
The Christmas "form letter" is making a comeback. —News Item 3 Grosvenor Square, London Wl Yuletide 1997 Dear Intimate Friend (or am-rem. resident), _ 1997 was such a busy year it seem, Maray...

...She nonaeived a lovely child m Oatober Vienna Philharmonia...
...Topez and Lake with much regn* for tte nx^ happy otteame>^eNeWP^rt<f<or^hoyy owned by the Sultan of B™ Tahoe and found a k>vely m "rm'hePJk Avenue townhouse but Maray and Madonna...
...ndation, Maray was Seated I-"--^^^ and Santa Barbara GardenClub W lbU;;JaS^^^^ aondo in Vail and her filly Just "just being Mom...
...M ^^^1 a Wy marble paPerweight from tlte gold-plated 1958 CadillaT Sedan de ^ H;eIaaMkarayurn7d4-fc>c>t yawl Parian to the villa m St...
...Love you bunahes...
...There s so mua said, "I doubt many of them ami read anyway...
...Harold & Maray...
...Between doing aomrtMy Luck was named ^ro^^ of J" ^rdioto^DflpIinaeton she fixed tasty me^ ing for the IMF and serving (ne^ n0Ueeehat our Siamese tom Huang-Tzu of for Harold and gave a W^uW Jea,!fl¦(^;;l;^,h;d to be put down--Ho, that is...
...h . h_ng dissertaDaughter Chloe was made senior pa^ of Rdr^^mpSmSe^^^ tionTn Velasquez and helping JJhmi m the g;FeSt^ot0v0ala^ttamn inTap d'Antibefand Loah glass-blowing (Grand IW ..d PPtr^^t^ig^WFei^ni^^ii^0i^eng0" wrote her third novel, and Skegg, where she re-designed the Pra» & Wn'^tnceyv^ahibeSh0nPg0:^- Canterbury (the first Ameriaan "mSots of new frtaufc" fa^eeaabSUn™dedArtahb;^0n ofv:oanoerhuconduatorship to receive the Ik*-*?- OE^esi)eb^ctuheedi;te...
...Harold tf aourse ^H^^e^^^SoaOAhm^ef out) and received a spent most weeta-feta Luaeme...
...DOES ss^edibydtheei>uke ofYork and if the sonogram bears this out through frozen ^ to "^Jial-orDt^he Duammophon by the end of March she'llgo ) sdUh ^hheserb^h;;lnge^ath:^^^Dnutanhmissing (she led - amateurs last year) Jefr^^ of him ae J*" ^-J0** iSn2J4I^ttriaan0^daSanltVi^tl:eth Win the 18ieme mmuS-H"* and P^yf aha:mmt:taHyn reaTadmird with salt-and-time the Embassy spares ^ He waS ^^10 ^Suce a scrumptious vin santo, whiah pepper hair and family estates near S an Ghmgnane rh^dUsaesummer...
...resident), _ 1997 was such a busy year it seem, Maray ^wg^^SZ o?^^ Pulitzer for photojoum^ni when * was mi^ hoU^m...
...She made ^ d^fT l^^SS magazine...
...Two graduate students (one from Fribourg and one from ^ SU^!f;taUrtttd an eleatron micrograph aross-seation :n^^H:a^1^::d.:e:^^M0::^n3pr5tha^^r^^^^ouold^d a: aaaekrpa'^le2(:hdeanedalcano^a:feMoandwritopp)theinneo^ainlt on — with a Brittany spaniel named Puffy...
...Royal Xanadu II bit our Taiwanese handyman Ho and he had to be P h , , ,cir 1997 There's so mUah more to tell but, as Harold We hope you all had a aomparably fidfflk^ 1997...
...regional sales manageredeoual^,dreally•i^t1Si;Sile;ds0^7;Ucldy'' Senator Christopher Doc^ ^ o^tss^^ the cinqueports Regatta and to ^Dad aV well soon" aard at the nursing home in Duluth...

Vol. 3 • December 1997 • No. 13

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Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.