Tilting at Windmills
Peters, Charles
TILTING AT WINDMILLS v JL ou had to feel sorry for Bill Clinton when he got all those boos and catcalls while trying to speak at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. It was such a cruel reward for...
...Additional evidence to support his contention came when two of the major networks refused to carry the president's prime time press conference on June 17, and the third network carried it for only half an hour...
...hot corriente nf...
...But the 8-hour visits that are planned are ridiculous tokenism...
...This generous benefit is doubtless justified by the heavy burden of his official duties, which consisted of attending one meeting a month...
...Hace algunas zonas mas humedas, mds secas o mas calidas de lo normal...
...Ask for Introductory Packet F. THE HEMLOCK SOCIETY U.S.A...
...Two of the council members have three assistants...
...New directions in social legislation are often the result of leadership from the public at large...
...There have been several recent headlines that have made me nervous—I can hear you saying that there have been a lot more than several that made you jumpy—but I'm talking not about the ones that I know we had the same reaction to but about a few you might have missed because they were on back pages...
...The reporters, it seems, were served a cold, instead of the usual hot, meal...
...detained enriqueoer v. to enrich herido/a nm/f...
...They also love to order expensive tests and procedures...
...The result is that when Absolut Vodka recently held "auditions" from publications that sought its advertising, Stuart Elliot of The New York Times described "the sight of smart, confident, and aggressive people from prestigious magazines genuflecting before...
...In fact, the White House is conducting tours of military installations and Navy ships for guess who...
...Features each month: national/wortd news, science, ecology, people, travel, humor & culture...
...Box 11830 Eugene, Oregon 97440 TEL: 800/247-7421 July/August 1993/The Washington Monthly 7 Can you read some Spanish *? Try reading Perspective*.: From May, 1993 Perspectiva magazine -Intcrnaclonal: Japon es el destino final de una cad en a de fibra optica que comienza en Europa...
...liquor advertising...
...La policfa de Nueva York detuvo a un aupuesto integrista islamico, Mohamed Salameh...
...Just one tiny example of what I'm talking about comes from San Jose, California, where the members of the city council, having agreed that the city's budget must be cut by $40 million, refused to share the burden by reducing their staffs...
...You might be interested in learning how that pension for Richard Nevins, the Equalization Board member, was computed...
...You wouldn't guess it from the coverage the system has gotten lately, but it works well in Canada and, with even less publicity, a variation of it is working well in Germany...
...Yet it has always seemed to me that, as my old friend Noel Epstein puts it, "In most arguments both sides are partly right and partly wrong...
...This certainly accorded with her brother's interests...
...But you can understand some veterans' urge to boo the Clintonites, most of whom have no experience with the military...
...In this, they are partly right...
...W J So...
...O. Box 177, Dept...
...current de tal manera que 0 in such a way that detuvo (detener) v. arrested...
...The problem in Washington is that even the most intelligent reporters tend to adopt the values of the city's insider culture, values that put a premium on incremental politics instead of on advancing the cause of major change...
...reactionary (person) obra nf...
...But I did find a headline that cheered me up: "Tailhook Inquiry Halts Jet Shows...
...A cap that restricts payments to the affluent is almost certain to be desirable, but one that hurts those who are totally or almost entirely dependent on small pensions is probably not...
...Most German doctors are primary care, whereas here most are specialists...
...The Germans start with another advantage in that national service draftees perform 30 percent of the 6 The Washington Monthly/July/August 1993 work...
...Think about it...
...It should be remembered that public employees' salaries long ago departed from the peon class...
...Another headline that disturbs me was "Fewer Factory Jobs Filled As Factories Rely On Overtime...
...Where else can you read about real-world issues in intermediate-level Spanish...
...Roberts did not ask Angell a single question that could have elicited an explanation of the virtues of the Canadian plan, although she did accuse Angell of wanting "to see the entire thing [the current American health system] turned upside down and completely changed...
...Why are conservatives so unwilling to see any merit in liberal proposals...
...So they've hired Patton, Boggs & Blow, one of Washington's most prominent and effective lobbying firms...
