POLITICAL PUZZLE by John Barclay The numbers indicate the number of letters and words, e.g. (2,3) means a two-letter word followed by a three-letter word. Groups of letters, e.g. USA, are...
...USA, are treated as one word...
...7) 12...
...Oils, but in a way not oils...
...Gardner, 49, is of some use...
...9) 5. Jimmy and John are academic types...
...Just the opposite for boundary...
...Certain flights on top in certain directions...
...POLITICAL PUZZLE by John Barclay The numbers indicate the number of letters and words, e.g...
...Removes transplanted seedlet...
...4,3) 10...
...7) 8. English mixed salad, etc., at higher level...
...back around victory...
...7) 21...
...Display of poise and frog is transformed...
...5) 16...
...5,3,7) DOWN 1. Lingering death in disfavor...
...9) headed South for 1 and 28 Across...
...Let ten tour aimlessly...
...5) 25...
...No let-up is planned for rich...
...9) 17...
...Casual footwear formed on chic last is a disgrace...
...9) 15...
...4,3) 27...
...7) to make national symbol...
...Clumsy toadies and certain 28...
...7) 13...
...First settler to go lame...
...City set up twice at North 18...
...5) 6. Stalin overthrown before Lenin put in...
...6,3,6) 9. Place of repose for I.O.U...
...9) 14...
...On in Michigan...
...5 ) 2. Serviceman trained animal to follow military leader...
...7) 7. Randomly doing a kilometer around the realm...
...7) 3. Every man becomes less eager minding store openings for 1 and 28 Across...
...43) 22...
...3,4) 23...
...ACROSS I . National symbol of alarm scheme kind displayed...
...Street set brought up for trials...
...Celebrities join bad priests salts...
...7) 4. Idiots and new primary problems...
...7) 1 I . Bed must be made up for least able...
...5) 19...
...7) 24...
...Racine’s plays feature poison...
...Smart dons prepared for bad weather...
...Luxurious fabric in pulsating design...
...Damn lions playing instruments...
...7) 26...
Vol. 22 • September 1990 • No. 8