TIDBITS AND OUTRAGES We look forward to seeing her again when she graduates "It was a nice visit. There are no differences. All is resolved," Nancy Reagan said in an official White House...
...In Washington, William Bradford Reynolds, chief of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, told a congressional committee that the Reagan administration's "remarkable" record on civil rights enforcement "has brought us to the brink of victory" against racial discrimination...
...The publication angered the other dealers who claimed it was putting a lid on prices...
...Now, if we could just get rid of Brown v. Board of Education, we'd be over the top...
...The message was: "You'll be swimming with the gefilte fish...
...All is resolved," Nancy Reagan said in an official White House statement in early January, after she and the president visited with the president's estranged son Michael and met Michael's 20 month-old daughter for the first time...
...Police traced several to a matzo bakery in Brooklyn...
...When they see you in your Mercedes, it'll make them feel 20 years younger A new technique in cosmetic surgery called "Accents" enables doctors to tatoo patients with a permanent eyeliner...
...The actual cost is nominal, so it's almost all profit," said a physicians' consultant who is marketing the procedure...
...We are strictly a white members club only," a spokeswoman for the club said...
...Martin Rapaport is a diamond dealer in Manhattan's 47th Street "Diamond District" who began, in 1978, to publish a weekly newsletter listing "consensus" prices on the street...
...Rapaport was called before the court of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis and ordered to halt publication," The Washington Post reported...
...Some weeks, he says, he got as many as 40 bomb threats and menacing phone calls...
...I say to doctors, 'How much money do you want to make...
...He charged $25,000 for the call from Sam Donaldson alone Ten to fifteen percent of the $578,000 that attorney Leonard Garment charged for defending Ed Meese during the special prosecutor's probe went for "public relations...
...The more you charge, the better the patients feel...
...If you want to make big bucks, you got to set up an expensive waiting room and charge high fees...
...The procedure takes half an hour and costs from $800 to $1,200...
...Everybody loves each other, and this is a wonderful way to start the New Year...
...People love to pay a lot of money to doctors...
...The Elks Club in Winter Haven, Florida gives free privilege cards to members of the Boston Red Sox in spring training there—except to players like All-Star Jim Rice who are black...
...Garment explained that he handled up to a dozen calls a day from the media...
Vol. 17 • April 1985 • No. 3