Who’s Who in the Carter Administration The real tragedy of this administration has to be the lack of interest in the substance of government on the part of Carter’s chief assistants, Jody...
...JUSTICE Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Tax Division-Cono R. Namorato, a member of the task force set up to review the finances of former Office of Management and Budget Director Bert Lance, has resigned to join the Washington law firm of Caplin & Drysdale...
...is that he left his post to become Adams’ special assistant...
...Federal Reserve Board Vice Chairman--Stephen S. Gardner, former deputy secretary of the Treasury and former head of the Girard Bank in Philadelphia, died on November 19...
...STATE Ambassador-at-Large-W...
...matters in this newly created post...
...Interstate Commerce Commission Nuclear Regulatorv Commission aScetcirnegta sreyc-rHetearrbye rot f the commission...
...ADuirdeictotorr- Jaomf etsh e OJ.f fiCceu momf iInngssp, ecwtohro ahnads Special Counsel to the Commission- been director of the Office of Inspections Edward J. Schack, who has been associate and Security at NASA, will serve primarily director of the office of proceedings, will as an inspector general at the commission...
...There could be a major exodus from sub-cabinet posts this year as the White House simultaneously cuts budgets and demands greater subservience from the victims of the cuts...
...Sometimes he is a guy who the boss wanted removed from some other significant post, and who will be given an office but nothing to do...
...Borowski will be on represent the public in all commission assignment from the SEC...
...When the reformers won, he was hired as press secretary for the UM W and later became the union’s director of publications...
...Commodity Futures Trading Commission Acting Chairman-Gary L. Stevens, currently vice chairman, is expected to hold this position until a new chairman can be found to replace William T. Bagley...
...HEW Executive Assistant to the SecretaryRichard I. Beattie has been deputy general counsel...
...Sometimes the special assistant is the real power behind his boss...
...Later as a reporter for the Raleigh Report in Berkley, West Virginia, he became interested in the Miners for Democracy reform movement in the United Mine Workers...
...Speechwriter--Caryl Connor, a member of Carter’s speechwriting staff since last spring, has resigned to do freelance work and public television commentaries...
...AGENCIES & COMMISSIONS Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Senior Staff Assistant to the Director-Col...
...Bernard Aronson, who is the new chief speechwriter for the White House, is a former member of VISTA who worked in the coal fields of Kentucky...
...Special Assistant for Special ProjectsMartha “Bunny” Mitchell, the highestranking black woman in the White House, is leaving to become the executive assistant to the deputy administrator of the Small Business Administration...
...Borowski will take charge of the bribery scandal investigation Initiated by Vincent R. Alto...
...The words left out were, “and without threatening Carter...
...He will continue to act as a consultant to the Lance investigation...
...HUD Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs-William Welsh has been executive director for governmental affairs for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees...
...Answers to last month’s puzzle: LABOR Acting Director, Office of Engineering Feasibility, Occupational Safety and Health Administration-Donald W. Lyons has been a professor at Clemson University specializing in textile and mechanical engineering...
...He may surprise Gerald Rafshoon and Greg Schneiders, who are telling reporters they expect to exercise tight control over him...
...COMMERCE Special Assistant to the Secretary for Intergovernmental Relations--Richard W. Roper has been director of the Office of Newark Studies, which provides the city of Newark, New Jersey, with policy research and analysis...
...and it goes to Bernard Aronson, who was a speechwriter for Vice President Mondale...
...In WHITE HOUSE Deputy Secretary, Office of Management and Budget--John P. White has been reappointed by President Carter during the congressional recess, after having failed to be approved by Congress before adjournment...
...We hear he fell from favor after Adams was ranked at the bottom of the President’s cabinet by U.S...
...Special Assistant to the Chairman, Council on Wage and Price Stability-W...
...Describing himself as “burnt out” and hampered by the lack of power to subpoena witnesses and documents, Alto plans to open a law office in Washington...
...Insiders say he was on the right side in most of the union’s internal fights...
...Bow-man Cutter has been executive associate director for budget in the Office of Management and Budget...
...TRANS PORTATION Director of Consumer and Public Affairs--David Jewel1 will be special assistant to the Secretary...
