Tilting at Windmills

Peters, Charles

TILTING AT WINDMILLS he American Medical Association is distributing leaflets in its members' waiting rooms that ask "Is the Clinton proposal for health reform good for you and your family? You...

...On the other hand, I have taken great pride in refusing to run all ads that attempt to persuade people to smoke...
...And so do all the lawyers who represent or hope to represent them...
...Consider that the United States Supreme Court Justices have to be there for the approximately 40 days set aside for oral arguments and the roughly 30 Friday mornings on which they meet to discuss cases...
...For three American employees, there are six cars, six blenders, nine toasters, 29 tables, and 49 chairs...
...We're not stupid," one mother from the project told John Kass of the Chicago Tribune...
...In the fifties, I was fortunate enough to work in a small firm in a small city with some non-workaholic partners and a variety of clients who represented a cross-section of the community and its problems...
...In hindsight, it seems clear to me that we should have provided enough military aid to the Bosnian Muslims to give them a fair chance against the Serbs...
...There is a simple solution: Have older doctors with hospital privileges do night duty just a couple of times a year for modest pay...
...In other words the suicide would not have occurred, or, in Rowan's words, "we would at least have some idea of what happened" if only the White House still provided drivers for officials of Foster's rank...
...Although The New York Times later revealed "the biggest ever" was a lie, it was a lie that gave Bill Clinton fits...
...Anyone who's watched budget forecasts knows this means that with a little bad luck, Clinton will end up being the biggest-borrowing president in history—not a good thing to run on in '96 when you've racked up this debt with broad tax increases and without the fig leaf of divided government...
...The reason people get it wrong is that they usually add up the projected annual deficits and think that's the number...
...We all like comfort, but the problem with the Drew-Rowan attitude among journalists is that they let their own taste for luxury encourage Washington officials to insulate themselves from the problems of the rest of us, like having to take the bus or subway or hail a cab at rush hour—finding generous health insurance, not coincidentally, is a cinch if you work for the White House, Congress, or the major media...
...Annual subscriptions: $24.00, individuals...
...The point is that such facts are easy to find with simple effort...
...A, L.nd if you want to get an idea of the efficiency with which all these posts operate, consider the case of Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, the Muslim cleric with the predisposition for befriending people who like to plant explosive devices in public places...
...To begin with, the State Department failed to add his name to its suspected terrorist list for seven years after his proclivities had been clearly manifested...
...I was much happier in public service in the state legislature of West Virginia and with the federal government here in Washington, work that I have tried to continue with this magazine...
...The only time they showed a sign of reasonableness was in March when Clinton threatened them with both air strikes and aid to Bosnia...
...Not only would they be better off but so would the rest of society because many of the unhappy lawyers are bright and able people who could do great good in other kinds of work...
...The fact that there are fewer Huck Finns around means that there is less support for redistribution economics today...
...Charles Peters JOURNAL Or Democracy Marc F. Plattner and Larry Diamond, Editors Featured in the July 1993 issue A Special Section on INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND DEMOCRACY With the end of the Cold War, international organizations have begun to play a crucial role in promoting democracy...
...There one finds that the administration proposed adding $1.4 trillion to the national debt over four years...
...And Ross and the Republicans would be wise to get it right too, since it will prompt the administration to turn to the needed budget round two earlier when they realize that being the biggest borrowers in history won't look good in '96...
...Another factor is that in the thirties, 90 percent of the people were getting the shaft where today the figure is 68 percent...
...If such tests were strictly applied by all lawyers, the ranks of the profession would be instantly cut by at least two-thirds...
...But I still found that half the work was either boring—imagine what researching a land title is like—or even when interesting, as in trying cases, was often for causes of marginal merit...
...It usually turns out that you can only save the promised 50 percent if you make a hundred calls to Nome, Alaska, and Anniston, Alabama, every month...
...MasterCard and Visa Orders call toll-free 1-800-548-1784 Mon.-Fri...
...Why not have national licensing...
...If there was any American who was even more beloved than FDR during that era it was the comedian Will Rogers...
...stands willing to respond to your research needs in the privatization industry...
...Actually, after Roosevelt came out in 1935 with a plan to use taxation to secure "a wider distribution of wealth," he won the presidency by a tremendous landslide, sweeping all states but Maine and Vermont...
