
Correspondence THE GOVERNOR RESPONDS IN HER JULY 22 REVIEW of Hugh Davis Graham's Collision Course: The Strange Convergence of Affirmative Action and Immigration Policy in America, Beth Henary...

...The sensible, moderate position is to reject reproductive cloning but to be open to therapeutic cloning when it can be shown to improve human health...
...The nonexistent paper trail of the White House liaison operation is fully explained by the extensive and carefully implemented security program designed to prevent uncontrolled revelation of the existence and operations of the Venona program and later of ties to the White House...
...we have eliminated unfair and unconstitutional practices like quotas and set-asides without turning our backs on minorities...
...Army code breakers were reading secret Soviet messages.' Their source is former NSA analyst Oliver Kirby, who recalled Carter Clarke, head of Army Intelligence, telling him the story...
...From August 1945 on, I participated in preparing data for the chief executive...
...Of course, it is true that a "moratorium" is a "temporary ban...
...Michael Warby Melbourne, Australia "I WAS THERE" THE FACT THAT NO ONE IN THE PAST has linked Truman to the Venona program does not mean he did not know about it ("Spies Like Us," Harvey Klehr, July 1/July 8...
...Montserrat C. Gomez Jacksonville, FL HAVE A LOOK DOWNUNDER I HAVE JUST READ Peter Berkowitz's piece on the dissenting justices' opinions in the school voucher decision ("Liberals Versus Religion," July 15...
...Another small but important detail concerning the following section of the review should be cleared up: "The Schecters argue that Harry Truman was told at a June 1945 meeting 'that U.S...
...intelligence units to be a continuing and serious liability for the Democratic party...
...He tries to interpret the council's report as supporting his position when he says that "a majority of the council calls in the report for a four-year federal moratorium—a national ban—on all human cloning...
...None of the evils the dissenting justices fear has remotely come to pass...
...In addition, studies of the traffic links, addresses, and entree into several other codes enabled the identification of the Soviet intelligence agency of origin...
...You are welcome to contact us to purchase back issues...
...But it is strange indeed, and perhaps even counterproductive, to diminish any advances in conservative public policy, especially in controversial areas that have seen little or no change in decades...
...Venona was a "carve-out program" with technical operations performed by cryptanalysts and linguists from the Army Security Agency but with the controls of dissemination, security provisions, personnel security, and program access exercised by the White House...
...With data from German wartime exploitation of Soviet Security forces' messages, all these unique "scraps" identified these messages as evolving from a healthy Soviet espionage system...
...It was controversial at the time, but is now almost entirely unremarkable...
...Australia has one of the highest rates of non-government school attendance in the Western world, mainly, but not entirely, at religious schools dominated by the Catholic school sector...
...Yet Australia has had direct Commonwealth payment to religious schools since the early 1960s...
...But the point is that those who wanted a permanent ban on therapeutic cloning believe that all cloned embryos are morally inviolable and should never be used for medical research...
...But the council was divided on the issue of therapeutic cloning...
...OMER BIN ABDULLAH Editor, Islamic Horizons Herndon, VA...
...State universities may no longer use race or ethnicity as a factor in admissions...
...i welcome constructive criticism, particularly from those who share my conservative principles...
...Kristol has led the campaign for a complete ban on all kinds of human cloning—both cloning for producing children and cloning for biomed-ical research...
...Klehr then adds: "But, in June 1945, when Clarke allegedly told the president [about the existence of the Venona program], the Army's cryptanalysts had not yet begun to read Soviet messages and had no inkling they concerned espionage...
...As discussion with Secretary of Defense Forrestal showed, President Truman disliked Venona, in part because he did not believe Soviet spying was a serious problem even when he was presented with details of spy penetrations, names of spies, and other data showing the effec-tivity of Soviet espionage...
...The success of One Florida proves that it's possible to move forward on principle, make significant headway on reform, and expand opportunity at the same time...
...In fact, we are now making ready the September/October 2002 issue...
...Only seven of the eighteen members favored a complete ban on cloning for biomedical research (Kristol's position...
...WE ARE LONGTIME SUBSCRIBERS to THE WEEKLY STANDARD and found Fred Barnes's "The Bush Doctrine Comes to Cuba" (July 15) to be one of the most clear, factual, and logical analyses of the situation in Cuba to date...
...The council was unanimous in recommending a "ban" on reproductive cloning...
...However, messages had been matched with reused additive encipherment keys, and "spell groups" had been recovered which enabled some cover names to be retrieved...
...Only the Cuban "government"—namely the Castro brothers, their children, and the high echelons of the nomenklatura— may participate in joint ventures with foreign investors...
