The Roll Call ON MEN AND MEASURES THE REVENUE BILL. THE series of roll calls by which the Senate defeated every serious effort to equalize the burden of war taxes so that war profits and surplus...

...Penrose, Sherman, Smoot, Sterling, Wadsworth, Warren, Watson...
...Every such vote was cast for high war costs...
...The vote will be found on page 7224 of the Congressional Record and is as follows: YEAS—23 REPUBLICANS—BoraTi, Brady, Gronna, Jolinson, Cal., Jones, Wash., Kenyon, La Follette, McNary, Norris...
...Under this amendment it was estimated there would be derived by this war profit tax on the basis of $4,100,000,000 of war profits, revenue to the amount of $2,993,000,000 or $1,707,000,000 more than the committee provision, and on the basis of $3,000,000,000 of war profits, revenue to the amount of $2,190,000,000 an increase over the committeo bill of $904,000,000...
...That amendment was defeated by a vote of 17 yeas to 54 nays...
...It is not possible within our space limits to reproduce all the votes taken in the Senate upon this measure...
...NAYS—75 REPUBLICANS—Borah, Brady, Brandegee, Calder, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, Fernald, France, Frelinghuysen, Hale, Harding, Johnson, Cal., Jones, Wash., Kellogg, Kenyon, Knox, Lodge, McCumber, McNary, Nelson, New, Nor* ris...
...The actual rates under this amendment ranged from .66 of one per cent on an income of $3,000 to 59.78 per cent on an income of $2,000,000...
...YEAS—10 REPUBLICANS—Borah, Brady, Gronna, Johnson, Cal., Jones, Wash., Kenyon...
...Free Speech and Free Press (From the Springfield Republican) THE public expression of opinion concerning this war should be free, so long as it is not treasonable under the laws of the United States, or does not incite others to the violation of the laws...
...The minority attacked these taxes as unnecessary, and after a month of debate the Senate voted the committee down by an overwhtftmlnir vote and struck these taxes from the bill The votes reproducer...
...Brady, Gronna, Johnson, CaL, Jones, Wash., Kenyon, La Follette, McXary, Xorris...
...September 5th the Senator from New Hampshire- (Mr... this artnrle are the vitally Important records which have been made upon the bill...
...Senator Gallinger with... the senate, are not important...
...hut bold fearfully back from drafting war profits...
...Senator Smith, Ariz., with Senator Townsend...
...That amendment was estimated to yield revenue to the amount of $1,505,830,000 or $219,830,000 more than would be raised under the committee rates...
...The vote appears on pages 6S81 and 6882 of the Congressional Record, and is as follows: YEAS—21 REPUBLICANS—Borah, Brady, Gronna, Johnson, Cal., Jones, Wash., Kenyon, La Follette, McNary, Norris, Poindexter, Townsend...
...Senator Tillman with Senator Goff...
...This is not the only crushing proof that we arc behind the times in our servility to capital...
...James, Johnson, S. Dak., Jones, X. Mew, Kendrick, King, Kjrby, Lewis, Mc.Kellar, Martin, Myers, Xewlands, Overman, Pittman...
...La Follette, McNary, Norris, Poindexter, Sutherland...
...Senator Wadsworth with Senator Gore...
...Frick, can be railroaded to prison on a charge of sedition without the chance to appeal...
...The vote will he found on page 7355 of the Congressional Record...
...DEMOCRATS—Hollis, Husting, Johnson, S. Dak., King, Kirby, McKellar, Thompson, Trammell, Yardaman...
...DEMOCRATS—Bankhcad, Beckham, Chamberlain, Fletcher, Gerry...
...Votes on Income Tax « S the bill framed by the majority of the Com-mittee was reported to the Senate, it would have raised by additional taxes on individual incomes $417,000,000...
...La Follette had previously presented and printed and intended to offer an amendment to levy a war-profit tax of 76 per cent, but the Senator from California having first moved the adoption of Ms amendment at a 73 per cent rate, and the ticnate having rejected the Johnson amendment, there u-as no point in offering an amendment at a higher rate, so Mr...
...DEMOCRATS—Bankhead, Broussard, Fletcher, Gerry, James, Jones, N. Mex., Lewis, Martin, Newlands, Overman, Owen, Pittman, Pomerene, Ransdell, Robinson, Saulsbury, Shafroth, Sheppard, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga., Smith, Md., Stone, Trammell, Williams, Wolcott...
