Who's Who
Who's Who lalify for a post in this administration: He went to St. lbans' with A1 Gore and attended Yale Law School ith Bill and Hillary Clinton. In fact, a third of the present's first round of...
...They're all lawyers...
...Partial confirmation of this impression came in December, when The Washington Times revealed that in the hours after Foster's suicide, White House counsel Bernard Nussbaum and two other Clinton aides—Margaret Williams, Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, and Patsy L. Thomas-son, a special assistant to the president—removed documents having to do with the Clintons' personal business from Foster's office...
...The potential for a conflict between the public good and the Clintons' interests was the danger area, and something may have happened that at last awakened Foster to the reality of that conflict...
...A veteran observer tells us that as much as he wants to think well of the late Vincent Foster, the White House deputy counsel who committed suicide last spring, there is a sentence from Foster's last note that continues to trouble him: "I did not knowingly violate any law or standard of conduct...
...The two explanations of-:red for the less-than-stellar jality of Bill Clinton's ap-ointees are (1) that he aesn't want anyone as smart i he is, and (2) that because le Democrats have been out f power and public service out f style for so long, there just n't a large enough pool of ex-srience and ability for him to loose from...
...Roy Neel, whose own rush to cash in on s White House experience has also trou-ed many observers, is being replaced f Philip Lader, which makes our ecember report that Lader would 5come head of the White ouse personnel office one that e hope you'll forget about...
...As regular readers of Who's Who will remember, we worried last summer that Foster should never have tried to represent both the public interest as deputy White House counsel and the First Family's private interests as their personal lawyer...
...When Bill Clinton watered down a proposal i require the government to use recycled pair, he was doing exactly what Betsey bright, his former chief of staff in rkansas and now a lobbyist for tl' merican Forest and Paper Asso ation, wanted him to do...
...Cannon also explains why there was no confession of culpability in Nixon's acceptance of the pardon...
...In fact, a third of the present's first round of appointees, according to a survey f Knight-Ridder, went to Harvard or Yale or both...
...Although Ford wanted an admission of guilt as a condition of granting a pardon, Haig secredy informed Nixon that Ford would not insist on it____ What do cabinet members Ron Brown, Warren Christopher, Janet Reno, Bruce Babbitt, Robert Reich, Leon Panet-ta, Mickey Kantor, Lloyd Bentsen, Henry Cisneros, Richard Riley, and Mike Espy have in common...
...For those who are wondering why the White House was i forgiving of Paster and Neel's leaving, a wise old friend ¦ Who's Who offers this explanation: Bill and Hillary linton forever compromised their ability to crack down on fluence peddling when they participated in the Rose Law rm's use of her name to attract business when he was serv-g as governor...
...Howard Paster's promise to "excuse" him-:lf from Hill & Knowlton's government lobby-g is not going to be easy to keep since he will ;ad the firm's Washington office, which sells self on its ability to handle Washington issues >r its clients...
...And we were glad to see The New York Times pick up on our point in December...
...James Cannon's new book about Gerald Ford's ascen-;nce to the presidency says that A1 Haig, before Richard ixon turned over the White House to Ford, told Ford that Nixon wanted to be pardoned...
...Susan Threadgill...
...A lawyer, the observer says, is unlikely to have used such wording unless he feared he might have committed a violation of some kind...
Vol. 26 • January 1994 • No. 1