Who’s Who in the Carter Administration U.S. News and World Report recently rated the Carter cabinet on a scale of ten: Brown 8.5, Vance 8.0, Califano 7.5, Harris 6.5, Bell 6.0, Bergland 6.0,...
...Chief SALT Negotiator-Ralph Earle 11, who has been deputy SALT negotiator since May 1977, replaced his boss, Paul Warnke...
...HEW U.S...
...Army Lt...
...Why did Sidney Harman resign as undersecretary of Commerce...
...In WHITE HOUSE Counselor on Inflation-Alfred E. Kahn has moved over from his post as chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board...
...Environmental Protection Agency Deputy Administrator for Radiation Programs-William D. Rowe is leaving the agency to become a professor of business administration a t American University...
...AGRICULTURE Deputy Administrator of Economics-J...
...He’s taking with him one of his top assistants at the Commission, Terry Classen...
...HUD TRANSPORTATION Deputy D i r e c t o r , F e d e r a l Disaster Assistance Administration-Thomas Casey, a former regional director of the administration, has been acting deputy, General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Neighborhoods, Voluntary Associations, and Consumer Protection-Richard C. D. Fleming has been deputy a s s i s t a n t secretary for community planning and development...
...Deputy Assistant Secretary for South American Affairs-Ralph Guzman has been a professor at the University of Santa Cruz...
...Thomas Ross, a former newspaperman and now the Pentagon’s spokesman...
...INTER IO R Assistant Secretary for Policy, Budget, and Administration-Larry E. Meierotto has been the deputy assistant secretary in the division...
...William Bagley has resigned as chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to open a Washington law office that will handle-you guessed itcommodity matters...
...see above...
...General Advisory Committee MemberJane Cahill Pfeiffer, a former vice president of IBM, is chairman of the board of NBC...
...Grimes will be replaced by Walter Winslow, who is assistant director for non-petroleum energy matters...
...Out White House Deputy Press Secretary to Rosalynn Carter-Ann Anderson is now director of news and public affairs at the Appalachian Commission...
...Consumer Product Safety Commission Member-Samuel D. Zagoria, whose nomination to the Republican seat on the Federal Election Commission raised the ire of Republican leaders, has been director of the Labor-Management Relations Service of the U.S...
...Paul Warnke isn’t completely out-he has been named a special consultant to Cyrus Vance on disarmamcnt matters...
...Conference of Mayors...
...He will be succeeded by Jonathan Grimes, who heads the health care section...
...HEW Assistant Secretary for PlanningBenjamin Heineman Jr., Secretary Joseph Califano’s closest aide, is a young lawyer who followed C a l i f a n o from his Washington law firm to HEW...
...A close friend of House speaker Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, McGarry has failed to win the approval of the Senate twice before...
...Sprague is the third friend of O’Neill’s (Robert Griffin and John McGarry are the other two) to be named to a major government post as part of an administration effort to patch up strained relations with the House Speaker...
...Commerce Undersecretary-Sidney L. Harman, a founder of Harman Kardon, is resigning to become a senior official at the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies...
...Ambassador to Oman-Marshall Wiley will replace William D. Wolle, who has resigned...
...One report says his boss, Juanita Kreps, was not satisfied with the job he was doing and asked him to leave...
...Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration-Robert W. Feragen, former general manager of the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Co., has been deputy administrator of the REA...
...Another says Harman quit because he was bored...
...Deanne C. Siemer, the defense department’s general counsel...
...The old Washington game continues...
...Equal Employment Opportunity Commission General Counsel-Alfred W. Blumrosen, a Rutgers University law professor, is being considered for the now vacant post...
...AGENCIES & COMMISSIONS Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Director-Ret...
...News and World Report recently rated the Carter cabinet on a scale of ten: Brown 8.5, Vance 8.0, Califano 7.5, Harris 6.5, Bell 6.0, Bergland 6.0, Andrus 5.5, Marshall 5.0, Blumenthal 4.5, Kreps 4.5, Schlesinger 4.0, and Adams 3.5...
...JUSTICE Director, Office of lnformation Law and Policy-Robert Saloschin had been head of Justice’s Freedom of Information Committee...
...Deputy Assistant Secretary for EducationJoel S. Berke is leaving to return to his studies at the Education Policy Research Institute...
...A third version is based on Harman’s friendship with Jane Frank, whose husband, Richard, was one of Harman’s subordinates at Commerce...
...Who’s Who in the Carter Administration U.S...
...Director, Consumer Protection DivisionCharles Reischel has been assistant general counsel of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission...
...Labor Commissioner of the Bureau of Lator Statistics-Julius Shiskin died at the age of 66 following a kidney ailment...
...Consultants Inc., a Washington consulting firm...
...and Daniel J. Murphy, a retired admiral and former CIA official who is now deputy undersecretary for policy...
