Memo Of The Month

MEMO OF THE MONTH Presents a Seminax- for Lawyers, Lobbyists and Marketing Directors Washington Rainmaking #93 April 22,1993 Tlie topic: Law/lobbying firm marketing and client development in...

...Hichai d E. Wiley, Partner, Wiley, Koin & Fielding, Washington, D.C...
...5:00 p.m...
...lawyers and lobbyists with proven track records in signing clients...
...2003U Registration by phone: 202-457-0080 or by 1'AX: 202-157-0718 or 1-80U-014-50B0 July/August 1993/The Washington Monthly 35...
...Signature , lCx|>!utlii>n Dale Finn/Company . Address . City . MAIL to: LEGAL TIMES Seminar, 1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 802, Washington, D.C...
...The,experts: DX...
...What firms of any size can do to get their names in the public eye, as well as special opportunities and challenges for nailer firms,' Panelists will include: Edward Q. Fruitug, Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, MCI Communications Corp., Washington, D.C...
...Victor Schwartz, Senior Partner, Crovvell & Moring, Washington, D.C...
...Paper vs...
...Issues on the agenda include: • New trends in client development, marketing plans, and client targeting...
...Join these experts for an afternoon exploring how to identify and take advantage of the opportunities for new business ¦ generated by the Clinton administration and the new Congress - and how to handle changing client attitudes toward lawyers and lobbyists...
...And what should those face-to-faco talks bo about... .consultants and public-relations professionals who earn their living helping lawyers and law firms market themselves...
...and inside counsel who dole out business...
...fiose Marsball-Liclit, The Pellcriu Group, Washington, D.C...
...Registration Form, Washington llaimnaking '93 Hcgistrafion Fee: QLegal Times subscriber: $150 ? Non-subscriber: $180 Q Check enclosed payable to Legal 'Jbnes Seminar ? Charge my ? Visa O MasterCard Card No...
...MEMO OF THE MONTH Presents a Seminax- for Lawyers, Lobbyists and Marketing Directors Washington Rainmaking #93 April 22,1993 Tlie topic: Law/lobbying firm marketing and client development in Washington's unique lawyering and lobbying environment...
...Do law-firm newsletters and memos, press releases, and letters help lawyers get clients...
...Time: 1:00 p.m...
...Or does all the paperwork simply lull lawyers into thinking they're doing tho marketing thing, when theyshould really be talking face to face with'new business prospects...
...Elaine Douglass, Douglass & Associates, Washington, D.C...
...Susan Raridou, Hildebraitdt Inc., Somerville, N.J...
...Location: Madison Hotel, 1177 15th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C...
...How, to develop business from existing and new clients by studying the Clinton administration's new regulatory and enforcement initiatives, and anticipating who will be affected by these developments...

Vol. 25 • June 1993 • No. 7

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