...Who’s Who in the Carter Administration The real tragedy of this administration has to be the lack of interest in the substance of government on the part of Carter’s chief assistants, Jody Powell and Hamilton Jordan, and the ignorance of the federal government that they and their boss shared when they came to power...
...Which is Jewell...
...Assistant Director for Wage and Price Monitoring, Council on Wage and Price Stability-Jack Meyer is leaving to join the staff of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research...
...Out WHITE HOUSE Member, Council of Economic AdvisorsWilliam Nordhaus, a charter member of the Carter administration, is leaving to resume teaching at Yale...
...You can’t tell from his title, and that’s the beauty of it...
...Her responsibility for liaison with black groups has been taken over by Louis E. Martin, whojoined the White House this fall...
...Executive Speechwriter--This is the new title for the chief speechwriter...
...Deputy Tax Legislative Counsel-Harry L. Gutman has been an attorney advisor to the tax legislative counsel since July 1977...
...What we knon...
...Vice Chairman, Energy Research Advisory Board-James Fletcher is a member of the engineering department at the University of Pittsburgh...
...currently he is a partner with W. Willard Wirtz, secretary of Labor under Kennedy and Johnson, in a Washington consulting firm...
...Speechwriter--Jerry Doolittle, who wrote many of Carter’s jokes, plans to resign and probably will go to work as public affairs spokesman for a federal agency...
...Deputy Assistant Secretary for Equal Employment Opportunity-Wallace Kountze, who has been personnel administrator for the state of Massachusetts, will be responsible f o r the depart men t ’s hiring p r ogra ms f o r minorities, women, and the handicapped...
...Federal Reserve Board Staff Director for Monetary and Financial Policy--Stephen H. Axilrod will be responsible for integrating domestic monetary policy with international policy issues in this newly created post...
...George Seignious, another retired military officer, at the ACDA...
...TREASURY I Director, Bank Organization and Structure Division-James V. Elliot has been an attorney in the litigation division of the Comptroller of the Currency’s office...
...General Services Administration Special Counsel to the Internal Corruption Probe--Vincent R. Alto, a former Justice Department prosecutor, agreed to take this post for six months last May...
...Now “special assistant” is one of those job descriptions that can mean two totally opposite things...
...AGENCIES & COMMISSIONS ACTION Director, Peace Corps--Dr...
...Director, Office of Business Programs in the Industry and Trade AdministrationJohn B. Roose was associate assistant administrator of the old Federal Energy Administration...
...General Services Administration Special Counsel to the Internal Corruption Probe-Irwin M. Borowski has been an associate director of the Securities and Ex c ha n ge C o m m is s io n ’s e n f o r ce m e n t division...
...ENERGY Chairman, Energy Research Advisory ,Board-Solomon Bucksbaum has been vice president for network planning and customer service at Bell Laboratories...
...Payton alleged was too small, and over what Payton described as plans for the agency to engage in “political activism and advocacy...
...Norman G. Clyne, retired from the Army, has joined Lt...
...Carter w i l l now make his fourth appointment to the Board...
...Arnold Miller fired him along with other top staff members in 1976...
...Staff Member, National Security Council-Jim Rentschler, a Foreign Service officer in the International Communications Agency, who has served in Bucharest, Morocco, Paris...
...Martin Schram recently wrote in The Wuslzin‘qton Post: “Mondale has carved out an influential role in the administration without threatening the Carter staff...
...Carter (no relation to the President) is a career Foreign Service officer who also has served in Tanzania...
...HUD Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs-Harry K. Schwartz has resigned at the request of HUD Secretary Patricia Harris...
...Carolyn R. Payton, the first woman and first black to hold this post, resigned over policy differences with the director of ACTION, Sam Brown...
...Beverly Carter, currently ambassador to Liberia, will head the new Office for Liaison with State and Local Governments...
...Schwartz’s performance as the department’s congressional lobbyist had received criticism from Capitol Hill...
...Deputy to the Counselor on lnflationJohn N. Gentry will be the labormanagement troubleshooter for inflation chief Alfred Kahn...
...Gentry spent I3 years in the Labor Department...
...The conflict arose over the size of the fiscal 1979 budget, which Dr...
...The case of David Jewell, who was Brock Adams’ press secretary, presents one of the classic Washington mysteries...
...and Upper Volta, will handle Western European issues...
Vol. 10 • January 1979 • No. 10