...Inquires: (413) 538-7127...
...Another headline I liked was "More Incentives in Chiefs' Pay...
...Here in Washington, for example, 900 out of 1000 children on Medicaid were taken to get the first of two shots, but more than 450 were not taken back for their second...
...This, by the way, is another good reason to support a national service draft in this country...
...The last of the troubling headlines is "In Yen Windfall, U.S...
...This kind of snub is unprecedented for a president in a non-election year...
...There is no comparable movement in the Republican party...
...Even in the most remote wilderness, where in times gone by you could be reached only by someone who had backpacked for days or weeks, cellular phones now mean that the office can instantaneously inform you of the latest in things to worry about...
...It seems very likely that we're not going to have a sensible military policy until more of the educated elite that oversees the armed forces actually serves in the military and thus acquires first hand experience of military culture, of where the fat is in the service bureaucracies, and of what we need and don't need to defend the interests of this country...
...system aeoo/a adj...
...The New Democrats and the neoliberal movement with which this magazine has been associated are both based on the need for liberals and Democrats to be willing to face the fact that sometimes conservatives are right...
...She is incontinent, racked with pain, unable to drink, eat or even care...
...The grieving family looks to medical professionals for answers that may never come...
...The Clinton administration has argued that the problem is a lack of money or prices that are too high...
...The phenomenon of declining corporate profits accompanied by increasing executive compensation has been still another contradiction of modern American capitalism...
...This, as we have tried to point out, is a new contradiction of capitalism that needs a new Karl Marx to dramatize...
...The places where you used When Death is Preferable To Life Someone you love is dying...
...His monthly base pension of $4,105 is added to his COLA of $17,360 to produce a total of $21,466 a month to which he would be entitled if he had not chosen to take a reduction to $16,234 a month so that his wife can continue to get the pension after his death...
...This magazine does not publish liquor ads...
...The pace of technological advance was suggested by a movie I saw recently in which a woman hops in a stranger's car and says "may I use your phone...
...All 12 of Reagan's prime time press conferences were broadcast, and only one of Bush's—which came during the 1992 campaign—was not carried live...
...If we don't face real waste such as excessive pensions, we are going to have to cut services that we really need, such as schools, police and fire protection, garbage removal, sewer and water maintenance, public health personnel, and facilities...
...Bilingual glossary in every Issue...
...Since they haven't served in the armed forces, something has to be done to try to give them some minimal familiarity with the military...
...But I'm happy to report that K.W...
...This is then increased by cost-of-living adjustments for every year since 1954, a year that the California legislature seems to have picked out of a hat...
...I was in a state legislature 30 years ago...
...And you know what that means...
...Only $14.95 1 year (12 issues) $29.90 for 2 years Canada $19.95...
...MA 0107S ? Yesl I want to subscribe to Perspectiva magazinel Please send me Spanish Grammar at a Glance FREE...
...alleged surffli* v. to appear tendido nm...
...This is going to be a hard fight, because legislators and bureaucrats and judges—again, remember Stanley Mosk—are in on the hustle and will resist change with the dedicated brilliance they seem to attain only when they are protecting their own interests...
...dry ¦onido nm...
...The White House staff...
...It may be the only way we can afford to do what needs doing in health, education, and environmental conservation and clean up...
...SUS funds only...
...Since the sixties, many of them have been paid well enough—remember Stanley Mosk's salary—that they have been able to put aside money for their retirement to supplement whatever they get from Social Security and government pension funds...
...Companies Opt for Profits...
...There is a Hemlock chapter near you...
...attack cadena nf...
...When Nevins was campaigning for his final term on the board, the main plank in his platform was that it would cost less to keep him in office than to retire him...
...Today, all over the country, city councils, and state legislators have been trying to imitate Congress...
...How can we bear to forsake them once more...
...Nor do I believe that reasonable Republicans like Senators Cohen, Jeffords, Chafee, and Kassebaum will meet their Maker with serenity if they continue to let themselves be bullied into following the leadership of the Doles and Gramms...
...In addition, they must take radical steps to increase the percentage of primary care physicians compared to specialists...
