Stafford, Jane

YOUR HEALTH: Here's How! By JANE STAFFORD = YOU and others in your family are likely to be having colds at this season of the year. If you do, "the best thing to do is go right to bed and stay...

...E. Frankel, of the Essex County Hospital, Wanstead, in the British Medical Journal...
...Judging from medical reports I have seen, some persons may use nose drops too often or over too long a period and get into a chronic state of the nasal stuffiness they are trying to overcome...
...The child with frequent colds," they report, "is of normal development, build and intelligence and does not suffer from any other organic disease...
...The person who is overtired and nervous is a likely cold victim...
...Nose drops may help relieve some of the discomfort, but you should ask your doctor about this...
...If you do, "the best thing to do is go right to bed and stay there," is the advice of the Indiana State Medical Association...
...Children Who Get Frequent Colds Studied Parents of children who seem always to be having colds, one after the other all Winter and even into the Summer, can take some cheer from a study reported by two English physicians, Dr...
...These reports suggest that it would be well to get and follow directions from your doctor about nose drops...
...No definite relation," the doctors report, "was found between the colds and developmental abnormalities, upbringing, previous illnesses, or contact with tuberculosis infection...
...No medicines are very effective in treating the common cold, the medical association states...
...According to their findings on 100 school children, the colds, although annoying, are apparently nothing to worry about and their most serious feature is the amount of time they cause the child to lose from school...
...Bed rest is the very best possible treatment" for a cold, the association declares^ Following a regular diet of foods that will supply all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other nourishment, and drinking plenty of water are also advised...
...D. H. Irwin and Dr...
...Removing tonsils and adenoids will not help, the doctors stated, unless the tonsils are infected or the adenoids are causing nasal obstruction so that the child cannot breathe through his nose...
...The best cold preventive known is good hygiene...
...Colds are spread by crowds and are an inevitable part of city living, the Indiana Medical Association points out...
...According to the medical association, exhaustion ranks top among the fertile fields for the cold virus, even above weather changes and wet feet...
...If, with bed rest, good diet, and plenty of water, you do not get over a cold in three or four days or if the cold develops into a chest condition with a cough, you should see your doctor...
...This means getting enough sleep every night, some exercise every day, and a diet including all the necessary nutritive elements...
...Though minor degrees of anemia occur the children cannot be regarded as physically defective...
...Some kinds are not advisable for persons with high blood pressure...

Vol. 9 • December 1945 • No. 51

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