LETTERS No invasion without representation I’m writing to thank you for your last three “Tilting at Windmills” columns which have helped me sort out my feelings about U.S. policy in the...

...Looking for Mr...
...MICHAEL KINSLEY Washington, D.C...
...BRIAN D. RUDE Madison, Wisconsin Mr...
...And, we do it all while balancing our budget...
...Your first column moved me to write my congressmen (all of whom responded with form letters that ignored my questions), so now I’m also writing you to urge you to continue asking questions...
...ELISE O’SHAUGHNESSY New York, New York Revenge of the nerds “Inside Racism” [October, Matthew Cooper] is an excellent review...
...In fact, Kinsley wrote an article not unrevealingly titled “The Rich Don’t Serve-So What...
...The passage in question merely notes an irony-and a practical problem-in proposals to restore the draft...
...MARK SCHEINBAUM Palm Beach, Florida I read with interest Elizabeth Lesly’s article about the real estate business [“The Stupidity of Free-Market Chic in Real Estate,” November...
...As a single woman, I’m happy to cede you my place in the lifeboat...
...As Senator Thomas Eagleton predicted in his 197 I speech, “Blessed are the poor, for they shall fight our wars...
...Keisling’s point of view is likely to be echoed in most state capitols where exceptionally honest, hardworking men and women make government work...
...The editor replies: Our main point was and is that, if the sons and daughters of the influential had been in the military, Bush would not have cavalierly committed them to the danger of dying in a bloody war...
...But-with rare exceptions-the person whose interest they have at heart is not the seller...
...policy in the Gulf...
...I have lived for a decade in Washington, D.C...
...LAURA BILLINGTON Maple Valley, Washington Unnecessary roughness I am disappointed to see that you think a college athlete who has been accused of a violent crime should not be allowed to appear in games [“Tidbits & Outrages,” November...
...GEORGE GIBSON Upper Montclair, New Jersey Stock response Now that Carolyn Friday has set us straight on how fixed, loaded, crooked, biased, jaundiced, and prejudiced Wall Street’s arbitration procedure is [“The Stupidity of FreeMarket Chic in the Stock Market,” November], we have her next freelance assignment all prepared: “Rip-off litigants who force legitimate brokers out of the industry...
...The father was a motorman on ’the New York street railways when New York City still had street cars...
...Some of what she says is quite true, and I am not writing to debate her...
...That seems odd...
...See p. 26 of March 1989 and my reply on p. 52...
...Mom How lucky you are to know “examples of modem marriages in which the man does most of the caring for the child” [“Tilting at Windmills,” October...
...Some of the forms in use today are very clear and sensitive to consumer concerns regarding agency, commission rates, and obligations of buyers and sellers...
...America’s minorities and poor are disproportionately represented in our military...
...Rude is a state senator in Wisconsin...
...LETTERS No invasion without representation I’m writing to thank you for your last three “Tilting at Windmills” columns which have helped me sort out my feelings about U.S...
...I, myself, raised in a prosperous suburb, remember the scorn accorded Greasy Grinds who did their homework, especially four-eyed individuals, unfortunate enough to need glasses...
...Otherwise he has been consistent in his opposition to the kind of national service draft that the magazine has consistently supported, one that would have assured a fair representation of the upper classes in the military when the Gulf crisis began in August-when their presence could have restrained Bush’s recklessness...
...I was told there was no basis for a suit and that I should write my congressman...
...Is total, abject, unquestioning acceptance of the Peters gospel now mandatory to avoid being painted as an elitist snob...
...Portions of the article will deal with: octogenarian arbitrators without the foggiest notion of what is going on...
...Are we going to punish people before they are found guilty...
...Nevertheless, they prized learning and sent their three sons to school and college...
...For instance, shouldn’t the issue of “burden sharing” apply to America’s middle and upper classes, as well as to its allies...
...I should add that although our disagreement on this matter is substantial, Michael Kinsley is an old friend for whom I have great affection and respect...
...But I think I’m as likely to find myself in that situation as I am to find a husband who’ll be what is known as “the primary caretaker...
...1 wrote: “Anyone who enters the military against his will or out of a guilty conscience will take the place of someone who is there for more practical reasons...
...All three earned Ph.D.s and are now successful in learned pursuits but recall the derision of their schoolmates for wanting to be better than their station and abandoning their class and people...
...That is, shouldn’t the “volunteer” Army be declared illegal...
...For bright, aggressive people interested in the challenges and genuine rewards of public service, state legislatures are where it’s at in today’s political world...
...After receiving form letters from my congressmen, I called my local ACLU to ask if a class action suit could be applied to the military the same way it was to the death penalty several years ago, based upon the same argument that the poor and minorities are disproportionately represented in its implementation...
...She has correctly pointed out that we do business a little bit differently here in California...
...Self-doubt expressed in scorn and even ridicule of ambition is not exclusively a black phenomenon...
...The few, the proud Thank you for the interesting article by Phil Keisling on the strengths of state legislatures [“Thrills, Spills, and Bills,’’ October...
...specifically designed to attack the Monthly’s position as part of a special issue we devoted to dissenting opinions by our former editors...
...Druchsier is a sales associute for Coldwell Bunker Co...
...We are proud of the .standard of practice we provide and feel we earn our commissions,’whatever the rate...
...The parents were immigrants from Ireland...
...They don’t get paid unless the deal closes, and almost anything that isn’t patently illegal is an acceptable tactic if it accomplishes the sale...
...That person may not be grateful to be denied this opportunity so that some yuppie can enjoy an egalitarian moral frisson...
...and New York City (with a fairly broad range of acquaintances) without finding even one...
...I remember, for example, an Irish family in the Bronx...
...PETER DRACHSLER San Francisco, California Mr...
...You are right: real estate agents don’t represent the buyer...
...Missouri Charlie Peters’s shot at me in the December “Tilting at Windmills” is very unfair...
...May I add one thought...
...That passage was in a piece generally sympathetic to the desire for national service and more or less in accord with The Washington Monthly line on war, Vietnam, class, taste, Mary Tyler Moore, etc...
...Kinsley actually grasped this point for a brief moment on “Crossfire” a few weeks ago, but he must have forgotten it as his nimble mind quickly flitted to another clever point...
...misguided National Association of Securities Dealers officials whose public statements lead arbitrators to believe that anyone with a complaint should walk away from arbitration with “something,” and, of course, feeble old ladies who have gone to the arbitration well two, three, or more times-professional litigants-who are often made “whole” by publicity-fearing brokerage firms, even before going to arbitration...
...At the state level we experiment with new ideas, solve problems, allow citizens to have real input, and are ready to accept new members elected on the strength of shoe leather and work, not media advisers and PAC machines...
...Scorn of scholarly achievement is, unfortunately, a common American phenomenon...
...it is their own...
...The piece also made clear that, like Charlie, I oppose fighting a war against Iraq...
...The mother before marriage had been a domestic servant...
...And is it really The Washington Monthly’s position that people should volunteer to fight and kill in wars they morally oppose...

Vol. 23 • January 1991 • No. 1

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