
Correspondence Go Tribe Ralph Peters's "Return of the Tribes" (Sept. 4) is one of the most thought-provoking analyses available on the seeming failures of globalization and the role that religion...

...Nor does she credit him as a fiction writer, even though his first novel, The Arrangement (1967), was a corrosively candid, compulsively readable roman a clef and tour de force, which, unfortunately, Kazan turned into an execrable film...
...She is fair in her assessment of most of Kazan's career, but dismisses his final years and says his heyday was short...
...28) claims that Richard Schickel's biography of Elia Kazan "does not quite do Kazan justice...
...Peters shoots holes through that theory, and the historical empirical evidence supports him thoroughly...
...Yes, Kazan stumbled after Splendor in the Grass and never made another good film, but Allen says nothing about the literary aspects of his comeback: the towering achievement of his autobiography, A Life, a brutally honest and wonderfully written 848-page masterpiece published in 1988 and hailed by Norman Mailer and Arthur Schlesinger Jr., among many others...
...Considering such examples might be of value for our present battle in Iraq...
...But neither does her review...
...Gregory M. Rolla Oak Lawn, Ill...
...Harvard R. Fong Sacramento, Calif...
...Ignoring his literary work diminishes an imperfect giant, but a giant nevertheless...
...It is apparent, after reading Peters's insights, that the only way globalization could occur (and even this on a limited and false scale) would be if societies were unified through the coercive power of a dominant religion or world government, both of which would spell the end not only of democratic ideals but also of civilization as we have known it...
...The important holidays of all the tribal elements were honored, and the schools supported the various languages...
...To cite one example: For a Communist/fascist, Josip Broz Tito did a reasonably good job of promoting diversity in Yugoslavia—with an iron fist in the foreground, to be sure...
...21 / Aug...
...Charles Riedmiller Maineville, Ohio Kazan Considerations Charlotte Allen's "Truth Teller" (Aug...
...But after the fall of the Soviet Union, it took little time for the various factions to pick up where they had left off some 70 years before...
...Roberta Hodes New York, N.Y...
...The Scrapbook, Sept...
...David Evanier Brooklyn, N.Y...
...He forced the tribes to coexist...
...4): Look on the bright side: At least Holst's The Planets Suite is accurate again...
...4) is one of the most thought-provoking analyses available on the seeming failures of globalization and the role that religion and magic play in the world's inability to attain that goal...
...Charlotte Allen seems to imply that Elia Kazan did not care for Clifford Odets, but, if you read Kazan's autobiography, you'll see that he loved Odets until the day he died...
...We Americans have this absurd notion that absolutely everyone is itching to embrace our way of life, if only their tormentors were gotten rid of...
...The term "must read" is overused, so shall we say that it would be exceedingly useful if some of the powers that be not only read, but also actually paid attention to, many of the key points Ralph Peters brings out in "Return of the Tribes...
...No Pluto, Happy Holst Regarding "What Planet Are You On...

Vol. 12 • September 2006 • No. 1

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