No Healing for This Lawyer
No Healing for This Lawyer Regarding Tod Lindberg's "Lawyer, Heal Thyself" (April 21): The Senate Whitewater Committee's failure to follow up on Webb Hubbell's relationship with the Lippo Group was...
...After Lewis admitted she had made disparaging remarks about then-Governor Clinton prior to her investigation of Madison Guaranty, I turned to another subject...
...Richard Ben-Veniste Washington, DC Tod LlNDBERG responds: Richard Ben-Veniste's letter offers little information and much spin...
...Back in 1987, I was the first journalist to write about Evelyn Smith, a Chico, California, landlady whose religious convictions led her to refuse to rent to unmarried couples...
...A virtuous society should be built by these means...
...Contrary to Frum's portrayal, therefore, I in no way want to stop people from criticizing behavior, products, or ideas of which they disapprove...
...Fund-raising numbers are not a matter of spin or opinion... was paydirt, as the headlines of recent months indicate...
...I urge you to check our actual fund-raising records next time, instead of relying on vague (and incorrect) pronouncements by "knowledgeable" Republican sources...
...Since Republicans took over Congress in 1994, they have not eliminated even a single cabinet department—not even a no-brainer program like Americorps or the National Endowment for the Arts...
...Smith's belief that such a commercial transaction would be a sin on her part is not held by most Americans...
...Because of the entirely collateral nature of the inquiry about Hubbell and Lippo, my fleeting involvement only in the context of the Lindsey deposition, and Arnold's total lack of involvement in any aspect of the matters before the Whitewater Committee, no honest argument can be made that my representation of Arnold transgresses professional guidelines...
...It would allow social conservatives the freedom to express their convictions not only through speech but through action, hence promoting the moral ostracism Frum supports...
...If conservatives want to use government as an instrument to enforce morality, at least they could let us keep our own money while they're doing it...
...He cites a provision in the D.C...
...As for Jean Lewis, at a televised hearing Ben-Veniste sprung on her a quotation from a letter that Democratic Whitewater committee staff had somehow undeleted from a computer disk Lewis gave them, and now Ben-Veniste blames Republicans for having given Lewis an opportunity at least to explain the quotation's context...
...During the first three months of this year, the National Republican Senatorial Committee raised more than we did during the same time in the last two election cycles...
...Ben-Veniste did a pretty good job...
...Her case is now before the U.S...
...Whereas, if I wanted any number of smut magazines, they would be sent right through...
...It would have led to, among others, Truman Arnold, whom Richard Ben-Veniste now represents...
...And I will vigorously defend out-of-the-mainstream traditionalists who want the right to condemn what they see as "bad choices...
...In the first quarter of 1995 we raised $6.8 million...
...Libertarians and social conservatives need to hang tight in the struggle to bring back limited government...
...Republican special counsel Michael Chertoff raised the Lippo employment issue with Webster Hubbell for the first time at the very end of an eight-hour marathon hearing on Feb...
...He didn't get the ruling he wanted—no questions on payments to Hubbell—but his efforts did limit the GOP to four questions, the responses to which were significant, but hardly the whole story...
...I understand why conservatives (who like to cut taxes) would need libertarians (who love to cut spending), but why would libertarians need conservatives if they will not reduce the size of government... my actually charging fees for the legal representation of Democrats (one would think he would applaud such punishment...
...As the coercive bureaucracy is whittled away, individuals and the organizations they freely join are strengthened...
...That is simply not the case...
...Despite the fact that the majority issued close to 100 subpoenas and written requests for documents and information from Feb...
...Douglas E. McNeil Baltimore, MD As a libertarian social conservative, I agree wholeheartedly with David Frum that libertarians and social conservatives need each other...
...Unlike some of my more tactful libertarian friends, however, I can't bring myself to hint that we are actually working for a uniformly conservative world in which Pulp Fiction will not exist, Tin Pan Alley will replace rock, and gays will get back in the closet...
...Traditionalists such as Frum like to kid themselves about the popularity of their views, suggesting that a social consensus would favor their cause and that it is therefore frivolous or decadent to Correspondence support dissenters' rights...
...VlRGINIA L. POSTREL Editor, Reason Los Angeles, CA The fragile peace between libertarians and conservatives has indeed deteriorated in recent years, but the reason should be clear...
...Truman Arnold's name never came up during the Whitewater investigation, and I never knew of his existence before a Time magazine article about campaign finance piqued the interest of a House subcommittee, leading Arnold to seek my assistance...
...Nowhere in the 391-page Majority Final Report is a single mention of Lippo or Hubbell's post-Justice Department employment, nor was there any such mention in the 21-page referral on Hubbell made to the independent counsel...
...7, 1996...
...The record will show that my objections on relevancy were an attempt to get the deposition focused on a procedural matter raised in a letter to the committee by independent counsel Kenneth Starr...
...But such competition will only rarely generate a social consensus, and even such rare agreement may not be to traditionalist tastes...