...Bat it is of the utmost importance that the power of exclusion should not be abused...
...That amendment was defeated by a vote of 19 yeas to 55 nays...
...On that vote the following pans were announced: Senator Calder with Senator Hardwick...
...NAYS—65 REPUBLICANS—Brandegee, Calder, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, Fernuld, France, Frelingbuysen, Hale, Harding, Kellogg, Knox, Lodge, McCumber, Nelson, Xew, Page, Penrose, Poindexter, Sherman, Smith, Mich., Smoot, Sterling, Sutherland, Wadsworth, Warren, Watson, Weeks...
...Senator La Follette in an editorial makes plain the differences in the two schemes of assessing these war taxes...
...A vote for low taxes on incomes and war profits was a vote for large bond issues...
...Senator Owen with Senator Kendrick...
...DEMOCRATS—Bankhead, Broussard, Chamberlain, Fletcher, Gerry, James, Jones, N. Mex., Kendrick, Lewis, Martin, Overman, Pittman, Pomerene, Ransdell, Saulsbury, Shafroth, Sheppard, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga., Smith, Md., Williams, Wolcott...
...Senator Gallinger with Senator Thomas...
...Senator Townsend with Senator Reed...
...Johnson) to levy a tax of 73 per cent upon war profits...
...On that vote the following pairs were announced: Senator Calder with Senator Hardwick...
...The vote is reported on page 7100 of the Congressional Record, and is as follows: YEAS—17 REPUBLICANS—Borah, Brady, Gronna, Johnson, Cal., Jones, 'Wash., Kenyon, La Follette, McNary, Norris...
...The surtax rates of this amendment upon incomes of $5,000 and not in excess of $10,000 were lower than the committee amendment, and higher on the large incomes...
...This amendment was estimated to yield $1,681,000,000 of revenue or $395,000,000 more than would be raised under the committee provision...
...NAYS-18 REPUBLICANS—Brandegee, Calder, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, Fernald, France, Frelinghuysen, Hale, Harding, Kellogg, Knox, Lodge, McCumber, Nelson, New, Page, Penrose, Poindexter, Sherman...
...DEMOCRATS—Gore, Hardwick, Hollis, Husting, Reed, Vardaman...
...On that vote the following pairs were announced: Senator Walsh with Senator Hughes...
...Knox, Lodge... also demonstrates that ours is still a government of laws rather than of men...
...The committee bill had the support of every war profiteering enterprise, it was the measure of wealth's ac-quiesence in the demand that it bear its just share of the war burden...
...September 7th the Senator from New Hampshire (Mr...
...NAYS—55 REPUBLICANS—Brandegee, Calder, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, Fernald, France, Frelinghuysen, Hale, Harding, Kellogg, Knox, Lodge, McCumber, Nelson, New, Page, Penrose, Poindexter, Sherman, Smith, Mich., Smoot, Sterling, Sutherland, Wadsworth, Warren, Watson, Weeks...
...Senator McLean with Senator Ashorst...
...The vote will be found on page 7223 of the Congressional Record, and is as follows: YEAS—24 REPUBLICANS—Borah, Brady, Gronna, Johnson, Cal., Jones, Wash., Kenyon, La Follette, McNary, Norris...
...Senator Goff with Seuator Tillman...
...Senator Gallinger with Senator Thomas...
...Smith, Mc„ Smith, S. C, Stone, Swanson, Williams, Wolcott...
...It will have post-war taxes to pay indefinitely, for interest and principal, and so it must have higher wages to meet these charges, and the people accordingly must pay higher prices to live.—Arthur Capper in Capper's Weekly...
...When the bill was reported It carried a tax of $86,000,000 on tea, coffee, cocoa and sugar...
...Jones, N. Mex., Kendrick, King, Lewis, McKellar, Martin, Myers, New-lands, Overman, Owen, Phelan, Pittman, Pomerene, Ransdell, Robinson, Saulsbury, Shafroth, Sheppard...
...DEMOCRATS—Hardwick, Reed, Yardaman...
...NAYS—51 REPUBLICANS—Brandegee, Calder, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, Fernald, France, Frelinghuysen, Hale, Harding...