...OLIVER R. KIRBY Former head of Venona program, NSA Greenville, TX HARVEY KLEHR RESPONDS: Oliver Kirby's recollections are in direct conflict with the accounts of the NSA, its historians, and FBI agents like Robert Lamphere who have written about Venona...
...I was there (a documented fact) and I have now chosen to reveal new facts not known to "everyone who has written on Venona...
...JEB BUSH Tallahassee, FL DAMAGE CONTROL WILLIAM KRISTOL'S EDITORIAL on the report of the President's Council on Bioethics ("The Kass Council's Good Counsel," July 22) is an exercise in "damage control...
...I find their reasoning particularly bizarre because I am an Australian...
...The reality is that Islamic Horizons distributes 65-75,000 copies of each issue and is publishing regularly...
...In moving toward this compromise, they were following the lead of the u.S...
...At the other extreme are the fanatics who advocate a complete ban on all cloning, including therapeutic cloning that would relieve human suffering...
...The facts regarding affirmative action in Florida are simple...
...Complete code book recovery and reading the full text of messages had not been accomplished...
...instead, we have focused on increasing opportunities, without guaranteed results, through greater minority outreach, recruitment, and assistance...
...Correspondence THE GOVERNOR RESPONDS IN HER JULY 22 REVIEW of Hugh Davis Graham's Collision Course: The Strange Convergence of Affirmative Action and Immigration Policy in America, Beth Henary takes a swipe at our One Florida initiative, suggesting that it is an extension of, rather than an alternative to, the failed race-based affirmative action policies of the past...
...But once they saw that they did not have a majority, they came up with the idea of a four-year "moratorium," and three other members were won over to this position, which created a bare majority of ten for the "moratorium...
...DAVID A. BELL Baltimore, MD IT WAS RATHER AMUSING to read Stephen Schwartz's claim that "Islamic Horizons is the bimonthly organ of the Islamic Society of North America, which represents Wahhabi Islam in American mosques...
...Nor may Florida's state agencies and departments offer minority-owned businesses set-asides and price preferences as was done in the past...
...Cubans are not allowed to participate in any investment in their own country...
...However, Barnes writes that "[Castro] encouraged foreign firms to invest in joint ventures with Cubans...
...we have focused on higher student achievement and a better business climate for all, hoping to combat the disparities that have led others to advocate for race-based "solutions...
...These espionage incursions were understood by the cryptologic and U.S...
...She mistakes our vision completely... fact, Florida is the only state in the nation through executive action to have eliminated race-based quotas, set-asides, and price preferences...
...To criticize conservative change and maintain silence in the face of success only guarantees the further entrenchment of old institutions and bureaucracies...
...Une petite erreur: Jacques Delors, father of Martine Aubry, was president of the European Commission, but never prime minister of France...
...Anyone who reads the report will see that identifying the recommended "moratorium" as a "ban" is a distortion...
...Sacred Secrets records my experiences and my certain knowledge that President Truman knew, but did not like, the facts about Venona...
...Cryptologic records verify that I was there, was head of the program, and have personal knowledge of events surrounding Venona...
...If "Cubans" designates all the nationals living in the island, the statement does not hold true...
...By contrast, some of those who voted for the "moratorium" do not regard the embryo up to the blastocyst stage as being so inviolable as to forever foreclose using them for research...
...The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia contains a provision (Section 116) barring the establishment of religion...
...The notes I prepared shortly thereafter (which still exist) have been the sure foundation for "Kirby's recollection many decades afterwards...
...Kirby's repeated "I was there" assertions would have more credence if they did not contradict documentary evidence...
...ERRATA KUDOS TO CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL for his excellent, thought-provoking piece on Islam in France ("Allah Mode," July 15...
...What the report really shows is a move away from extremist positions toward a moderate position that reflects the good sense of the American people as demonstrated in recent Senate debates on this issue...
...Thanks for this opportunity to put some of the facts in the review in context...
...At one extreme are the fanatics who advocate reproductive cloning...
...I worked with General Omar Bradley and General Carter W. Clarke as the technical director of Venona...
...we have replaced them with One Florida, which we defend on good conservative principles...
...Its last printed edition came out in September/October 2001" ("All the Hate That's Fit to Print," July 22...
...Senate, where a similar compromise seems likely...
...Australia is a highly secular society and is becoming, if anything, even more so...
...Contrary to Kirby's claim, Meredith Gardner did not break the "spell table" for encoding names until late 1946...
...During the life of the program the political problems kept it under tight wraps...
...We have offered a more optimistic alternative in place of traditional affirmative action programs...

Vol. 7 • August 2002 • No. 45

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