Tidbits & Outrages
Tidbits & Outrages There is No God but Allah and Sikorsky is His Prophet This month's Sherlock Holmes Aw~rd goes to Rep. Saml,lel Stratton. Two weeks after the Iran raid, Stratton was entering a...
...Karl Marx...
...604.11(e) recognizes that the best way to achieve an environment free ot sexual hanassment is to prevent the occurence of sexual hanassment by-utilizing appropriate methods to alert employees ol this problem...
...Now a Brewers' Association Must Found the Six-PAC You've heard, of course, about the proliferation of fund-raising political action committees, or P ACs...
...Terry Bradshaw...
...Your sinking under Is el1dless rising Your endless rising Is with quivering lips Reddened by ether, Flaming, eternal, . Lovekiss of divinity...
...W. Clt:ment Stone...
...Colonel House...
...He told reporters: "To me, the helicopters may be the key...
...Eddie Rickenbacker...
...It's called the Snack PAC...
...Tidbits & Outrages There is No God but Allah and Sikorsky is His Prophet This month's Sherlock Holmes Aw~rd goes to Rep...
...h) wrote to Ann Landers Once the hureaucrac\ is alerted to a problem, nothing can stand in its wav...
...Two weeks after the Iran raid, Stratton was entering a hearing into the inission's failure...
...Edna St...
...The Potato Chip and Snack Food Association recently formed one...
...If your beaming eye breaks Transported and trembling Like the undulating tone of strings Which, bound to the lyre, Musingly have slumbered, Upwards through the veil, Of primeval riight, The flash from above Eternal stars Loving inwards You sink tremblingly Your breast beats, You view unending Eternal worlds, . . Above you, under you, Incomprehensible, unenqing, Hovering in dancelike rows Restless eternity, And an atom You sink into the World-All Y our Awakening Is endless rising, Your ri~ing, Eterpal fall...
...Maryland's Department of Personnel attacked the problem by passing around a questionnaire...
...Check all which apply) (a) Discus'sed the problem with the person domg the ha missing (h) discussed it with the person's supervisor (c) told a co-worker (d) told a close friend or family . (e)discussed with Fair Practices officers, Equal Opportunity Officer or State Coordinator for Equal Opportunity (I") discussed with private or public agency 1) Equal Opportunity Employment Commission * 2) Maryland Commission on Human Relations 3) Vlarvland Commission for Women 4) Other (g) did nothing r h i o f h i ' r...
...Guess the Author . Which p~rson wrote the following poem: Rod McKuen...
...Kahlil Gibran...
...If you're stumpeq, y~u'\l find the answer on page 64...
...Eugene McCarthy...
...Among its key questions: 5. How did you handle it...
...Jill St...
...Zeppo Marx...
...Consider how the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission responded to the problem of sexual harrassmeni ;u work: it published the following "Interim Amendment to Guidelines on DISCI imination Because of S e t" "Consistent with the polic\ of \oluntary compliance under, 1'iile VII Para...
...Mario Andretti...
...Vincent Millay...
...If your soul's Rippling flame Strikes into its own depths, Back into its breast, Then comes forth unbounded, Lifted by spirits, Carried by a sweet, Swelling magical tope, The soul's secret Upward out of the soul toward Daemonic abyss...
Vol. 12 • June 1980 • No. 4