...The rates of this amendment began with 12 per cent on profits not more than 15 per cent in excess of the pre-war profits and gradually increased to 75 per cent when the war profits were more than 300 per cent in excess of the pre-war profits...
...Senator Owen with Senator Kendrick...
...YEAS—5 REPUBLICANS—Gronnn, La Follette...
...Its August number was excluded from the United States mails by crder of the postmaster-general on the ground that the publication violated the espionage law...
...Administrative officials and prosecuting attorneys are not having things wholly their own way...
...Senator McLean with Senator Gore...
...He proposed the rate of 76 per cent because that rate in addition to the 4 per cent additional excise tax on corporations which the committee bill carried, would make a total flat tax of just 80 per cent on war profits...
...September 3rd, the Senate voted upon the amendment of Senator La Follette to levy a tax of 70 per tent on war profits...
...September 5th the Senate voted on the amendment of Senator La Follette to increase the war profits tax by increasing the rates of taxation at each of the brackets of the bill except the lowest...
...With this false and wicked definition of corporation capital written into the law, surplus wrongfully taken from the public becomes corporation "capital,"' upon which they will compel the public to pay the same profits as upon the capital which the corporation itself invested in the business...
...The wholesome check an war-time bureaucracy in this matter is the judiciary and the case now before Judge Hand should demonstrate that the post-office department exercises no absolute power to control or restrain free printing and free speech...
...Senator McLean with Senator Swanson...
...Bad as it is upon the final vote the bill passed by 69 yeas to 4 nays...
...DEMOCRATS—Ashurst, Gore, Hollis, Husting, Johnson, S. Dak., Kirby, Thompson, Yardaman...
...Senator Calder with Senator Hardwick...
...That amendment was defeated by a vote of 18 yeas to 52 nays...
...Senator Smith of Arizona with Senator Walsh...
...September 4th the Senate voted upon the amendment of the Senator from New Hampshire (Mr...
...Senator Culberson with Senator Townsend...
...the committee's rates on high incomes —incomes in excess of $60,001), were somewhat increased, and the slightly increased rates opon wax profits which the committee made under compulsion, after their bill was first attacked THE REAL SLACKERS Such actions as those of the Senate the last week go to show that the United States to a great extent is a "government of the people" by capitalism, for profits...
...Senator Chamberlain with Senator Gallinger...
...Senator Beckham with Senator Gore...
...The espionage law properly forbids certain overt acts calculated to obstruct the government in its conduct of the war, presumably, when such acts are committed by publications they may be lawfully excluded from the mails...
...NAYS—58 REPUBLICANS—Brandegee, Calder, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, France, Frelinghuysen, Hale, Harding, Kellogg...
...Townsend with Senator Reed...
...NAYS—30 REPUBLICANS—Brandegee, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, Fernald, France, Frelinghuysen, Hale, Harding, Kellogg, Knox, Lodge, Mo Cumber, Nelson, New, Page, Penrose, Poindexter, Sherman, Smith, Mich., Smoot, Sterling, Wadsworth, Warren, Watson, Weeks...
...Senator McLean with Senator Swanson...
...On that vote pairs were announced as follows: Senator Smith of Arizona with Senator Fall...
...On August 22, the Senate voted upon an amendment which Senator La Follette offered to the Income Tax Section of the bill, so increasing the tax on individual incomes, that the section would raise $231,000,000 more revenue from incomes than the committee bill will yield...
...Senator Goff with Senator Tillman...
...On that -vote the following pairs were announced : Senator McLean with Senator Hardwick...
...DEMOCRATS—Ashurst, Gore, Hollis, Husting, Johnson, S. Dak., King, Kirby, McKollar, Thompson, Trammell, Yardaman...
...NAYS—56 REPUBLICANS—Brandegee, Calder, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, Fernald, France, Irelinghnysen, Hale, Harding, Kellogg, Knox, Lodge, McCumber, Nelson, New, Page, Penrose, Poindexter, Sherman, Smith, Mich., Smoot, Sterling, Sutherland, Wadsworth, Warren, Watson, Weeks...
...Senator Gon" with Senator Tillman...
...Wall street proposes billions of war bonds to raise the cost of living higher...