...I support programs designed to help needy youth, but they should not be confused with service programs whose purpose is not to give people jobs but to ask them to give of themselves...
...Such law firms push productivity to the limit of human capacity and constantly function in a crisis mode...
...I am disturbed to learn that 70 percent of the 1,400 national service volunteers who gathered in San Francisco from all across the nation in June turned out to be black...
...What's half a trillion between friends...
...You need to think about these 10 questions...
...14.00, institutions...
...Ironically, the insurance companies, the fear of whose wrath apparently led the Clintons not to go for the Canadian plan, are also now planning to use the "you can't choose your own doctor" argument against the very plan the Clinton administration adopted to avoid making them angry...
...Incidentally, each trip was financed by a non-profit institution, which may help explain why the law is so tender in its treatment of these organizations, letting them get away with the kind of abuses that recently have been reported about one Blue Cross chapter after another...
...And if Republicans and Perot bothered to look, they'd find better ammunition than they already have...
...I wish more publications would join me as the Seattle Times recently has...
...Database Reports Customized database reports reflecting the needs of the client...
...They knew they could win more by their unfair military advantage than they could through serious negotiations...
...For More Information Contact: Scott Schulz, Vice President P.O...
...Yet he was allowed to drive in Maryland...
...Clinton could have avoided the problem by adopting the Canadian plan which, of course, lets patients choose their own doctor...
...If you want to know how wrong these guys are, read Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech, a brilliant book by Cass R. Sunstein, professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Chicago Law School, in which he explains why commercial speech should not be accorded the same protection that we should give to political discussion...
...He was Huck Finn grown up, and that was what the average American aspired to be back then...
...A Johns Hopkins study of depression in 104 different professions found the highest proportion of victims was among lawyers...
...If you want to see the tip of a federal iceberg, consider the U.S...
...This important new trend is analyzed in articles on the UN, the CSCE, the OAS, and the OAU by: Carl Gershman • Neil Kritz • Heraldo Mufioz • Peter Hakim • Clement Nwankwo • Larry Garber • Morton Halperin and Kristen Lomasney The July issue also features articles by: Bronislaw Geremek on Poland • Robert Scalapino on Korea and Taiwan • Joel Barkan on Kenya • Arye Carmon on Israel • Galina Starovoitova on Russia • Serhiy Holovaty on Ukraine Published quarterly in January, April, July, and October...
...Services include: The International Privatization Update A proprietary publication which is distributed worldwide to international investment banks, legal and accounting firms, and institutional investors...
...A -tXnother classic tale of government comes from Chicago where it seems that, hours before Mayor Richard Daley was to escort Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala on a tour of the Ida B. Wells housing development, crews arrived to clean the streets and spray silver paint on the rusty fences...
...Cops were there to keep the gang members away...
...Interest groups often use posh getaways to woo senators and representatives, but," points out The Wall Street Journals, Timothy Noah, "the lavishness of the Greenbrier [minimum rate $425 per night] as a setting to court congressional staff is extravagant even by Washington's somewhat jaded standards...
...For example, my old friend Mickey Kaus, who argued in The End of Equality that redistribution is a lost cause, just bought a house in Georgetown where he's going to find a lot of folks who agree with him...
...Don't these facts begin to make you suspect the current system of licensing that permits highway drunks and operating room butchers to move from state to state with impunity...
...The Wall Street Journal even contended in its Notable & Quotable section that "Support for redistributive economics has never rallied a majority...
...The ACLU had not revealed that it was on the take from the merchants of death, a.k.a...
...Journalists should not get it wrong...
...is an independent consulting firm which specializes in international financial research and consulting...
...To some extent Henry Fonda and James Stewart were able to carry on his tradition, but since they too have faded away, there is now a danger we will forget that Huck Finn is what we are at our best, and that is a very great loss for this country...
...That would be a political argument that I would not have the right to suppress...
...Books currently offered by the Club include: Preparing for tbe Twenty-First Century by Paul Kennedy Boiling Point by Kevin Phillips Turning tbe Tables by Daniel Burstein Reinventing Government by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler Liberation Management by Tom Peters Selling our Security by Martin & Susan Tolchin Sound and Fury by Eric Alterman Tbe System by Georgi Arbatov Complexity by M. Mitchell Waldrop To obtain a list and description of all books currently offered by the Club and information on joining, please write or fill out and return the coupon below...
