
Scrapbook Clintonus Maximus! On Sunday, January 5, 82-year-old Roy Jenkins died at his home in Oxfordshire, England. Jenkins was a great and distinguished man: a Welsh miner's son who became a...

...Embassy personnel were instructed to "please have a case or two of Evian water for us to take with us at each embassy...
...Non coitus est cum hac femina," dixit...
...Bill Frist for his demise, but mostly Frist, his replacement as the new Senate majority leader...
...The Republican strategy is to wait several months before holding a new hearing on Pickering while the nominee and his allies generate support, particularly among blacks...
...He sent his kids to predominantly black public schools, not white academies, and testified against the Klan...
...But now a few Senate Republicans are wary...
...In truth, Pickering has worked for decades in Mississippi for racial reconciliation...
...Then, when Frist was asked if he supported the renomination of Pickering, he ducked the question...
...It would be tremendously good fun," Oxford and "fun" being virtually synonymous, of course...
...In the end, though, Bush will probably be required to speak out again in Pickering's behalf, making it clear to Democrats and queasy Republicans that, for him, the confirmation of Pickering is a top priority...
...It was because of the unfair treatment of Pickering by liberal interest groups and Democratic senators that the White House insisted on nominating him anew, and doing it early in the new congressional session...
...Other demands: Specter wants to "meet with the head of state...
...As one member of the stage crew told the Evening Standard (no relation), "He stormed around all day screaming at everyone, even the £5-an-hour bar staff, telling them how we were all con men and useless...
...Pickering is a victim of both liberal race-baiting and the fall of Senator Trent Lott, who had persuaded the White House to nominate Pickering in the first place...
...The list of demands makes Specter sound like the J. Lo of the U.S...
...Ergo Cancellarius Univer-sitatis Oxoniensi...
...Except for one thing, what you might call the "Roy Jenkins problem...
...Bizarrely enough, the name on everyone's lips is Bill Clinton...
...Also, Britain's university system is suffering a severe money crunch, and nobody does fundraising like good old Bill...
...Specter] are world travelers and like nice accommodations...
...Jenkins was a great and distinguished man: a Welsh miner's son who became a three-time cabinet minister, founder of the Social Democratic party, president of the European Commission, author of more than 20 much admired books of historical scholarship, a British life peer, and member of the Queen's Order of Merit...
...Bring blankets for each of the Specters on the flight, Boca Burgers [veggie burgers] for inflight meals, no flights more than three or four hours, no evening flights [and] no really early flights...
...Bush didn't want Pickering's critics to win a victory through race-baiting...
...Alan Ryan, a professor at the university's New College, says he'd "love" to see it happen...
...Senatus, 50-50 divisa est, absolvit...
...Our friends at London's Financial Times have considered this question, and have offered one possible answer, excerpts of which—tremendously good fun, we think—follow: Guilelmus Clinton...
...What makes the case of Pickering, currently a federal district court judge, so touchy is the race issue...
...Judge Pickering, Take Two The battle over the nomination of Judge Charles Pickering to the 5th U.S...
...And being the senior senator from Pennsylvania, he did so in style, according to an e-mail unearthed by the Washington Post's Al Kamen...
...The following day he left in a huff, not saying a word to anyone...
...He wasn't, adding Pickering to a list of 30 new judicial nominees last week...
...We couldn't help wondering if it was just a coincidence that this short item showed up in National Journal's "Hotline" last week...
...What, for example, would Oxford's Public Orator say when it came time, at Clinton's investiture ceremony, to read the traditional Latin citation...
...Perfect, no...
...She is "interested in local cultural products and [is] discerning about unique marketplaces/bazaars, she is not interested in clones of Western stores, i.e., skip the Tel Aviv Gucci or Prada branch etc...
...He's suffered from the McCarthyism of the 21st century—a wrongful accusation of racism...
...In any event, Lott is no longer in a position to push the nomination through the Senate...
...The Times of London calls Clinton "a realistic prospect" and likely a "hot favorite among younger graduates...
...Here he would go on his usual diatribes about how "America is being led into war with Iraq by a guy who can't even find it on a map...
...Herba marijuana fumerat (sed non inhalerat), legionus Ameri-canus evaderat, cum multibus femi-nibus dormaverat...
...Conservative Pennsylvania Rep...
...Pat Toomey is "strongly considering" a challenge to Specter, who is up for reelection in 2004...
...Perhaps the first time in recent memory he has ever kept his mouth shut...
...If the passengers had included black men, he claimed, those killers, with their puny bodies and unimpressive small knives, would have been crushed...
...Domus Repre-sentatis imperator Clinton defenestrare tentavit...
...or highest ranking official they can muster during the holiday season...
...Theater staff refused to open the doors the next night until Moore apologized...
...Since Lott lost his job as Senate GOP leader, the Pickering plot has thickened...
...Lott blames Bush adviser Karl Rove and Sen...
...Bush was expected to be wary of sending Pickering's name back to Capitol Hill...
...Pickering was brutally treated in 2002 by the Senate Judiciary Committee, then controlled by Democrats, and his confirmation was voted down...
...Then he went on stage and did it in public...
...Bill Clinton, on the other hand, is . . . well, not the personification of gravitas and dignity...
...As if the racist tastelessness weren't bad enough, Moore decided to throw a tantrum over how little the Roundhouse was paying him...
...Philosophus profundus, per exemplo, "Quae quod significatio verbi 'est' est...
...Alia Occidentalis Domus Albus laborante, sibi pizza donata est a Monica Lewinsky, puella pulchrissima, sensuosa californicante, fellatrix superiore...
...Specter "will want an escort at each country and will likely be interested in sightseeing or shopping...
...Libidensis gigantem...
...And creature comforts...
...Moore Obnoxious For the last two months, Michael Moore, arguably the most obnoxious lefty in America (which is saying a lot), has been performing in a one-man show at north London's Roundhouse theater...
...Mentor feminae juve-naliae britannicae...
...Circuit Court of Appeals—more precisely, his renomination—has become a complicated drama...
...What to do...
...According to Yasmin Alibhai-Brown of the Independent, Moore recently "went into a rant about how the passengers on the planes on 11 September were scaredy-cats because they were mostly white...
...Baron Jenkins's death leaves his final position, chancellor of Oxford University, open...
...But in Pickering's case, it shouldn't...
...But the shtick has worn thin even in London...
...Oxford, as the Chicago Tribune puts it, "is the personification of gravitas and dignity...
...On the Senate floor last week, Lott hugged his old nemesis, Democratic leader Tom Daschle, but declined even to shake hands with Frist...
...Later, an aide said Frist would back Pickering...
...In res publi-cis et civitatis homo erectus stupendus ut in mens et in corpore...
...So who on earth could possibly take his place...
...J. Lo of the Senate Arlen Specter set out over the holidays to make things right in the world, or at least in Europe and the Middle East...
...The congressional and diplomatic trip planners operated under one guiding principle: "The key to success here is to note that they [the senator and Mrs...
...This spooks some Republicans...
...Clinton has Oxford connections: He frittered away his late-1960s Rhodes Scholarship there, and his daughter Chelsea is there right now...

Vol. 8 • January 2003 • No. 18

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