LETTERS How to drink milk Not satisfied with finding me wrongheaded on the issue of abortion ["Beyond the Legal Right," April], Jason DeParle wants me to be deceitful, too. Thus, if I call...
...She will have more time for academic concerns and student affairs, but her own perspective will have been enlarged...
...Everyone who could have made a difference just wanted to coddle a drunk...
...Thus, if I call the fetus a baby, I must secretly think it has a right to be born, when all I demonstrate is that I speak English, like the blind person who says "I see" or the atheist who says "good God...
...The British replaced her passport, but the question remained of what to do about the lost green card...
...With everyone babying him, why should he stop...
...I was traveling with a friend who lived in the United States but was a British citizen...
...The fetuses have never smiled for a camera, never known the desperation of abuse and homelessness, never been hungry for a parent...
...Rose's piece ["The Impossible Life of a College President," March] was designed as a frame for an already painted picture, i.e., the editor's agenda for the generic college president...
...The Smith College Capital Campaign appears to be headed toward a successful conclusion...
...PHOEBE REESE LEWIS Milwaukee, Wisconsin Bottles and throttles Having just finished reading "Have One for the Runway" [David Nather, April], I find that I can hardly believe my eyes...
...To raise funds effectively, the asker must be able to justify and articulate the need...
...Furthermore, seeking financial support brings a college president in contact with the real world which can have valuable lessons for the Ivory Tower...
...It is incredible that a drunk is back in the pilot's seat because someone decided a federal district court did not have "standing . " I guess the federal appeals court figures that, by the law of averages, none of them will be Morrison's passenger...
...Two or three banks in different cities should be used...
...The approach taken was bound to be, at best, superficial, and in truth quite unfair...
...In the case of Mrs...
...A drunk won't stop until he has to stop...
...VICKI MEAGHER Marlboro, Massachusetts Now that the sex habits of teenagers and the abortion controversy are news, let us note that a satisfactory solution to the questions of birth control and abortion is at hand...
...ARTHUR D. PENSER Huntsville, Alabama Sects without guilt In "Tilting at Windmills" [March], you suggest that those who oppose your ideas on national service do so "to protect themselves from guilt" and explain that they "had a selfinterest in believing that there is no such thing as a duty to serve . " Attempting to psychologically analyze those who disagree with you may be interesting, but at the end of that particular path lies the notorious Soviet practice of defining anyone who disagrees with you as having something mentally wrong with him...
...If the staff at the embassy had been familiar with our laws and customs, the whole thing would have been handled easily...
...The foreign personnel who manned the front desks at the American embassy knew nothing about green cards, permanent residents, or any other such nonsense...
...And until they do, I'm afraid the moral rightness of the abortion issue still rests with the feminists...
...it is widely used for cattle...
...The ALPA, the arbitration board, and the judiciary all failed their responsibilities miserably...
...Wait until they find out there is no law of averages...
...Let every young man make a deposit in a sperm bank (actually, two or three) upon attaining sexual maturity...
...Pregnancy worries then disappear...
...Her passport and alien registration card were stolen...
...But as I explained to him six or seven times to no avail, we are working from different premises...
...In other words, they should've been Americans...
...Nobody wants them, so they're advertised every Sunday in hope that they can find a home...
...KATHA POLLITT New York, New York I've never seen The Silent Scream, and I haven't spent a lot of time contemplating how much pain fetuses suffer when they're killed...
...That may be as near to utopia as we can come in this world...
...see pregnancy as a relationship between one person and a dependent, potential person...
...I thought I talked of little else...
...The right-to-lifers are not willing to take the burden of the consequences of their success as a movement...
...LORRAINE H. FRANZ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Books cost bucks I have a feeling that Ms...
...Doesn't everyone know by now that drunks are super-cons...
...Do the right-to-lifers adopt these unwanted children...
...You would hate to lose your future family to a power failure...
...Do they take babies born to AIDS victims in their homes as foster children...
...She came back from her visit to the American embassy convinced that she would never see her family in the U.S...
...Then let him have a vasectomy...
...A college president's days are not all alike...
...The balance in the days of Mary Maples Dunn will shift...
...No one wanted truth, justice, and honesty here...
...I hope the same can be said for Julie Rose and her editors...
...Costa Mesa, California...
...The costs should probably be borne by the general revenue fund, otherwise those most in need will be priced out...
...The procedure can be voluntary, it need not be mandatory...
...This means that they will be of no help at all to people seeking information...
...Dunn, there are many hours of many days spent grappling with large issues such as the examination of the role of a liberal arts college in an increasingly professionalized society, the unique challenges of a college for women, issues of curriculum, tenure and promotion, and recently, creating a design for institutional diversity...
...The procedure is tried and true...
...I was involved in such a situation many years ago...
...Thus, I find no contradiction between being prochoice (only actual persons have a right to life) and pro responsible pregnancy: one doesn't drink milk for the fetus, who needs no bones, but for the baby, who will...
...Rose, or perhaps the editors, have made "fundraiser" sound like a dirty word...
...Every child a wanted child...
...JOEL S. DAVIS Albuquerque, New Mexico The greencarding of America Regarding Charles Peters's comments about hiring of foreign nationals at American embassies ["Tilting at Windmills," May], you may add the following to the list of objections: Foreign nationals will often be ignorant of the United States and its laws...
...The head of any institution cannot escape some responsibility for the financial security of that institution, which goes beyond pursuing the "next big deal . " Ms...
...Do they sign up to offer a lifetime of support for the kids who will never be able to function on their own...
...He sees the fetus and the pregnant woman as persons whose rights conflict because one happens to inhabit the other, like a tenant and an apartment...
...When a child is wanted, it is a minor matter to make a withdrawal from the sperm bank and use artificial insemination...
...But every week I read "Sunday's Child," a shopping service in the Boston Globe that tries to find homes for unwanted children...
...DeParle tasks me with failing to deal with the ethics of abortion...
...Of course, those meaningful hours and days are not for visitors because the deliberations require a degree of privacy...
...These children haunt me far more than the fetuses who've never seen the light of day...
...These are real human beings, with flaws— borderline intelligence, Tourette's syndrome, severe emotional problems, etc...
Vol. 21 • July 1989 • No. 6