...This takes me back eleven years ago to a time when I was on this same show and made some anti-perk remarks only to be rebuked off-camera by Elizabeth Drew, who allowed that she liked to be picked up by a limousine and by Rowan, who said he refused to fly unless it was first class...
...Treasury might benefit by putting in a call to Sonny's Surplus...
...Washington, D.C...
...They'll be in their own homes, watching themselves on TV...
...Once Daley and that lady from Washington go, the gangbanging will start again...
...And of course, the post office, at least through the thirties, forties, and fifties, demonstrated that government could provide an essential service efficiently and effectively...
...Obviously the newspapers and magazines that fatten their profits with cigarette advertising have a reason for wanting to cloak their sins under the righteous mantle of free speech...
...Standard reports are available as well as reports generated to meet user requests...
...Cyrus Vance and David Owen were guilty of grave error last year when they counseled against such aid on the grounds that it would keep the Bosnians away from the peace table...
...The result, Elwork told The Washington Times, is that "mental illness and substance abuse are leading causes of malpractice suits and ethical disciplinary actions against attorneys...
...Club books are publisher's editions which members purchase from the Club at discount prices...
...Richard Reeves' unsparing but fair new book on JFK's presidency reminds me that even though this government is all too often the depressing joke that the foregoing items have portrayed, it can do great things—from the NASA of the sixties to Robert Kennedy's Justice Department to the Peace Corps I was privileged to be part of...
...To order, please send check or money order to: Johns Hopkins University Press, PO Box 19966, Baltimore, MD 21211...
...Even after his name was added to the list, the Sheik made seven applications for visas, only one of which was rejected on security grounds...
...When you add all of those lawyers to the lawyers who work for the tobacco conglomerates, you can see that an impressive array of legal talent has a stake in peddling the notion that James Madison really intended to protect R.J.R.'s right to use Joe Camel to lure children to smoke...
...Interestingly, he too wanted to "arrange some way of getting more equal distribution of wealth in the country...
...Its use in this case points up not only congressional staffers' importance in affecting legislation, but also the enormous stakes in the coming health-care debate...
...A van that offers free immunization was rerouted so it could offer a backdrop to TV cameras...
...That's compared to Bush's $1.53 trillion over four years...
...Consulting Services Fin Mark Research, Inc...
...Did you happen to see the story in The New York Times about the third-year medical student who after working his 15th straight hour fell asleep at the wheel and was crushed to death in an accident caused by his driving the wrong way on an exit ramp...
...As one contemporary puts it in Ben Yagoda's fine new biography of Rogers, "Wise in years, young in humor and love of life, shrewd but gentle, he is what most Americans think other Americans are like...
...But they won't be here to see that...
...Of course, there are a few lawyers who love their work and make a valuable contribution to society...
...M orton Mintz, who I believe will rank as one of the greatest investigative journalists of our time, recently revealed that the ACLU had taken $500,000 from the tobacco companies while the ACLU was publicly arguing, supposedly on the basis of the purest principle, that restrictions on cigarette advertising could violate the First Amendment...
...On that occasion, the State Department did notify the INS, but the INS failed to catch Rahman either entering or leaving the country...
...Doubtless those polls used the same scientific techniques that produced the Literary Digest poll that predicted an FDR defeat in 1936...
...So government can do the job but, as the sad stories that begin this column and the subsequent decline of some of the agencies I've just described illustrate, it won't work if we don't mind the store...
...tobacco companies, on the grounds—you're going to love this—that it had to protect the companies' right of privacy...
...This is a strong indication that what we're going to get from Clinton is not a service but a poverty program...
...In defense of the Post, it did pay Mintz a salary and it did run his stories...
...Everyone says essentially "it will go up by $1 trillion over five years...
...Last August a 24 year old man from Rockville, Maryland, was killed by a reckless driver who was going 60 miles per hour in a 45 miles per hour zone and sheared off the side of the victim's car...