...Senator Johnson of South Dakota with Senator Fernald...
...Chamberlain, Culberson, Fletcher, (Jerry, Hitchcock, Hollis, Husting...
...Several other publications of a similar character in different parts of the country have also been denied the use of the mails for the same legal reason...
...NAYS—52 REPUBLICANS—Borah, Brandegee, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fernald, France, Frelinghuysen, Hale, Harding, Knox, Lodge, McCumber, Nelson, New, Page, Penrose, Poindexter, Sherman, Smith, Mich., Smoot, Sterling, Wadsworth, Warren, Watson, Weeks...
...Senator Weeks with Senator Cummins...
...for in this country a sound opinion will overcome one that is the product of unreason or of sinister forces...
...The La Follette substitute bill was defeated by a vote of 15 yeas to 65 nays...
...Senator Walsh with Senator Underwood...
...The La Follette amendment would yield $162,000,000 more revenue from incomes than the committee bill will yield...
...Senator Walsh with Senator Hitchcock...
...Senator Sutherland with Senator Smith of South Carolina...
...Under this amendment on the basis of $4,100,000,000 of war profits the revenue would amount to $2,870,000,000 or $1,584,-000,000 more than under the committee provision, or on the basis of $3,000,000,000 of war profits the revenue would amount to $2,100,000,000 or $814,000,-000 over the amount raised under the committee provision...
...What American experience teaches is that when opinions conflict they may be left to fight their battles in the open...
...Senator Smith of Arizona with Senator Walsh...
...DEMOCRATS—Bankhead, Beckham, Brous-sard, Culberson, Fletcher, Gerry...
...Senator Townsend with Senator Reed...
...The amendment would yield $194,000,000 additional revenue whereas the additional expense to pay the $50 additional allowance per month to the soldiers for this fiscal year would be $155,000,000...
...From the filing of the minority report August 13th to the final vote on the bill September 10th, the attention of the Senate was directed almost daily to the fundamental difference between the bill of the Senate Committee which finally passed, and the minority plan...
...On the basis of $3,000,000,000 of war profits the revenue would amount to $1,800,000,000 or $514,000,000 more than would be raised under the committee provision...
...The magazine in question is radical in its opposition to the war and to the draft...
...THE series of roll calls by which the Senate defeated every serious effort to equalize the burden of war taxes so that war profits and surplus incomes might pay a substantial part thereof, are of vital interest to every voter...
...The Hollis amendment-proposed to increase the committee rates levied at the several brackets, beginning with a tax of 20 per cent upon the war profits not in excess of 15 per cent, and increasing gradually until when the war profits exceeded 300 per cent of the pre-war profits the rate would be 70 per cent...
...Page, Penrose, Poindexter, j-iin-rman, Smith, Mich., Smoot, Sterling, Sutherland, Wadsworth, Warren, Watson...
...It was a vote for credit expansion, a vote to increase the cost of living...
...Hollis) offered an amendment to increase the graduated war-profits tax proposed to be levied by the committee, beginning as low as 12 per cent and increasing in exceptional cases to 60 per cent...
...Senator Goff with Senator Tillman...
...Senator Sutherland With Senator Beckham, Immediately Senator La Follette offered an amendment to fix the tax rate on war profits at 65 per cent...
...That amendment was defeated by a vote of 20 yeas to 55 nays...
...The purpose of this article is to set forth briefly the record votes taken in the Senate by which the efforts through amendments to assess larger war-profits taxes, larger income taxes, and to eliminate all consumption taxes were defeated...
...It is a natural fault of the official mind, charged with the execution of specific tasks, to magnify the danger of hostile opinion and its free expression...
...The Hollis amendment was rejected by a vote of 26 yeas to 51 nays...
...The La Follette amendment was defeated by a vote of 21 yeas to 58 nays...
...Senator Phelan with Senator McKellar...
...Justice Braudels's action in granting permission to the two convicted anarchists, Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, to appeal to the United Stales supreme court demonstrates that we are not being arbitrarily ruled by a military caste...
...Senator Walsh with Senator Warren...