...It reminded me that it was time to proclaim the Peters Rule on Booing...
...The first was "Kurds Threatened With Disaster If U.N...
...Ford, for example, has already raised its 1993 model prices three times...
...His past salary was considerably less than half of what he now receives in retirement...
...They each cost $21,000 less annually than the average civilian employee...
...You can learn more about Hemlock...
...This magazine often seems to be alone in recognizing the existence and dimension of the public employee pension scandal...
...Booing is permissible— though seldom, if ever, desirable—after a speaker has been introduced and after he finishes, but it should never occur when it drowns out or otherwise interferes with his right to speak...
...Lob cientfficos creen que El Nifio...
...It is also good for the soul...
...Most of them would be put out of business by the Canadian plan which eliminates most private health insurance...
...Christopher Georges argues in this issue [see "Bad News Bearers," page 28] that Clinton has been treated unfairly by the media...
...This calculation increases his pension by a stunning 421.6 percent...
...I can't believe that this kind of rigidity will in the long run be rewarded by the voters...
...Group biscounts available tor 10+ copies to a single address...
...He, of course, was right...
...This country's leaders—Henry Kissinger and George Bush are among the culprits—have repeatedly embraced them when we needed them for one reason or another and then cast them into the darkness when they have served our purposes...
...In some cases they even hinted at shaping their editorial content to satisfy the advertiser...
...Health insurance and Social Security taxes are such a disincentive to new jobs that the typical company is pressuring its present employees to work long hours to avoid having to pay the additional benefits...
...Democrats were much more willing to help George Bush and Ronald Reagan...
...But the good news is that, from 1990 to 1992, performance-based incentives for CEOs grew while regular salaries, which are not tied to how well the company does for its stockholders, remained stable____ The real motive behind the media's indignation about Travelgate may have been revealed when one White House correspondent, ABC's Brit Hume, complained about the quality of service on the first press plane chartered by the new regime...
...ou may not realize it, but many other former public employees are, primarily because of cumulative COLAs, paid more for not working in retirement than they were when they were on active duty...
...If our reformers are to duplicate Germany's success, they must take all the measures the Germans do to control cost...
...Recently Roberts was the host of a "Nightline" show devoted to health reform on which Senator Jay Rockefeller, the Senate's leading authority on health care, appeared along with Dr...
...The cost of health care in Germany is $1,695 per year per capita, compared to our $2,867...
...Most especially, I don't believe that Bob Dole or Phil Gramm will ever achieve their goal of being elected president if they do not display more flexibility and more willingness to try to find solutions that the majority can agree to...
...I'm convinced most Americans would cheerfully perform national service if they weren't made to feel like suckers who were losing out on the career race by taking the necessary time out...
...One group that will try to make sure that the Canadian plan is not adopted here is the National Association of Health Underwriters...
...This is just plain common sense based on experience, yet conservatives insist on denying it and saying they are always right...
...piece red nf...
...Why risk lives, planes, and money on shows whose essential appeal is the same as auto racing: When is the crash going to happen and how gruesome will it be...
...Charles Peters...
...David Gergen may be an exception, and I applaud him for it, but an exception he surely is...
...T JL his magazine has campaigned to have this country adopt a health care system modeled on Canada's which offers free choice of physician and the elimination of multiple bureaucracies in favor of a single payer, the government...
...Yet one knows that Cokie Roberts has too much integrity to consciously slant her reporting to serve her brother or any other lobbyist...
...The same mistake is being made again as the yen rises and the dollar declines...
...The solution is to require that once a certain threshold is reached—say, somewhere between $25,000 and $50,000—a retired public employee can never receive more in retirement pay than he got on the job...
...I had no office, just my desk on the floor of the House...
...Unfortunately, most magazines do...
...Medical technology works overtime, even when the body can't go on...
...The blindly automatic opposition that Republicans in Congress are giving Bill Clinton is just one example...
...From March, 1993 Perspectiva magazine -Ecologia: El iViflo es una corriente peribdica de aire caliente en el Pacffico...
...It was such a cruel reward for trying to do the right thing...
