
Scrapbook Buchanan and His Bedfellows Patrick Buchanan's splenetic outburst on the political loyalties of N^^ York Times columnist William Safire puts The Scrapbook in mind of the old adage,...

...Meanwhile, loyal Scrapbook readers will not be surprised to learn that Buchanan has a new and voluble cheerleader, Jude Wanniski, who when last reported on by this page was favorably comparing Slobodan Milosevic to Abraham Lincoln...
...And besides, as Wanniski says he explained to a rapt Buchanan, they (Wanniski, Buchanan, Buchanan's Reform party pal Lenora Fulani, Louis Farrakhan) are all Marxists now...
...The administration will undoubtedly attempt to kill the bill on the House floor with a whole host of "the-world-is-going-to-end" arguments...
...26 letter to his clients titled "Pitchfork Pat and the Power Pyramid," Wanniski reports from "Pat Buchanan's cozy living room in McLean, Va., which I visited for the first time last week...
...But the House should pass it, move it to the Senate for a vote before recess, and then force the president to veto an act which, on its face, falls squarely within the commitments the United States undertook to the island's self-defense under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act...
...Karl Marx, I told him, believed capitalism was doomed because its power elites would capture governments in order to reach into foreign markets, at the expense of the masses who would be left behind in the quest for global profits...
...Indeed, Jim Woolsey, Clinton's own former head of Central Intelligence, described the administration policy toward Beijing as one of "appeasement...
...Not to mention, Marx was anti-Jewish...
...Wanniski-Buchanan might seem a counterintuitive alliance...
...The Web publication Feed reported two days later that a quick trip to Harris's personal Web page revealed links to his many porn sites...
...23 New Yo^k Times featured a striking story, to say the least...
...News judgment can abet courage or invoke caution...
...What will the administration's complaint be now that the members of the House International Relations Committee have favorably voted out of committee the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act, by the overwhelming and bipartisan margin of 32-6...
...But Wannis-ki's political tailspin has dropped him over the years from advising Jack Kemp to advising Louis Farrakhan...
...Well, sort of...
...On all the issues that used to animate Wanniski when he was an ardent publicist for supply-side economics—free trade, capital gains, immigration—he and Buchanan are at odds...
...He said Mikhail S. Gorbachev 'saw that the world must change and had the courage to make that change.'" How deep...
...Egg on Its Face The Oct...
...Shouldn't there be a little more outrage about this calumny...
...I represent America only...
...Ron Harris, the photographer in question and proprietor of the site, was described as a mix of "Darwin-based eugenics, Playboy-style sensibilities and eBay-type commerce...
...26, when she asked the Reform party's newest star about criticism from Safire, his "old friend at the Nixon White House...
...Harsh, but still within bounds...
...As Wanniski relates, "I threw out several policy ideas that I believed might be useful to him, which no other candidate would risk, and he seemed enthusiastic about most of them...
...Taiwan On Ever since the Senate Republicans (defeated the fatally flawed Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the White House has been whining about what it describes as a new and dangerous level of "partisanship" on the GOP's part...
...The egg story was just a promotion for his porn business...
...First of all, said Buchanan, "William Safire is not a friend of mine...
...Safire, I've got to say: I represent America first...
...Does Ross Perot...
...Here's how Buchanan answered ABC's Diane Sawyer on Oct...
...Let the White House explain why supporting the democratic government of Taipei in the face of overt military threats from Beijing is bad policy...
...And I do not think he is an honorable man, personally...
...Sam Gejdenson, the ranking member on the committee, are becoming increasingly embarrassed by the administration's supine approach to China and its hesitation in backing Taiwan, a "full-fledged democracy," in its confrontation with "the largest totalitarian state in the world" (Gej-denson's words...
...The Republican party is luckier than it knows that Buchanan left it...
...Give credit to committee chairman Ben Gilman and Tom DeLay, the GOP whip, for forcing the bill to a vote, and to Chris Cox for managing its final wording...
...Just as Britain and France's appeasement of Germany on the question of Czechoslovakia before World War II fed rather than mollified Nazi ambitions, he told the committee, so too the administration's deference to China over Taiwan is "wrongheaded and dangerous...
...But as the committee vote showed, even Democrats, like Rep...
...The one thought I shared that surprised him, I think, is that he is not a 'right-winger' at all, but is a Marxist at heart...
...Feed's Clay Shirky put it best: "Falling for this kind of PR stunt is bad enough, but this is the same paper that spent much of the Year of Matt Drudge hectoring the rest of us on the superior accuracy of traditional news outlets...
...Buchanan here goes beyond even that, accusing Safire of being not even a loyal American, insofar as he puts another country first...
...These guys deserve each other...
...Scrapbook Buchanan and His Bedfellows Patrick Buchanan's splenetic outburst on the political loyalties of N^^ York Times columnist William Safire puts The Scrapbook in mind of the old adage, "Better to keep your mouth shut and have people suspect you of being an anti-Semite than open it and remove all doubt...
...A Times editorial during Monica-gate derided net journalism as mere entertainment, contrasting the values of the traditional press thusly: 'Sound judgment pays homage to speed but reveres accuracy...
...In an Oct...
...Now, the traditional anti-Semitic slander has been to accuse Jews of "dual loyalty"—i.e., however much they love their country, Jews are incapable of being like other citizens, since they are loyal to Israel as well...
...Does Buchanan's Reform party sponsor Pat Choate agree...
...However, Buchanan continued, "With regard to Mr...
...I think he knew that but he looked surprised when I told him Marx, like Lincoln, believed America was the last, best hope of mankind...
...From there it was apparently just a small step down to embracing Buchanan...
...To the horror and disgust of mainstream infertility groups," Times reporter Carey Goldberg earnestly wrote, "a longtime fashion photographer has begun offering up models as egg donors to the highest bidders, auctioning their ova via the Internet to would-be parents willing to pay up to $150,000 in hopes of having a beautiful child...
...The Inimitable Adam Clymer_ In a memorable news analysis of the first Gore-Bradley debate (headlined "Surprise Possibility: A Dignified Democratic Race"), the N^'w York Times's Adam Clymer inadvertently demonstrates how fine the distinction can be between "thoughtfulness" and fatuousness...
...More embarrassing still, one of the models whose offspring were presumably going to fetch a high price was working a day job at such Harris properties as and
...Safire, in my judgment, has always put Israel a little bit ahead of his own country...
...News judgment is conscious and conscientious.' Oops...
...It turns out the Times fell for an Internet hoax...
...Try adding Barnum-style promoter to the mix...
...In what may have been the most thoughtful comment of the evening," Clymer analyzes, "the former Senator [Bradley] cited the last President of the Soviet Union...

Vol. 5 • November 1999 • No. 8

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