WHO'S WHO in the Administration
WHO'S WHO in the Administration Recently Lou Cannon of The Washington Post reported that in any potential shakeup of the top staff at the White House the big winner would probably be national...
...AGENCIES AND COMMISSIONS Deputy Chief, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency— David F. Emery is a former congressman from Maine...
...For some additional evidence on why Cannon and Clark are on such good terms, recall that during the 1980 campaign Cannon did Clark a favor...
...Treasury Secretary Donald Regan and Martin Feldstein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, are said by insiders to speak to each another only with great effort...
...Given the toughness of Cannon's recent coverage, he may be his only big source left...
...Regan believes Feldstein is a head-in-the-clouds academic who believes the world works the way his Harvard models tell him...
...AGENCIES AND COMMISSIONS Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission— Phillip McBride Johnson has resigned...
...Deputy Undersecretary for Field Coordination Daniel M. Hughes has resigned to return to the real estate business in New Hampshire...
...Part of it is over policy—Regan is more anxious than Feldstein to take steps to stimulate economic recovery—but much of it is personal...
...Assistant to the President for Public Liaison—Faith Ryan Whittlesey has been ambassador to Switzerland...
...Out WHITE HOUSE Assistant Director for Management Improvement and Evaluation, Office of Management and Budget Howard Messner will become comptroller at the Department of Energy...
...The truth was that Clark, whose qualifications included flunking the bar exam, had not been certified before being-appointed by Reagan to the California Supreme Court...
...Simmons has been a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission...
...Assistant Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency—Rita Lavelle has been fired by President Reagan...
...He replaces Richard Staar, who was fired last month...
...Reagan's written briefings from the CIA are reportedly now being supplemented by a videotape that Reagan can tune into...
...LABOR Assistant Administrator for Enforcement—Charles M. Williamson has been acting assistant administrator...
...Sources in a position to know say that this version of possible changes is not entirely unrelated to the fact that "the Judge" (as Clark is called) is Cannon's main source right now...
...Apparently the administration's two chief economic policy makers are at war...
...Meanwhile, the one member of the administration who has shown some foresight at all about the seriousness of the nation's economic condition, Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige, finds that his early, correct warnings to Reagan have not won him anychits...
...Our audio-visual president has another aid...
...HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research— Emanuel S. Savas has been suspended with pay for allegedly asking his staff to help prepare his recent book, Privatizing the Public Sector...
...Feldstein views Regan as merely a Wall Street businessman whose knowledge of economics is so sketchy that after his easy conversion into a supply-sider he has reverted into a thoroughly muddle-headed policy maker...
...Reagan held a press conference at which he promised to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court, adding that as governor of California he had named only bar association-certified candidates to the state bench...
...Cannon, who covered Clark when he was Reagan's California chief of staff, knew Reagan had not told the truth about Clark but didn't embarrass the Judge by reporting it...
...WHO'S WHO in the Administration Recently Lou Cannon of The Washington Post reported that in any potential shakeup of the top staff at the White House the big winner would probably be national security adviser William Clark, who Cannon reported could advance to chief of staff if James Baker takes a Cabinet post or goes home to Texas...
...In WHITE HOUSE Special Assistant to the President—Joseph R. Holmes has been director of military television and radio services...
...INTERIOR Undersecretary—J.J...
...Representative, Mutual Balanced Force Reduction Talks—Morton I. Abramowitz is a career diplomat...
Vol. 15 • March 1983 • No. 1