...fax (413) 534-1712 To subscribe, complete order form, make payment to Educational News Service & mail: Educational News Service kP...
...By misbehaving, they may have saved their lives and those of innocent bystanders as well...
...For more than two decades, American manufacturers have repeatedly blown opportunities to beat the Japanese by choosing to seize short-term profits instead of using low prices to increase their market share...
...Write or call today...
...Foreign by air $29 tor one year...
...It wasn't very long ago when you could have been laughed at for saying a city council member needed one assistant, let alone three...
...Sad scenarios like this are played out every day all over the United States...
...14.95 for 12 issues ? $29.00 for 24 issues Attn, building, etc Your Occupation to be able to escape for at least a little while are disappearing...
...It is headed by the legendary Tommy Boggs, whose sister happens to be Cokie Roberts, one of the stars of ABC News and National Public Radio...
...Can't Raise $500 Million...
...Almost all of the questions Roberts asked were directed at the politics of health reform—"when will it pass"—instead of the substantive merits of the different reform proposals...
...The widow of an Equalization Board member is getting $164,069 per year...
...Specialists cost a lot more...
...obviously assuming the car is equipped with one...
...But the conservatives are also right to say that too many poor families don't take advantage of existing programs...
...This glossary defines words only in the contact as frwy appear in floio in ttiese articles...
...So some good, after all, may come out of Tailhook for the offending flyers...
...This is the organization that represents the agents who sell health insurance...
...This insane focus on the short term is, by the way, another contradiction of modern American capitalism...
...network calldo/a adj...
...Acquire the vocabulary you need to compete in a global economy...
...If everyone serves, no one is going to be a sucker...
...State Supreme Court Justice Stanley Mosk, for example, is being paid a salary of $121,207 for his judicial services while also enjoying a pension of $70,003 as a former attorney general...
...Sus obras han inspirado mi manera de to car los conciertoB de Brahms y de Beethoven From April, 1993 Perspectiva magazine -Nacional: El atentado contra las Torres Gemelas de Manhattan caus6 cinco muertos y m?s de mil heridoa...
...Lee of the Sacramento Union recently contributed an excellent account of how California taxpayers are being bilked by retirees...
...cable tocar v. to play Torres Cemelaa 0 Twin Towers Build your vocabulary intelligently reading Perspectiva...
...From May, 1993 Perspectiva magazine -Gente: Entrevista con violinista Anne-Sophie Mutter: "La musica de LutoslawBki me emociona de tal manera que ha enrique-cido mis interpretaciones...
...These California pensions are, by the way, also paid to former public officials who are doing time in prison for corruption in office...
...I had zero assistants...
...If I feel bad about the Bosnian Moslems—and I desperately wish I could think of something effective we could do for them—I feel much worse about the Kurds...
...Hume was outraged...
...a traves de 0 by means of abraiar v. to embrace atentado nm...
...wta people say they want to cap entitlements, be sure to ask precisely what they mean...
...I must say I hate the idea of car phones, just as I hate the idea of phones on planes, trains, and boats...
...injured (person) lntegrf sta nm/f...
...This practice, if it continues much longer, will bankrupt city, state, and federal treasuries or impose impossible tax burdens on working people...
...Marcia Angell, the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine and an advocate of the Canadian plan...
...Los paf-ses latinoamericanos tendnin acceBo a la red mundial a traves del tendido Columbus...
...If you don't think congressional salaries are higher than necessary, consider that The Washington Post recently reported that only a handful of freshmen Congressmen earned in their previous job "an amount equal to half or more of their congressional salaries...
...How wonderful...
...Surge de un calentamiento anormal de las aguas ecuatoriales del Pacffico...
...The symbol 0 indicates an idiomatic phrase...
...One issue on which both the conservatives and the liberals appear to have a point is on the matter of vaccinations for the poor...
...But the champion has to be Richard M. Nevins, who collects $194,814 a year as a retired member of the Board of Equalization...
...Hemlock is the leadership group in the Death With Dignity movement...
...His base pension is 60 percent of his final salary, which was $82,169...
...sound supueato/a adj...
Vol. 25 • June 1993 • No. 7