...DEMOCRATS—Bankhead, Beckham, Brous-sard, Chamberlain, Fletcher, Gerry, Hitchcock, Jaiues, Jones, N. Mex., Kendrick, Lewis, Martin, Myers, Overman, Owen, Pittman, Pomerene, Ransdell, Robinson, Saulsbury, Shafroth, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga., Smith, Md., Smith, S. C, Stone, Swanson, Williams, Wolcott...
...Senator Thomas...
...NAYS—55 REPUBLICANS—Brandegee, Calder, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, Fernald, France, Frelinghuysen, Hale, Harding, Kellogg, Knox, Lodge, McCumber, Nelson, New, Page...
...DEMOCRATS—Bankhead, Broussard, Chamberlain, Fletcher, Gerry, James, Kendrick, Lewis, Martin, Myers, Newlands, Overman, Owen, Pittman, Pomerene, Ransdell, Robinson, Saulsbury, Shafroth, Sheppard, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga., Smith, Md., Stone, Underwood, Williams, Wolcott...
...It is of such vital Interest to him that he should have it for ready reference when he is to cast his vote for Senator...
...Kellogg, Knox, Lodge, McCumber, Nelson, New, Pagp, Penrose, Sherman, Smith, Mich., Smoot, Sterling, Wads-worth, Warren, Watson...
...September 7, Senator Hardwick offered an amendment to levy an additional ten per cent tax upon all incomes in excess of $25,000 per annum and providing $50 per month additional pay for officers and soldiers so long as they are engaged in prosecution of the war in a foreign country...
...Senator Townsend with Senator Reed...
...The vote will be found on page 7484 of the Congressional Record, and is as follows: YEAS—15 REPUBLICAN'S—Borah...
...On that vote the following pairs were announced: Senator Weeks with Senator Cummins...
...These roll (talis record aorrectry,the views of the Senators...
...In the nest year the government will expend 11 billion dollars...
...It would have raised upon individual Incomes $162,000,000 more revenue than the committee bill, and upon war profits, the tax upon which was fixed in the La Follette substitute bill at 76 per cent, would have raised $994,000,000 more than the committee bill, on the basis of $3,000,000,000 of war profits...
...DEMOCRATS—Ashurst, Beckham, Broussard, Hollis, Husting, Johnson, S. Dak., King, Kirby, McKellar, Myers, Phelan, Sheppard, Thompson, Trammell, Yardaman...
...Senator Brady with Senator Vardaman...
...DEMOCRATS—Bankhead, Beckham, Broussard, Chamberlain, Culberson, Fletcher, Gerry, Hitchcock, James...
...Senator McLean with Senator Gore...
...The issue between the interests of the people and of the war profiteers and the few wealthy men who will own the bonds that the government must issue because of the failure to fairly and justly tax war profits and surplus incomes, was squarely drawn In the Senate...
...We expect from Judge Hand a decision on the petition for an Injunction against the postal officials that will go far toward clearing up the present uncertainties of the situation and this expectation is based on the judge's attitude fn court toward one or two extreme contentions of the government's attorney...
...Senator Gallinger with Senator Thomas...
...DEMOCRATS—Hardwick, Hollis, Husting, Reed, Sheppard, Thompson, Trammel!, Yarda-man...
...NAYS—34 REPUBLICANS—Brandegee, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, Fernald, France, Frelinghuysen, Hale, Harding, Kellogg, Knox, Lodge, McCumber, Nelson, New, Page, Penrose, Poindexter, Sherman, Smith, Mich., Smoot, Sterling, Warren, Watson, Weeks...
...That amendment was defeated by a vote of 24 yeas to 55 nays...
...In comparing the amount of income which would be raised by the amendments voted down in the Senate with the committeo provisions, the comparison is always with the amount that would be raised under the war profits section of the committee bill, after it was changed to raise $1,286,000,000...
...Senator Thomas with Senator McLean...
...Senator Beckham with Senator Gore...
...England struck boldly out and levied a tax of 80 per cent on excess war profits...
...The vote will be found on page 7352 of the Congressional Record as follows: YEAS—20 REPUBLICANS—Borah, Brady, Gronna, Johnson, Cal., Jones, Wash., Kenyon, La Follette, McNary, Norris, Poindexter, Sutherland...
...Senator Hughes with Senator Gore, • • • Vote on La Follette Substitute ON September 10th, Senator La Follette presented a substitute bill...
...Senator Gallinger with Senator Thomas...
