Monthly Journalism Award

The Washington Monthly Journalism Award FOR DECEMBER 1993 IS PRESENTED TO: Clay Redden, Mike Salinero, and Keith Clines The Decatur (Ala.) Daily After Alabama Gov. Guy Hunt was convicted of...

...Beginning with legislative intrigue in Washington, where Rep...
...The winner will be announced in the July/August issue...
...Morgan diligently told this story, ultimately explaining how, because of maddening bureaucracy, the poor still don't get adequate care...
...NW, Washington, D.C...
...FOR JANUARY 1994 IS PRESENTED TO: Dan Morgan The Washington Post In a four-part series, Morgan chronicles the explosion in Medicaid costs that began in the eighties...
...A 13-story series revealed a cozy political world in a small state with laughably lax campaign laws...
...Nominations for stories published or aired in April will close May 15...
...Henry Waxman and other lawmakers slipped a provision into law in 1990 that enabled Medicaid expenditures to rise at five times the inflation rate, Morgan walked readers through the $90 billion-a-year program which covers poor people and is one of the main reasons national health care is now at the center of debate...
...There's no limit on PAC contributions, and PACs anted up $14.2 million in 1990 alone, enabling special interests to buy disproportionate influence in the state capital...
...And the series offered examples of reform, including limiting contributions and making disclosure more available to voters...
...Instead of reciting bookkeeping reports, however, LaFraniere illustrated the point with fun examples like this: Southern California dentist John M. Mosby drives a Lincoln Town Car, owns an $817,000 beachfront house, and a four-seater airplane...
...Two copies of the article or broadcast text should accompany the nomination...
...Stories like these should turn up the political pressure to administer these programs with a grain of common sense...
...He also owes FmHA $3.5 million, but nobody has tried to make him pay...
...The subject can be government in its federal, state, or municipal manifestation...
...The Monthly Journalism Award is presented each month to the best newspaper, magazine, television, or radio story (or series of stories) on our political system...
...Please send nominations to Monthly Journalism Award, 1611 Connecticut Ave...
...Sharon LaFraniere The Washington Post LaFraniere picked apart the lax Farmers Home Administration loan program, which in the past five years has written off $11.5 billion in uncol-lectable loans and is carrying $5 billion worth on its books now...
...Guy Hunt was convicted of illegally using inaugural funds for personal use, this 30,000-circulation paper took a locally unprecedented look at the political money chase...
...Nominations for any newspaper, magazine, or radio or television station in the country are welcome...

Vol. 26 • January 1994 • No. 4

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