...Before coming to Washington he had extensive experience in utility regulation at his law firm in Tucson...
...Peter Brickfield, who’s been handling the great cereal case (see “Tilting at Windmills”) is leaving the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Competition, and the usual game of musical chairs is underway...
...Equal Employment Opportunity Commission General Counsel-Abner W. Sibal is leaving to join the Washington office of Whitman and Ransom, a New York law firm...
...This is accurate at least in terms of determining the White House’s view of the cabinet-except that the White House would reverse the ranking of Harris and Marshall and, in terms of loyalty to the team, would rank Califano and Blumenthal at the bottom...
...Staebler and Common Cause are contesting the nomination of McGarry on the grounds that the President’s authority in such matters when the Senate is not in session extends only to filling vacancies, and there is no vacancy at the moment...
...is leaving to join the governmental affairs staff of the Ford Motor Co...
...George Seignious will succeed Paul Warnke, who ran this agency in addition to his position as Carter’s chief SALT negotiator...
...Assistant Secretary for Planning-Henry Aaron is planning to return to the Brookings Institution...
...Commissioner of Education-Ernest L. Boyer, former chancellor of the New York state university system, will step down next year to assume the presidency of the Carnegie Foundation...
...B. Penn has been senior staff economist for agricultural and food policy f o r the Council of Economic Advisors...
...mission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris since 1974...
...Federal Election Commission Member-Max L. Friedersdorf, a former aide to Republicans Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, has most recently been staff director of the Senate Republican Policy Committee...
...Domestic Policy Staff-Howard H. Gruenspecht has been an economist on the staff of the Council of Economic advisors...
...in Detroit...
...Winslow will be replaced by E. Perry Johnson, who is assistant director in charge of regional offices, and so on...
...Civil Aeronautics Board Chairman-Marvin S. Cohen, a member of the board for only two weeks prior to being nominated to this post, will succeed Alfred Kahn...
...This permits Carter to make his third appointment to the board...
...Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation-Peter Schuck, a former director of the Washington office of Consumers Union of the U.S., will leave this spring to teach law at Yale...
...Frank, you will remember, is the one who resigned from the White House last summer saying that she wanted to spend more time with her children...
...Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman-Irvine H. Sprague, an aide to House Speaker Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, has been nominated to the $52,000 post vacated by George LeMaistre in August...
...Harold Brown’s H.R...
...STATE Ambassador to Iceland-Richard A. Ericson has been most recently deputy director of the Bureau of Politico-Military affairs at State...
...Haldeman is John G. Kester, who is said to limit access to all but the following Department of Defense staffers: Wiliam J. Perry, undersecretary for research and engineering...
...Federal Reserve Board Member-Phillip Jackson, a member of the board since July, 1975, has resigned from the seven member board...
...International Trade Commission Member-ltalo H. Ablondi, a Democratic member of the commission, is leaving to return to practice law...
...Cohen, like Kahn before him, is committed to deregulation...
...Deputy chief of mission in Jidda since 1977, he has also served in Beirut, Amman, Egypt, and Baghdad...
...Known in Washington for his keen intellect and candor, Kahn established a reputation as an innovator while head of the CAB and as chairman of the New York State Public Service commission before that...
...As economist and resident academic in Secretary Joseph Califano’s office, Aaron was the architect of the Carter administration’s ill-fated welfare reform plan...
...Director, Policy Development Staff, Ec o 11 o m i c De vel o p men t Ad mi n i s t ra - tion-Leo Penne has been a lobbyist for the National League of Cities...
...Ambassador to Morocco-Richard B. Parker, a career foreign service officer, has been Ambassador to Lebanon and before ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ D i r e c t o r , M a t e r i a l s T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Bureau-Leon D. Santman, presently acting director, has also served as assistant general counsel for materials transportation law...
...that to Algeria...
...The job has been vacant since the beginning of the Carter administration...
...He brings to the job a unique background, having been a former migrant farm worker and an associate director for the Peace Corps in Venezuela and Peru in the 1960s...
...Fleming was a member of the policy planning staff during Carter’s campaign...
...Member-John McGarry has been sworn in to fill the seat now occupied by Neil Staebler...
...International Trade Commission D i r e c t o r , Office of C o n g r e s s i o n a l Liaison-George L. Hooper has been president of U.S...
...COMMERCE Deputy Assistant Secretary for International and Economic Policy in the Industry and Trade Administration-Abraham Katz has been deputy chief of the U.S...
...ENERGY Deputy A d m i n i s t r a t o r , E c o n o m i c Regulatory Administration-Richard Herzog has been the director of the Office of Enforcement...
...Treasury Assistant Secretary for AdministrationWilliam J. Beckman, Jr...
Vol. 10 • December 1978 • No. 9