MEMO OF THE MONTH A Resolution Suppotting Atmed Forces Advettising In Newspaper WHEREAS, the Atmy, Ravy, Ai% Votce and Coast s Guatd spend millions ot doIlats each yeat on...
...and b it thetetote RESOLVED that the Flotlda ?tees Association and out state negspapet associations stand teady to assist out ncludin anremwsepda ptoett cadevse mrtiasitnkge tinin tghe e ikt pteectttusl timne entt tceacmtipvaeigInl si;a and also RESOLVED that tales resolution should be sent to the Flotida Congtessiona delegation, to the Nati onal J beN ietw aslpsoapet Assciation, and to the chaltman ot the oint Chlots ot 5tatt...
...and be it at WHEREAS and RESOLVED that we, the membet negspapets ot the Flotida Ftess Association, tespecttully teguest that the matketing managets who decide hog to spend the public' s s money on the tectultment ot petsonnel tot out ination' atmed totces should sttongly constdet the l ion ot use ing negspapet advettising in theit advettising ix...
...and cat WHEREAS, newspapets ptovide a st,cong communiion l link to the young people ot the natin's togns and tuta WHEREAStiroile newspapets will continue to publi hundteds ot sands Ala press teleases ttee each yesh at, naedwvespttaispientgs malseod isuhmo utlod tbeiec cho onusti dneatteido na'ss ya osuttnogn gpeople, along with television and -radio advettising...
...and at no chatge...
...Fetetatditt, Ftesiden Floti a ?teas Association...
...MEMO OF THE MONTH A Resolution Suppotting Atmed Forces Advettising In Newspaper WHEREAS, the Atmy, Ravy, Ai% Votce and Coast s Guatd spend millions ot doIlats each yeat on btoadcast advetWtisHinEgR tEoA hSe, ltphe a atttmtaecdt ttoetccteusi ptsu;b alinc dintotmation offices disttibute hundteds ot thousands ot news teleases each yea t, Which a gteat number ot negspapets toutinely publish WHEREAS, top high school leadets ate otten to acted ttom small towns, -rural ateas, inner es and other ateas setved by weekly and daily newspapets...
Vol. 21 • April 1989 • No. 3