...15.95 paper Thatcher, Reagan, and Mulroney: In Search of a New Bureaucracy Donald J. Savoie $19.95 paper The State Roots of National Politics: Congress and the Tax Agenda, 1978-1986 Michael B. Berkman, Winner of the William Anderson Award of the APSA $15.95 paper Advising West European Governments: Inquiries, Expertise, and Public Policy B. Guy Peters and Anthony Barker, Editors $19.95 paper The Development of the Dutch Welfare State: From Workers' Insurance to Universal Entitlement Robert H. Cox $59.95 cloth Available at bookstores, or University of Pittsburgh Press C/O CUP SERVICES, BOX 6525, ITHACA, NY 14851 • 800/666-2211 A DIFFERENT BOOK CLUB...
...One reason the Clinton economic plan had a rough time in Congress is that it was consistently described in media leads as raising taxes...
...Repeatedly, doctors NEW FROM PITTSBURGH THIS FALL Making Common Sense of Japan Steven R. Reed Reed shows that certain puzzling aspects of Japanese culture— "permanent employment" and the cooperation between business and government, for example—make common sense when viewed in context...
...Like Alexander Meiklejohn, another great First Amendment theorist, Sunstein believes that political speech is the heart of the First Amendment...
...For information: American Political Science Association 1527 New Hampshire Ave...
...The Thoughtful Reader's Book Society, P. O. Box 5856, Eugene, OR 97405 Name_ Address City_ State_Zip_ (please print) WMS93 whose licenses have been revoked in one state are permitted to practice in another...
...The only journalist who's gotten it right is Jonathan Rauch in The National Journal in an excellent piece called "Clintonomics—The Sequel...
...The cover of the August issue of Money magazine, for example, supplied the Republicans with this slogan: "Beat the Biggest Tax Hike Ever...
...We have often tried to explain that, although court dockets may be overcrowded, American judges have displayed a remarkable ability to keep their own work schedules on what might be charitably called the light side...
...The abuse of medical students, interns, and residents is even worse than that which young lawyers have to endure...
...What's amazing is that Ross Perot can't get these numbers right...
...Single issues: $7.50, individuals...
...Among his destinations, according to Linda Greenhouse of The New York Times, were Venice, Innsbruck, Oslo, and Genoa...
...The driver was an alcoholic who had previously been cited 12 times for speeding and had had his license revoked five times in Massachusetts...
...20036 ? (202)483-2512 ? and diplomatic posts we maintain abroad and you get some idea of how the U.S...
...We have to make sure that it attracts the kind of workers that came to Washington under the New Deal and the New Frontier and that it has the kind of accountability it had when your postmaster knew he could be fired if you didn't get your mail on time...
...It was the lack of such aid that kept the Serbs away from the table...
...Clinton's score is a miserable 33 percent...
...There are enough senior doctors—meaning those past residency—to free the young from the ghastly burden they have today...
...Colorful balloons and a trampoline were provided to attract children and bring appropriate smiles to their faces...
...The long distance phone companies have learned a great secret of the monopoly game...
...They were falling all over themselves in their rush to the peace table until our NATO partners rejected Clinton's pleas and the Serbs returned to shelling Sarajevo...
...even in the thirties, polls showed that Franklin Roosevelt's redistribution was not a vote getter...
...consulates failed to spot the Sheik on the terrorist list, the culprit was a CIA undercover agent...
...How could anyone seriously believe that advertising of harmful products is protected by the First Amendment...
...According to Amiram Elwork, the coauthor of a recent research study "Lawyers in Distress," a very large proportion of lawyers "are either very dissatisfied with their careers, suffer from some form of mental illness, or have been problem drinkers...
...There are two reasons: (1) Older doctors want their youthful brethren to endure the same hardships they did, and (2) Hospitals profit from having slave labor...
...They've even hired Paul Tsongas, the man who gave Clinton the most trouble in last year's Democratic primaries...
...That leaves the justices 295 days to schedule as they please...
...Today's lawyers work in conditions that are remarkably similar to the 'sweat shops' blue collar workers endured several generations ago...
...Further evidence of Clinton's terrible slowness on appointments comes from the Congressional Research Service, which found that by July 4 of his first year John Kennedy had filled 93 percent of the top Pentagon posts, and Jimmy Carter had named 76 percent...
...International Financial Research and Consulting Fin Mark Research, Inc...
...Will Rogers fascinates me for other reasons...
...The Thoughtful Reader's Book Society specializes in thought-provoking, current nonflction books on politics, economics, national and foreign affairs, social affairs, education, psychology and other human sciences...
