With Fear and Favor
Threadgill, Susan
With Fear and Favor Inside The New York Times corrections box by Susan Threadgill Because of an editing error, articles in yesterday’s editions referred to Israel as a “Jewish nation”...
...The correct sentence should have read, “I was too . busy contemplating the Holocaust to receive the prime minister, and it was awkward to have him in my outer office when I was already late for my lunch with the senator, though of course he would wait for me, so I had one of my numerous aides give him reprints of some of my columns and I, myself, wrote him a perSusan Threadgill is a Washington writer...
...0 Because of a mechanical error, a recipe for mulled carpaccio of venison pituitary with sun-dried cauliflower cullis appeared in the middle of a sentence in yesterday’s “Master of All I Survey” column by A. M. Rosenthal...
...Berlin, Wisconsin, was never divided by a heavily defended wall...
...In jubilee of calvados-drenched terrine of spring rabbit’s ear au hemoglobin, the soft fuzzy hair must be removed in advance, preferably by a maid or caterer...
...The correct quotation should have been, “I seek nothing for myself, save the opportunity to serve...
...Prime Minister, read these and learn the shocking lessons of history...
...0 Because of a computer error, the phrase “Ha...
...The articles, regarding lapis-encrusted tennis rackets and hand-carved mahogany house siding, appear in today’s editions...
...Cold dry kale omelette mit rhizobium garnishee should be sauteed in sauterne, not sauterned in sautee...
...sections of yesterday’s zoned Short Hills-Great Neck edition...
...The article should have described Mr...
...All details, the amazingly well-read sophisticated power-oozing genius official said, will be left to budget negotiators...
...The correct title was “Time for Sober Reassessment of Policy Priorities...
...With Fear and Favor Inside The New York Times corrections box by Susan Threadgill Because of an editing error, articles in yesterday’s editions referred to Israel as a “Jewish nation” and Pope John Paul I1 as “a Catholic...
...No actual details of the changes were available, nor have they been worked out...
...Bipartisan congressional leaders will be consulted before changes in the nature of the universe take effect, administration officials assured...
...by Alessandra Stanley...
...It is Times policy that reporters never say anything about a person of power or wealth that does not come from that person’s own press releases if there is any possibility that any Times executive, senior editor, or columnist will encounter the subject socially...
...Zuckerman as “a well-groomed male Caucasian” and “a widely read essayist . . . who often comment[s] on a[n] eclectic range of learned subjects...
...News editor Mortimer Zuckerman was referred to as “a white guy” and as “a columnist [who] often expresses his opinion...
...Israel should have been described as “an emerging democracy in a sand-rich region,” the Pope as “a Rome-based financier...
...That story should have begun: WASHINGTON-Extremely highly placed key essential handsome and successful quasi-godlike administration sources have hinted that President Bush will announce an initiative to alter the fundamental nature of the known universe...
...0 Because of a mechanical error, the “Personal Indulgence” page did not appear in the “Spending...
...0 ’ It has been brought to the attention of the editors that the story from last Sunday’s New York Times Magazine titled “Tucson: Where Six-Guns Do the Talking,” was illustrated in an unsatisfactory manner...
...And Beyond Reproach is a concept, not a physical location...
...Independent experts contacted by the Times believe this will be the first time any U.S...
...I could have ruled the world...
...The fools...
...The individual depicted in the photograph was not a federal marshal, but the actor James Garner...
...South America is located south, not east, of the North Pole...
...0 Editor’s Note: In yesterday’s monthly media feature, “Denigrating the Advertising Value of Newsweeklies, Not That We have Any Stake in the Matter” by Alex S. Jones, US...
...0 Because the Encyclopedia Britannica is difficult to read when you’re in a hurry, last week’s story “Presidential Staff Mood Swings: Single Most Important Issue in World History” by Maureen Dowd, erroneously stated that Vanessa Williams was Warren G. Harding’s mistress, that “The Tiananmen Squares” is an NBC winter replacement game show, and that the Vincennes was Admiral Dewey’s flagship at the Battle of Manila Harbor...
...Nebraska is not adjacent to Bhutan, as the quiz answers stated...
...What was presented as an actual photograph of law officers making a recent arrest on a Tucson street was, in fact, a publicity still from the television series “Maverick...
...In rock Cornish rock, actual rocks are added to taste, not “by ton,” as the recipe stated...
...These references violated the Times policy of never mentioning religion no matter how obviously relevant...
...Because of a computer error, yesterday’s lead editorial was titled “Bet Nobody Can Figure Out What We Think...
...For a proper presentation of crab legs Retton, the legs should be amputated tableside...
...Fundamental changes in the basic nature of the known universe will not take place overnight,” explained one exceptionally highly key mega-powerful administration source, who found it convenient not to be identified...
...or if the subject owns a vacation home in any of a certain number of communities, the precise names of which are a matter of Times internal policy...
...0 Because the earth was passing through a cloud of uncharted cosmic rays, garbled instructions were given for several recipes listed in yesterday’s “Spending...
...sonal note, which he will probably always treasure, on my stationery, in mine own hand, and I myself wrote in mine own hand on my stationery, ‘h4r...
...was attributed to White House Chief of Staff John Sununu in part four of the six-part series, “Presidential Staff Mood Swings: Overemphasized by Media...
...Zuckerman’s attorneys filed preliminary briefs two hours after the first zoned Wall Street-Pricey Shops editions were delivered to vendors...
...Susan Threadgill is a Washington writer...
...president has attempted to alter the fundamental nature of the known universe, though Republican Party officials were quick to point out that former President Richard Nixon was hounded out of office before he could complete his political agenda...
...0 Because . . . oh, just because, the map quiz accompanying last week’s story, “Shocking Geography Ignorance of Youth Decried by Independent Experts,” contained certain lapses...
...The Welland Canal does not connect Lake Ontario with the Adriatic Sea...
...And mulled carpaccio of venison pituitary with sun-dried cauliflower cullis should not contain 300 picocuries per liter of strontium-90...
...It need not be cooked for six and one-half hours at 6,000 degrees E These instructions concern the operation of the Department of Energy’s plutonium processing facility at Savannah River, South Carolina...
...0 Because of an error that’s none of your business, the initial paragraphs were missing from yesterday’s banner story, “Unbelievably Vast Sweeping Stunning Policy Changes to Alter Fundamental Nature of Known Universe,” by R.W...
...It will be an evolutionary, not a revolutionary process...
Vol. 23 • January 1991 • No. 1