Parody Trent Lott announces his support for affirmative action programs. —News item Copyright 2002 Associated Press Associated Press Onlme December 27, 2002 Friday SECTION: WASHINGTON...
...Africa-Mombassa told the chair...
...Africa- Mombassa announced that he is forming a third party with Al Sharpton, dedicated to making Ebonics the official language of the United States...
...Once I get rhymin’ I just don’t know what’s going to come out...
...The Ebonics legislation is expected to take up much of the winter...
...Africa-Mombassa and his posse approached the Senate floor around 11 a.m...
...AP Correspondent DATELINE: WASHINGTON BODY: Mississippi senator Mohammed ibn al Africa-Mombassa, formerly known as Trent Lott, left the Republican party today, following his recent decision to step down as majority leader...
...So what I’m really saying is that if we’d elected Lenora Fulani president in the first place we wouldn’t have had all these troubles all these years...
...Not even the whole head...
...Wearing baggy pants, an “OJ was Framed” T-shirt, and the hair relaxer that has recently become his trademark, Sen...
...Africa-Mombassa then announced his personal agenda for the year 2003...
...promises Full Agenda BYLINE: RON FOURNIER...
...In fact, just that part of the head over the right eyebrow, up around the crown...
...Permission granted,” Senator Olympia Snowe, who was presiding, replied, “though following yesterday’s scene, the chair does feel compelled to remind the senator that my name is ‘Snowe,’ not ‘Ho.’” “I am so sorry if my hip-hop performance yesterday caused anybody to take offense,” Senator Africa-Mombassa responded...
...Yo dog, I’d like permission to revise and extend my remarks,” Sen...
...Africa-Mombassa denied that this move was a cynical attempt to compensate for recent scandals, though he did say that he would continue with his world apology tour, with future concert dates in New York, Paris, Durban and Lagos...
...Just sort of the front part...
...News item Copyright 2002 Associated Press Associated Press Onlme December 27, 2002 Friday SECTION: WASHINGTON DATELINE LENGTH: 350 words HEADLINE: Senator Forms Third Party...
...Senate debate over slavery reparations should then stretch on to early spring, to be followed by the senator’s bill to make Tupac Shakur’s birth...
...I’d just like the world to know that those remarks were an error of the head, not of the heart...
...Still, if my comments caused pain to you or to women in general, I would be happy to go on the Oxygen network for a full hour, or Lifetime or even The View...
Vol. 8 • December 2002 • No. 16