Richard Reeves on Political Books foreign control because of Crowe's Canadians own Seagram's and Alcan ok. America for Sale is a serious, aluminum; that the Swiss own Nestle's ,yeti-tinted...
...Richard Reeves on Political Books foreign control because of Crowe's Canadians own Seagram's and Alcan ok...
...United States...
...Whatever free traders are right... the University of Southern California, and world has changed, we have stuck- with Harvard_, and often married to business-defined policies piled under Americans, see themselves as some the umbrella of "free trade...
...the impact of all foreign investments, And, unless we decide to take their private and government, on the oil from there--or really do something nation' economy...
...tarp se on the Commerce Department "Look," he said, "we just see tale land as its anti suggested role of continuous a good investment...
...Our even workers earning only the is America," said Kutayba minimum wage-because then cannot -lion Alghanim, a Kuwaiti quoted' by manufacture certain goods hen eat the Crowe...
...And, 1 am not much Crone worries' that the ;Arabs are persuaded by free trade arguments buying up our political types----John made by big American companies, Connally Spiro Agent Bert Lance, actually multinational in every sense of James Abourezk, Clark Clifford, Fred the word, that want to manufacture in Dutton...
...The governmental and which are private...
...He chocolate and Ciba pharmaceuticals concludes: "The United States must that the Japanese are buying up formulate an economic equivalent of Hawaiian real estate, and on and on...
...that the Swiss own Nestle's ,yeti-tinted plea: of journalism...
...quite alarmed yet...
...y new idea is accepted, price at which the French or ltalians, to PO-)JA'') minds are open...
...Arabs, or as Crows calls them, "the locus, of course, is on the midget nations," do have an idea: they Arch . I he petrobillionaires have a lot are attempting to replace_ their of money, in our big banks---Paul inevitably declining oil base with a Erdman it made a fortune writing fiction secure investment Ease...
...but I do seem to their hand -ups about Jews-"Zion- notice that small American companies they would say they want their are forced to lay off their workersm it-%7 securely in the U.S.A...
...We can't take it monitoring, analysis, and disclosure of from you, you know...
...Maybe the loud of half-Americans...
...We-I am basically thinking of point' out, with Swiss banking laws politicians and political commen-and v arious other commercial dodges, tators--seem to have no clear idea of we haven't been - able to figure out what we want or what we arc doing in which foreign involvements are the arenas of international trade...
...lust rtif'-l)<ttt of ~t,hi t oil: that the troubled...
...Arab businessmen I've foreigners who are owners in a lot of sect...
...about alternate forms of energy -I'm all for the second part of the America is going to have to start doetrine...
...I'm sate...
...about what that could mean-and In a "giant nation," the United h,-ire bought at few things like a bank in States, there seems to be no thoughtDetroit and a construction firm in out public policy on trade or foreign Houston, I aide will he more, much ownership--and, of course, we are the n1,-we...
...So do I. He worries that the Korea to sell in Chile...
...fixitr h enn a I3rvn a and \\ ilhamnon I am not, with apologies to KunttetI) Keehier cookies, Crowe...
...The first part seems less dealing with the fact that this is a new compelling partly because, as Crows world...
...the Monroe Doctrine--a national That is perhaps troublesome, but I policy, w hich clearly prohibits foreign tend to put it in the context of governments or their agencies from conversation I once had with a Saudi making ii controlling investments in friend about attempts to prevent Arabs corporate America and which would from buying farmland in Iowa...
...It the say nothing of the Taiwanese, can sell whole world turns Communist, the last comparable goods anywhere in the country will he the United State...
...educated at Stanford, the places, big and small...
Vol. 10 • December 1978 • No. 9