Who’s Who in the Carter Administration Last month we told you about Greg Schneider’s return to power. As Gerald Rafshoon’s deputy, he is back in the saddle again. But White House insiders say...
...Consumer Product Safety Commission Commissioner-Barbara H. Franklin has announced that she will resign in February...
...AGENCIES AND COMMISSIONS Civil Aeronautics Board Member-Marvin S. Cohen is an attorney in Tucson, Arizona...
...Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy-Daniel I. Halperin was the department’s tax legislation counsel...
...He replaces Robert Derzon...
...probable) Ambassador to the Central African Empire-Goodwin Cooke was deputy chief of mission in Ivory Coast...
...Parole Commission Commissioner-Richard T. Mulcrone was chairman of the Minnesota Corrections Board...
...According to one HCFA official, Derzon wasn’t willing to attack the health industry, and particularly hospitals, with the vigor that Califano wanted...
...Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Deputy Administrator-Homer Broome Jr...
...The White House would like to keep him around though, because he is the one person with the ability to talk to figures in the political and economic establishment whom the Hamilton Jordans either don’t know or aren’t comfortable with...
...HEW D i r e c t o r , H e a l t h C a r e Financing Administration-Robert Derzon was fired by Secretary Califano for not moving fast enough to consolidate Medicare and Medicaid programs...
...First we said he would not be appointed director of OMB...
...D i r e c t o r , H e a l t h Care Financing Administration-Leonard D. Schaeffer was assistant secretary of HEW for management and budget...
...probable) Member-Kathleen Nolan is president of the Screen Actors Guild in Los Angeles...
...RESIGNATIONS, DEATHS, AND WITHDRAWN NOMINATIONS Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Director-Paul Warnke has announced he will leave as the administration’s chief arms control negotiator in late October...
...Federal Trade Commission Deputy Executive Director-Barry J. Kefauver has been with the agency since 1969, most recently as director of personnel...
...probable) Member-Paul S. Friedlander is an attorney from Seattle...
...Clay Smith, associate general counsel with the Federal Communications Commission, was a law professor at Harvard and director of the National Conference of Black Lawyers...
...It looked phony then, and it looks even phonier now that it has been subjected to a study by the General Accounting Office...
...AGRICULTURE Deputy Assistant Secretary for Conservation, Research, and Education-David G. Ungar was executive vice president of the National Association of Conservation Districts...
...Who’s Who in the Carter Administration Last month we told you about Greg Schneider’s return to power...
...Wewere wrongon both counts...
...ENERGY Deputy Inspector General-Thomas S. Williamson was an associate in the Washington law firm of Covington and Burling...
...TREASURY Deputy Assistant Secretary for State and Local Finance-Donald H. Haider was a professor at Northwestern University...
...Federal Communications Commission Commissioner- Anne P. Jones, general counsel of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, had headed the Securities and Exchange Commission’s division of investment management previously...
...What happened...
...State Representative to the Vatican-David Walters has resigned, citing personal reasons...
...was an associate administrator at the agency...
...Transportation Special Assistant to Secretary Brock Adams- Woodruff M. Price has resigned to become a vice president of Seaboard Coastline Industries Inc...
...Assistant Director, Office of Management and Budget-Van Ooms, chief economist for the Senate Budget Committee, will act as chief economist for the agency...
...probable) Ambassador to the Somali Democratic Republic-Donald K. Petterson was deputy assistant secretary for African affairs...
...The post has been vacant since former deputy director James Mclntyre succeeded Bert Lance as OMB director...
...Ambassador to the Central African Empire-Anthony C. E. Quainton has resigned...
...Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-Anthony Robbins was director of the Colorado Department of Health...
...Assistant Surgeon General-Lionel H. deMontigny was director of the Indian Community Development section of HEW’S Indian Health Service...
...probable) Corporation for Public Broadcasting Member-Geoffrey Cowan is a lecturer at the UCLA Communications Department...
...No employees moved to the field, and only 60 left the payroll...
...Federal Highway Administration Deputy Administrator-John S. Hassell Jr...
...Food and Drug Administration Deputy Director, Bureau of Medical Devices-Victor Zafra was chief of the health branch of the Office of Management and Budget...
...HUD Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity-Chester C. McGuire and his deputy, Herman Wilson, have both resigned their posts after HUD Secretary Patricia Harris criticized the productivity of their division...
...probable) Equal Employment O p p o r t u n i t i e s Commission Member-J...
...Associate Director, Office of Governmental and Public Affairs-Edwin Goodpastor was deputy bureau chief of Time magazine’s Washington bureau...
...then that he would namea mediocrityas hisdeputy...
...The feeling is mutual department: Robert Strauss wants out of his job as the administration’s chief inflation fighter and the White House wants him out-of that role...
...D e p u t y A d m i n i s t r a t o r for Policy Development-Henry S. Dogin is deputy commissioner of the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (probable...
...Alternate United Nations Representative for Special Political Affairs-Richard W. Petree was Minister-Counselor for Political and Security affairs at the United Nations...
...Before coming to Washington in 1977, he had worked for the Georgia Department of Transportation...
...INTERIOR Director, Bureau of Mines-Roger Markle was president of the western division of the Valley Camp Coal Co...
...COMMERCE Deputy Secretary for East-West TradeKempton B. Jenkins is a career foreign service officer and was most recently deputy assistant secretary of State for congressional liaison...
...Deputy Director, Health Care Financing Administration- William Fullerton resigned for financial reasons...
...Federal Home Loan Bank Board Member-Garth Marston is leaving to become vice chairman of the Provident Institution for Savings in Boston...
...Civil Aeronautics Board Member-G...
...Who’s Who” is compiling an unenviable record of unreliability about James MacIntyre...
...Member- Armando Rodriguez, former president of East Los Angeles College, is the only Hispanic on the five-member board...
...is a commanding officer with the Los Angeles Police Department (probable...
...Director, Human Nutrition CenterMark Hegsted, a professor of nutrition at Harvard, will head this new agency...
...WHITE HOUSE Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget-John P. White was assistant secretary of Defense for manpower...
...Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for State and Local Finance-J...
...White was previously senior vice president of the Rand Corp...
...But White House insiders say that, while he’s bright and likable, hisjudgment is no better than it was at the time of hisfallin December 1976...
...Joseph Minetti retired after serving beyond the mandatory retirement age...
...She is an ally of FCC chairman Charles Ferris and is expected to shift the balance of power at the agency to him...
...Chester Johnson resigned in a dispute over the drafting of the National Development Bank Bill...
...Brown’s plan called for a substantial transfer of operations from Washington to the field and a reduction of over 2,000 jobs...
...Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Member-Richard Backley was administ r a t i v e law judge with the Civil Aeronautics Board...
...probable) Ambassador to Lebanon- John Gunther Dean was ambassador to Denmark...
...Last February we gave you an interim briefing on Harold Brown’s reorganization of the Defense Department...
...Prior to her appointment to the commission, Franklin was a White House assistant specializing in the recruitment of women for top government positions...
...The post has been vacant since the beginning of the Carter administration...
...HEW Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget-Frederick M. Bohen was executive secretary to Secretary Joseph Califano...
...Railway Association Chairman- William Smith has been acting chairman of the USRA...
...STATE Assistant Secretary for Oceans and I n t e r n a t i o n a l Environmental and Scientific Affairs-Thomas R. Pickering has been ambassador to Jordansince 1972...
Vol. 10 • November 1978 • No. 8