...Lindberg's second point is an effort to run me off from representing former DNC finance chair Truman Arnold...
...It was the Republicans who brought out the comments she had made about her family member...
...The next time the matter surfaced was in June, days before the committee's final report was due...
...Jim Rongstad Woodbury, MN GOP Well: Deep and Wide Your Scrapbook's "The GOP Well Runs Dry" (April 21) claims GOP fund-raising "is suffering badly...
...I view both "eccentricity" (new ideas) and criticism as part of a dynamic process of trial-and-error learning, in which many visions of the good life are tested and often coexist...
...A virtuous society can be achieved only in a free society...
...They are filed with the Federal Election Commission and are wide open to public scrutiny...
...Like Frum, I suspect that having a much smaller government would reinforce certain conservative virtues, such as thrift, and deter certain vices, such as teen pregnancy...
...On many matters, a libertarian regime would simply let social conservatives create their own enclaves within the broader, less traditional society...
...The cause is clear...
...Conservative Alliances It is certainly flattering to find myself described as a latter-day John Stuart Mill, as David Frum did in "The Libertarian Temptation" (April 21), but the comparison isn't apt...
...The problem is that some in both camps want to achieve their goals too fast...
...Ronald A Schultz Tennessee Colony, TX...
...We believe in competition...
...But the item that shows how hard Lindberg was scratching to make something out of nothing is his loopy argument that the Watergate prosecutors who secreted investigative documents in anticipation of Nixon's attempt to derail the Watergate investigation through the Saturday Night Massacre were in fact the ones who obstructed justice...
...Liberalism did not get us into this mess all at once...
...Really, he should not understate his achievements so...
...If that makes us liberals, well, we are...
...Chairman D'Amato told the staff that if further inquiry on this subject were to be conducted, it would be through deposition discovery to determine possible relevance to the committee's inquiry...
...In the first quarter of 1997 we raised $7.2 million...
...If the Republicans thought Hubbell/Lippo was a pertinent line of inquiry, they gave no sign of it...
...Is it any wonder that libertarian John Kasich turned to progressive Ralph Nader to go after corporate welfare...
...It would foster the competition and feedback that produce trends and countertrends—conservative and otherwise—in mores and popular culture...
...And fund-raising at the National Republican Senatorial Committee is on fire, in part because of voter outrage over the illegal-foreign-cash scandal swirling around Motel 1600...
...As an inmate of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-ID, I have just discovered that The Weekly STANDARD is not on the approved reading list for inmates...
...In page after page of deposition transcript (hardly "fleeting involvement"), Ben-Veniste sought to prevent Bruce Lindsey from answering questions on the subject...
...All of the questions put to Bruce Lindsey about Hubbell were answered...
...Who knows where a broader inquiry into payments to Hubbell would have led...
...Our direct-mail responses are actually higher this year than in the last presidential election year...
...I am happy to form political alliances with conservatives who are working to shrink government...
...No Healing for This Lawyer Regarding Tod Lindberg's "Lawyer, Heal Thyself" (April 21): The Senate Whitewater Committee's failure to follow up on Webb Hubbell's relationship with the Lippo Group was not the result of any effort to shut down the inquiry...
...Steven Law National Republican Senatorial Committee Washington, DC a Guilty Subscriber Ihave subscribed to your magazine for over a year, and I have enjoyed each issue...
...7 to June 6, 1996, not one dealt with Lippo or Hubbell's employment...
...I am serving time for a crime that I am guilty of, and as a general rule I have nothing against punishment in this country...
...And even a simple check of the hearing transcript would have corrected Lindberg's assertion that I "forced" Whitewater witness Jean Lewis to repeat derogatory remarks Lewis made about her family...
...Supreme Court...
...That accomplished, I left the deposition...
...Most importantly, our grass-roots fund-raising has led the way...
...But you should know that if an inmate in Texas wants to read your magazine, he has to wait three to four weeks while each issue is reviewed by the administration...
...In the first quarter of 1993 we raised $5.7 million...
...Bar Code of Professional Responsibility promulgated to protect against the misuse of confidential information obtained in government service in representing a client in a subsequent private representation... was a result of incrementalism...
...Society" maintains that such discrimination is wrong, and Smith's contrary opinion is so "eccentric" as to be illegal in California...
...Lindberg's lengthy piece leaves no stone unturned—from a perceived grammatic error in a book I co-authored 20 years ago (ouch...
...Classical liberals have learned a lot since Mill's time, and few of us would pursue his suggestion that eccentrics be insulated from criticism or other unpleasant consequences...
...Grassroots fund-raising is greener this year than ever before, because the grass roots are tired of the type of fertilizer Bill Clinton has been spreading on them...
...Actually, we're now getting an idea...
...We aren't trying to rig those or any other outcomes...
...This is news to me because I have been reading it during the entire time of my incarceration...
...The question of Lippo payments to Hubbell was not "collateral...
Vol. 2 • May 1997 • No. 33