheed’s debts were at the same time holding $1.4 billion, or six to seven times the amount of the guarantee, in the free money...
...Security Pacific National Bank (Los Angeles), $109.9 million...
...Because of a recent court decision upholding a large cut in compulsory rates for 1972, the Post said, auto insurance costs in Boston will decline from a high of $117 a year in 1970 to $47 this year...
...There is a sense of confidence in the representatives of the government...
...As I choppered over Saigon, I have never seen it look as relaxed as I did this time...
...this was a different South Vietnam than what I found in my other two visits...
...But since the massive troop build-up in 1965, we have hit Vietnam with the equivalent of 22 Minuteman warheads, or-if you want a figure with a horror quotient you can get a grip on-450 Hiroshima bombs...
...Vice President Agnew achieved yet another breakthrough on his latest trip to the Far East, as evidenced in his May 19 report: “One point I do want to emphasize about South Vietnam...
...Wright Patman recently named the banks that benefit most from this federal gratitude: “At present,” he said, “102 of the Nation’s nearly 14,000 commercial banks hold 44 per cent of the Treasury’s tax and loan accounts...
...Bank of America, $149.7 million...
...Windfall for the Banks In the “Canceling the National Debt” article in the May Washington Monthly we described the federal tax and loan account arrangement by which money is deposited in non-interest bearing accounts at private banks until it is called to Washington...
...The 50 largest banks hold more than one third of all such deposits...
...After two years under such a law, Massachusetts’ compulsory auto insurance rates have been reduced by 70.2 per cent...
...Those banks, and the amounts in their tax and loan coffers, included: Banker’s Trust, $71.6 million...
...Chase Manhattan, $177.3 million...
...he Helicopter Stethoscope Intelligence about the yearnings of the South Vietnamese people has always been a thorny problem, and U. S. officials have continually been forced to revise their methods of measuring feelings and allegiances at the grass roots...
...Chemical Bank, $102.5 million...
...First National City, $139.5 million...
...Somewhere between $4 billon and $6 billion a day in free money is thus given to banks for loans, providing a windfall subsidy of at least $230 million a year...
...The country saw the escalation of a half-million soldiers as a moderately restrained response, but we never would have reacted that way without nukes lurking in the background as the reckless alternative, the Goldwater alternative, thus expanding the limits of sanity...
...OUTRAGES The Most Compelling Case for No-Fault Buried in a section of short news items in me Washington Post was the best evidence for the advantages of no-fault automobile insurance yet discovered...
...Nuking Vietnam It was the nuclear bomb, in a way, that made it possible to send 500,000 U. S. troops into Vietnam...
Vol. 4 • July 1972 • No. 5