...I can't understand how decent people like the Grahams and Sulzbergers can live with this practice...
...My guess is that this will prove to be an effective tactic...
...You'd think he could hire someone to look at the budget...
...Earlier in my lifetime, during the Roosevelt administration, such agencies as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the wartime Office of Price Administration provided shining examples of effective government...
...That the increase in income tax would fall solely on the affluent was usually mentioned far lower in the story, which on television often means not at all...
...A xxnother example of the errors of the media (and politicians as well) are the figures typically cited on the increase in the national debt under Clinton's proposals...
...Box 33 Castleton-on-Hudson, NY 12033 (518)732-5756 am constantly warning young people not to go into the law unless they truly feel a real calling, or enjoy actual practice...
...The discouraging thing here is that so many of the major media stars are now in the affluent class and are tempted to identify with its interests...
...See "Dead On Arrival," by Tom Hamburger and Ted Marmor, in this issue...
...Republicans should argue this way—and of course will, when it becomes plainer...
...Even though one company doesn't have exclusive control of the market, the happy result of monopoly can be achieved by unwritten agreements to keep overall prices up while appearing to compete with clever ads that promise dramatic savings—savings that just happen to be unrealizable for the average customer...
...David Broder's tough columns critiquing the administration early on for not doing more could have packed that much more punch with the higher number and the argument it permits...
...Members receive one FREE book from the Club book list with every fourth book purchased...
...He was, at least in his public persona, absolutely innocent of the snobbery we have endured from the fifties on as more and more Americans try to emulate the rich...
...This is one reason why I Fin Mark Research, Inc...
...We see the same problem in medicine...
...Heading the list is "Will I be able to see my own doctor...
...These are the people with family income of under $50,000...
...Embassy in Grenada...
...8:005:00 ET, or FAX us anytime: (410)516-6968...
...But the frequent obscurity of their placement in the paper betrayed a lack of enthusiasm for truth that might offend advertisers...
...48.00, institutions...
...And the chances that the media will do that are slim indeed...
...The Post, by the way, ran the Mintz report on page A13, which is just the kind of placement it gave to his many exposes of corporate malfeasance during his long career at the paper...
...Yet anyone who bothered to look at page 33 of Clinton's April 8 budget knows the news is worse...
...He received at least two other visas to the United States after his name was on both the State Department and INS lists...
...It is this liberty that is key to all others and for this reason I have told our advertising people that, although I would not accept any advertising that glamorized smoking, I would reluctantly accept an ad for the Tobacco Institute saying that tobacco companies have the constitutional right to advertise...
...Justice Scalia chose to use the freedom by taking 20 trips in 1992 alone...
...Trial Subscriptions to The International Privatization Update are available upon request...
...But most would be happier doing something else...
...Unfortunately most papers and magazines accept, even solicit, cigarette advertising...
...The firm maintains an extensive computer database which monitors the rapidly expanding international privatization industry...
...Of course, these annual deficits don't represent the increase in the national debt (gross debt—the $4+ trillion number our kids are on the hook for), because they don't include the trust fund borrowing...
...The opposition is so strong that the only hope I see for the cause of reform is for the media to do a good enough job reporting the case for change to balance the propaganda that will flow from the AMA and the insurance and pharmaceutical companies...
...Multiply that by all the military ? CONGRESSIONAL ? FELLOWSHIPS for mid-career journalists and political scientists, November 1994-August 1995...
...Finally, while the INS office in New York was trying to deport the Sheik, another INS office in New Jersey was giving him permanent residence status Incidentally, on all six occasions when the U.S...
...t A he most novel explanation I have heard of Vincent Foster's suicide comes from Inside Washington's Carl Rowan, who told viewers: "You get a man who's very close to the president, a confidant, his head is full of our most secret information, and because of the excesses of a John Sununu he can't get a car ride home...
...It appears that the lobbies against health care reform are covering every base...
...Apply by December 1, 1993...
...The AMA used another clever lobbying ploy when it hosted a three-day weekend at the Greenbrier for congressional staffers who will help shape the health legislation...
...But they are still a clear majority and I am convinced they will rally to the cause if Clinton does a better job of explaining and the media does a better job of reporting...

Vol. 25 • September 1993 • No. 9

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