Not A Parody
Not a Parody Andrew Cuomo's Creole Stew The Department of Housing and Urban Development recently distributed a brochure, intended for tenants in subsidized housing, entitled "Resident Rights and...
...Not a Parody Andrew Cuomo's Creole Stew The Department of Housing and Urban Development recently distributed a brochure, intended for tenants in subsidized housing, entitled "Resident Rights and Responsibilities...
...In fact, as was first reported in Cecil Adams's syndicated feature "Straight Dope," the translation read like a tasteless parody...
...It appeared in various translations, including Spanish, French, Korean, and Portuguese...
...Sekretary Andrew M. Cuomo fella...
...HUD has variously described the brochure as the fault of a contractor, the Government Printing Office, and some as yet unknown prankster...
...Below is an excerpt from the brochure in "HUD Creole": the message to residents from the HUD secretary...
...Meantime, all remaining copies of the Creole brochure have been destroyed...
...HUD officials have promised to investigate further...
...W ell, net qjite all...
...Wi ave a pawtnaship wid everi rezedent of HUDassisted owzing developments: HUD prowtekss di rights ahf ci tenants, ahn tenants gauwd dem own right tru rispansible be'avi -ah...
...But it was the "Creole" translation—supposedly for Haitian speakers of the French-derived patois—that caused an uproar...
...Owah goal is fi guh beyan dat pawtnaship ahn create a sense ahf community by encouraging di reze -dents fi bekum more aktiv ahn invalve demselves inna de decishans dat ahfek di developmnet ahf deir own owzing developments...
Vol. 5 • November 1999 • No. 11