...DEMOCRATS—Hollis, Husting, King, Kirby, McKellar, .Myers, Thompson, Trammell, Yardaman...
...Sen- ator Townsend with Senator Reed...
...Senator Goff with Senator Tillman...
...Every voter should preserve this record...
...DEMOCRATS — Bankhead, Chamberlain, Culberson, Fletcher, Gerry, Hitchcock, James, Jones, N. MexM Lewis, Martin, Overman, Pittman, Pomerene, Ransdell, Robinson, Sauls-bury, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga...
...The vote fs on page 7178 of the Congressional Record and is as follows: YEAS—18 REPUBLICANS—Borah, Brady, Gronna, Johnson, Cal., Jones, Wash., Kenyon, La Follette, McNary...
...DEMOCRATS — Chamberlain, Fletcher, Gerry, Hitchcock, James, Jones, N. Mex., Lewis, Martin, Newlands, Overman, Pittman, Pomerene, Ransdell, Robinson, Saulsbury, Shafroth, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga., Smith, Md., Smith, S. C, Stone, Swanson, Underwood, Williams, Wolcott...
...That amendment was defeated by a vote of 18 yeas to 50 nays...
...Wall street demands exemption...
...These amendments were but a "sop" made to ''save the face" of the committee and to safeguard against the Senate making more righteous increases ia the tax rates upon war-profit.s and Hie incomes of the rici...
...Hollis) to levy a tax of 50 per cent on war profits...
...Pomerene,, Ransdell, Robinson, Sanlsbury, Shafroth, Sheppard, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga., Smith, Md., Smith, S. C, Stone, Swanson, Thompson, Trammell, Underwood, Williams, "Wolcott...
...Senator McLean with Senator Swanson...
...This amendment was defeated by a vote of 17 yeas to 48 nays...
...Senator Gallinger with Senator Smith of Arizona...
...Upon this vote the following pairs 'were announced : Senator Gallinger with Senator Hughes...
...After the minority report was presented, and the income tax provision of the bill was attacked in the Senate, the majority of the committee volunteered to increase the tax on individual incomes, ?G4,000,000 so that it would yield $481,000.-000, which is the amount hereafter referred to as that which the committee bill will yield...
...The amojuts bywhmb...
...And the Senate consents...
...September 1st the Senate voted upon an amendment offered by the Senator from California (Mr...
...Under that amendment, on the basis of $4,100,000,000 war profits, the war-profits, revenue would amount to $2,400,000,000 or $1,174,000,-000 more than would bo raised under the committee provision...
...DEMOCRATS—Bankhead, Broussard, Chamberlain, Fletcher, Gerry, Hitchcock, James, Jones, N. Mew, Martin, Newlands, Overman, Pomcrcne, Ransdell, Robinson, Saulsbury, Shafroth, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga., Smith, Md„ Smith, S. C„ Stone, Swanson, Underwood, Williams, Wolcott...
...It is reprehensible to the last degree...
...The moral effect of such a demonstration is incalculable...
...NAYS—35 REPUBLICANS—Brandegee, Colt, Curtis, Dillingham, Fall, Fernald, France, Frelinghuysen, Hale, Harding, Knox, Lodge, McCumber, New, Page, Penrose, Poindexter, Sherman, Smith, Mich., Smoot, Sterling, Wadsworth, Warren, Watson, Weeks...
...Senator Smith of Arizona with Senator Townsend...
...DEMOCRATS—Ashurst, Chamberlain, Hollis, Husting, Johnson, S. Dak., Kendrick, King, Kirby, McKellar, Myers, Thompson...
...Senator Gallinger with Senator Thomas...
...This is exactly the rate which Great Britain levies as a war profits tax on her business concerns...
...And England did this before adopting conseriptiou of the manhood of Kugland...
...Senator Sutherland with Senator Smith of South Carolina...
...Senator McLean with Senator Swanson...
...DEMOCRATS—Beckham, Hardwick, Hollis, Husting, Johnson, S. Dak., King, Kirby, Mc Kellar, Myers, Phelun, Keed, Shafroth, Sheppard, Trammell, Yardaman...
