Tidbits and Outrages Compromise on Capitol Hill From the Congressional. Record of October 18, 1972: Mr. MILLS of Arkansas. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself five minutes. Mr. Speaker, we have a...

...There was an attempt to put a ceiling on these costs, but then real estate lawyers and their banking and title insurance allies went to work...
...Tidbits and Outrages Compromise on Capitol Hill From the Congressional...
...Hellfire and Buck Rogers One of our favorite sources of light reading is the Commerce Business Daily, published by the Department of Commerce, which contains a list of government procurement needs and contract awards...
...The Senate would not take our language, as Members know, and the House would not recede from its language, so with the enactment of this conference report there will be a ceiling on spending of $250 billion for one day...
...Speaker, we have a rather unusual report to bring back to the House...
...That was the only way, in fact, we could get the matter out of the two bodies, because the Senate had directed the President to do exactly what the House had directed him to do...
...He cannot really do anything under the provision...
...The outcome, as described by AP: The House Banking Committee has voted to strip a proposed ceiling on settlement costs from a pending housing bill and to repeal the limited authority in existing law for setting maximums...
...A typical issue announces the award of contracts for "Analysis of Postattack Radiological Environments" and an "Investigation of Improved Kill Mechanism Employing Miniaturized, Multipoint Initiation Trains...
...And for Buck Rogers fans there's always the contract to build an "Advanced Development Airborne Laser Locater Designator System (ALLD) for Hellfire/CLGP...
...The committee [also] voted to permit kickbacks (payments for referral of business), but only if they are disclosed, are "reasonable," and are made in good faith...
...In fact, any action taken under it will have no effect...
...One crime for which lawyers are not yet subject to prosecution is the high amounts they charge for real estate settlement...
...Secret Service Always on the lookout for new forms of public service, we were pleased to discover in a recent edition of the Federal Register that the Agriculture Department staff includes a "Confidential Assistant to the Confidential Assistant to the Secretary...
...Ronald Kessler, in n e Washington Post, wrote a thorough expose of this scandal last year...
...Speaker, I would like to ask the chairman, in his presentation did I understand him to say the President would have the power for one day, as we had discussed, to veto line items in the appropriations...
...namely, to hold the rate of spending to $250 billion, but in the process they refused to implement that directive by allowing him the latitude required to carry it out...
...The Lawyers An important element in our national anti-crime program is the identification of major criminal groups which can be singled out for special scrutiny by the law...
...She reports that one group is especially likely to break tax laws-lawyers...
...It appears that both sides have won a great victory with respect to the limitation on spending...
...Floating Loans for Aerospace A new glimpse into the folkways of defense contracting was provided by Harry Flood Byrd, Jr., Virginia's senior senator, in a little-noticed Senate speech on January 4. Bryd, whose dedication to economy in government exceeds even his fidelity to the military establishment, was struck by a newspaper account that a new $18-million loan by the Navy to Grumman Corp...
...Internal Revenue Service figures show that the lawyers will be convicted of tax crimes at a rate 7.5 times greater than that for the general public...
...Yes, but at the same time we say that anything he does on that one day is a nullity...
...brought that aerospace giant's total indebtedness to the government to $54 million, Byrd recalled a 1970 amendment to the Defense Production Act of 1950 which limits all loans to defense contractors to a total of $20 million...
...Linda Matthews of n e Los Angeles Times has uncovered a potentially useful lead...
...At the end of that one day, the Senate language will prevail and that provision will become a nullity...

Vol. 4 • February 1973 • No. 12

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