
A/bt a Parody A PROCLAMATION li> (he Governor of tin- State of California Kwds skated by niKlKre aad infante, and is also no importnn.1 jkhI of prevtw.ivc beiijih rnvft pm^i'lnm nvHhera ivilk...

...A/bt a Parody A PROCLAMATION li> (he Governor of tin- State of California Kwds skated by niKlKre aad infante, and is also no importnn.1 jkhI of prevtw.ivc beiijih rnvft pm^i'lnm nvHhera ivilk shiwl ;iml lcin>>-lnm*i htntlils...
...anil I g cuciiurajii: all Caliloniians in iufi|*wt finiasl-Fotdui...
...IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have Itirttkito set my hand and caused lb* Grent Seal of dw Stole of California, lu ht jlTiM-xl liii* ItHli day t>f Iiluc 193...
...ini:liKlin|i ilefcrtja&it risk iif bftati ami avaiJiii 0?u>clt:, and WHMtfcAS, ftwi|icl]Liilc seictitific evidence- LndicoEcs that hironn mDk is unique in Ihlll it provide...
...a/id positive lonc-wii} effects oo their hfnJth and wU-tcin*: and WFTEREAS, ihc titeidcflec and duration of fcrcast-focduvs among womtn in CaJifwaia stir lower thnn ibe National Year 2WXI llwillh Objwiiives, esrwuialty imunijr eairximieuJIv i:iL;;iili ;inl,;ji.i.:l women: anil to cdijAiatc cwnmumlies «uic«jiiii|i t5ic DdvaMascs of hrrnst-fecdEac...
...and to create u i NOW, THEREFORE, L PETE WILSON, Governor of (be Slate of California, j tlc> hereby prcn"]ilim Alljnisl 1W7 ;is ItrraM-l nxhn|» AwjirenexK Mtmlh m C !;sh ft imij... the piefcricd infant feeding fl method and a priority Ln c«r coniurjuilics...
...inliw'S wilh riplirmim s»mwlh jikI (lenjlupmaiL pnjliojliiin au.ainsl tyotific IhfiSetkattt sunt alkigks...

Vol. 2 • July 1997 • No. 45

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  Kanda Software, Inc.