...On the basis of $4,100,000,000 of taxable war profits the revenue from that source would amount to $2,-665,000,000 or $1,379,000,000 more than under the committee provision, and on the basis of $3,000,000,-000 of taxable war profits, it would yield revenue to the amount of $1,950,000,000 or $664,000,000 over the amount raised under the committee provision...
...It provided for a 10 per cent tax upon the surplus of a corporation undistributed after six months...
...There will be fit penalties to pay for American subservience to organized greed...
...It was defeated by a vote of 23 yeas to 56 nays...
...The Wall street attitude of slackerism means that not far from 6 billions this year alone must be unpaid, put off by bonds, which the survivors of our armies abroad, fighting for the nation's freedom, must pay for when they return, principal and interest Wall street is endeavoring to pay as little as possible, while vociferous in behalf of conscription and the draft...
...No less wholesome is the hearing before Judge Hand of the United States District Court of New York of the case of the publisher and editor of a magazine against the city's postmaster...
...Senator Smith of Arizona with Senator Townsend...
...The Hardwick amendment was defeated by a vote of 5 yeas to 75 nays...
...Senator Walsh with Senator Underwood...
...Senator Sutherland with Senator Hardwick...
...The cost of living during the war has risen 69 per cent...
...The vote will be found on page 71S3 of the Congressional Record, and is as follows: YEAS—18 REPUBLICANS—Gronna, Jolinson, Cal., Jones, Wash., Kenyon, La Follette, McNary, Norris...
...The vote is on pages 7164 and 7165 of the Congressional Record, and is as follows: . .YEAS—17 REPUBLICANS—Borah, Gronna, Johnson, Cal., Jones, Wash., Kenyon, La Follette, McNary, Norris...
...Senator Gallinger with Senator Thomas...
...The attorney went to the point of arguing that fn pausing the espionage act Congress meant to exclude from the mails anything that might, obstruct the government's prosecution of the war as well as frankly treasonable matter, but the judge pointed out that such an interpretation would place under the ban any political agitation for the cessation of the war or for the repeal by Congress of the conscription act or the aviation act...
...The surtaxes began with a rate of 14 of one per cent on incomes in excess of $5,000, and not in excess of $6,000, and increased by easy stages until upon incomes in excess of $1,000,000 the surtax would be at the rate of 50 per cent...
...Complaints of governmental violations of the rights of individuals have been so frequent of late that the judicial proceedings in certain cases should bavo a wholesome effect...
...Senator Hughes with Senator Gore...
...September 4th, the Senate voted upon the amendment of Senator La Follette to levy a tax of 60 per cent on war profits...
...The monstrous blood money capitalism has made out of three years of war it desires to continue to make, with the United States in war...
...Senator Townsend with Senator Reed...
...On that vote the following pairs were announced: Senator Calder with Senator Hardwick...
...James, Johns'-n, S. Dak., Jones, N. Mex., King, Kirby, Lewis, McKellar, Martin, Myers, Newlands, Overman, Phelan, Pittman, Pomerene, Ransdell, Robinson, Saulsbury, Shafroth, Sheppard, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga., Smith, Md., Smith, S. C, Stone, Swanson, Thompson, Trammell, Williams, Wolcott...
...On that vote the following pairs were announced : Senator Smith of Michigan with Senator Reed...
...Votes on War Profits JNDER the Section taxing war profits the bill aft reported by the committee using the method of computing war profits first adopted would raise $788,000,000 of revenue on $3,000,000,000 of taxable war profits...
...Senator McLean with Senator Swanson...
...On that vote the following pairs were announced : Senator Weeks with Senator Cummins...
...Senator Walsh with Senator Warren...
...The La Follette substitute bill proposed to strike from the committee bill all consumption taxes upon the people, that is taxes upon freight and passenger rates, medicine and all other taxes upon the consumer, and to collect all of the money to be raised as a war tax from war profits, and surplus incomes, and from the tax upon liquor and tobacco...
...Senator Culberson with Senator Walsh: Senator Gal-linger with Senator Thomas...
...Senator Nelson with Senator Smith of South Carolina...
...After the committee changed the method of ascertaining war profits and thus subjected $4,100,000,-000 of war profits to taxation, it was estimated that this war profit sectioa of the committee bill wouuld raise revenue to the amount or $1,286,000,000...
