MEMO OF THE MONTH [From Australia] TO : Alastair Munro, Regional Manager Upper Yarra FROM : Roger Payne, Director Hydraulic Systems SUBJECT : O'SHANNASSY AQUEDUCT COPY : David Knipe,...
...Please have this report in to me by 4.30 p.m...
...The action to be taken to eradicate future wombat interference with this critical asset...
...MEMO OF THE MONTH [From Australia] TO : Alastair Munro, Regional Manager Upper Yarra FROM : Roger Payne, Director Hydraulic Systems SUBJECT : O'SHANNASSY AQUEDUCT COPY : David Knipe, General Manager DATE : 05 September 1991 In reference to the reports received in relation to a leak in O'Shannassy Aqueduct, I would like to have accurate figures on the following The exact number of Wombats in the vicinity of the aqueduct . The exact nature of the business of the Wombats surrounding the aqueduct, in particular their excreta habits...
...The breed/species the Wombat that caused the environmental damage... that the 'WOMBAT' happens to be a favourite of the Roger... as the Minister for Conservation and Environment has to be informed of the delicate situation...
...To the closest nun the size of the destructive Wombat...
Vol. 23 • November 1991 • No. 11