Parody "To say 'Our nation is at war, our economy is in recession and the civilized world faces unprecedented dangers' is as bold and clear an opening of a State of the Union message as I have ever...
...Parody "To say 'Our nation is at war, our economy is in recession and the civilized world faces unprecedented dangers' is as bold and clear an opening of a State of the Union message as I have ever heard...
...Chrétien isnot the only world leader to have taken a cuefrom American President George W. Bush inrecent days...
...World Leaders Embrace "New Frankness" At Summit Rush Influence Making Itself Pelt BY MIKE ALLEN Washington Post Staff Writer “Our currency is dropping like a dive-bomber,our climate is frigid, and so are our women,”Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétienannounced at the opening of this week’sWestern Powers summit in Ottawa...
...Schroeder rallied his delegation with theopening boast, “Germany doesn’t just rank atthe rock-bottom of European economic perfor-mance—it’s also the only country in the worldwhere 300-pound, 60-year-old men walk aroundin leather trousers and think they’re beingsexy...
...He had to cut short his remarks to accommo-date Russian President Vladimir Putin, whostayed just long enough to enumerate howmany billions worth of natural resourcesRussia’s political classes have stolen from state...
...Richard Cohen, Washington Post, February 1, 2002...
...We can’t continue to be a country living off its past,” he said, “which, of course, is exact-ly what we are...
...It’s a general move towards frankness,”according to French President Jacques Chirac.“When I gave my ‘Let Me Explain to You, MyFellow Countrymen, What Deodorant Is . . .’national radio address, there was some con-sternation, but we have to keep moving for-ward...
...Chirac made his remarks before anaddress by German Chancellor GerhardSchroeder entitled “Germany: Economic BasketCase...
Vol. 7 • February 2002 • No. 21