...Hitchcock, James, Jones, N. Mex., Kendrick, King, Lewis, Martin, Myers, Newlands, Overman, Phelan, Pittman, Pomerene, Ransdell, Robinson, Sauls-bury, Shafroth, Sheppard, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga., Smith, Mil., Smith, S. C, Stone, Swanson, Thompson, Wolcott...
...The minority plan represented the ideas of the plain folk, the men and women who toil and who are now doomed to pay the great cost caused by our participation in the war, by the work and sweat of at least two generations...
...The four Senators who stood out to the last and would not lend their names to an endorsement of the measure were: Borah, Gronna, La Follette, Xorris...
...On that vote the following pairs were announced: Senator Goff with Senator Tillman...
...Senator Smith of Arizona with Senator Townsend: Senator McLean with Senator Gore...
...On the basis of $4,100,000,000 of taxable war profits, the revenue yielded would amount to $2,050,000,000 or $514,000,000 more than would be raised under the committee provision, and on the basis of $3,000,000,-000 of taxable war profits would amount to the sum of $1,500,000,000 or $214,000,000 more than would be raised under the committee provision...
...The vote will be found on page 7347 of the Congressional Record, and was as follows...
...La Follette offered the next amendment at a 70 per cent rate...
...There was no possibility of any Senator being misled upon this question...
...The actual rates of taxation under this amendment increased by gradual steps from .66 of one per cent on an income of $3,000 to 59.91 per cent on an income of $2,000,000...
...We rushed headlong into conscription of men...
...McCumber, Nelson, New, Page, Penrose, Sherman, Smith, Mich., Smoot, Sterling, Sutherland, Wadsworth, Watson, Weeks...
...of tins capitalism objects to paying 13/4 billion in direct tax...
...On this vote the following pairs were announced: Senator McLean with Senator Hardwick...
...Every vote cast against high taxes upon war profits and surplus incomes was a vote against the interest of the mass of the people...
...Senator Gallinger with Senator Thomas...
...Senator La Follette's war profits tax as fixed in his substitute bill was the highest war profits tax presented for a vote in the Senate...
...These amendments fall far short of Imposing just and reasonable war taxes upon surplus incomes and extravagant war profits...
...DEMOCRATS—Ashurst, Beckham, Hollis, Husting, Johnson, S. Dak., King, Kirby, McKellar, Myers, Phelan, Sheppard, Thompson, Trammell, Yardaman...
...The bill as finally passed while itwlll raise more reveaue than when it came from the House or aa it was reported by the Finance Committee of toe Senate is iuiquitous because at its tender care of swol Zen incomes and bloody profits and because it, for the first time in our history, writes into law, legislation treating corporation surplus, accumulated by charging extortionate rates and monopoly prices, as though it were new capital supplied by those owning the business, thus giving to railroads and other corporations, legal warrant to still further increase their extortionate rates and prices...
...After the war American tabor will find itself at a new disadvantage...
...and no one, not even Emma Goldman and her companion, who once tried to assassinate Mr...
...Hollis) offered an amendment to the individual income tax section increasing these rates so as to raise $144,000,000 more revenue than the committee bill will yield...
...Wages have risen 18 per cent...
...September 7th, the Senate voted upon an amend ment offered by Senator La Follette to increase the taxes on individual incomes...
...DEMOCRATS—Bankhead, Broussard, Chamberlain, Culberson, Fletcher, Gerry, James, Jones, N. Mex., Kendrick, Lewis, Martin, Myers, Newlands, Overman, Owen, Pittmau, Pomerene, Ransdell, Robinson, Saulsbury, Shafroth, Sheppard, Shields, Simmons, Smith, Ga., Smith, Md., Stone, Underwood, Williams, Wolcott...
...These votes show the interest which your Senator served in the framing of this important legislation...
...DEMOCRATS—Gore, Hardwick, Hollis, Husting, Kirby, McKellar, Owen, Reed, Trammel!, Yardaman...
...DEMOCRATS—Bankhead, Beckham, Brous-sard...
...The vote will be found on page 7162 of the Congressional Record, and is as follows: YEAS—20 REPUBLICANS—Borah, Brady, Gronna, Johnson, Cal., Jones, Wash., Kenyon, La Follette, McNary, Norris...

Vol. 9 • September 1917 • No. 9

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