THE WEEK IN REVIEW BATTLE lines formed this week for the showdown struggle over President Truman's demand for prompt enactment of a program of universal peacetime military training. Noting the...
...Six Billions In Tax Cuts Final approval was scheduled this -week for a Senate-House compromise tax bill which will slash levies by a total of $5,920,000,000 during 1946—a reduction of $3,136,000,000 for corporations and $2,784,000,o6o for individuals...
...In the House of Representatives debate centered on the May-Johnson Bill, drafted by War Department brass hats and sponsored by the Truman Administration, which would vest sweeping control in the hands of an Army administrator and an atomic energy commission composed of nine $l-a-year men...
...Contrary to the impression given in newspapers," she said, "there has not been a bloody strike in the States for years...
...In the Senate the fight in recent weeks has developed around the demand of a group of Senators headed by Sen...
...Albert Einstein, noted physicist, who warned that atomic war might kill two-thirds of the world's 2,000,000,000 inhabitants, and urged strongly that the secret of the bomb be withheld from the United Nations Organization and especially from Russia until a world government has been established...
...Ley, once one of the most violent of Hitler's anti-Semites, left behind a political testament in which he told the German people that God forsook them because they forsook God...
...Landon denounced U. S. pursuit of the "ghastly, insane Morgenthau Plan" of stripping Germany, pointing out that a continuance of that course will kill the hope for the peace we expect to achieve by handing out large sums of money to our Allies and joining international organizations...
...Alf M. Landon, former Republican standard-bearer, warned last week that if Russia refuses the "proferred hand of the peace-seeking nations, we must not shrink from the tragic fact that a new aggressor is on the prowl...
...Officers are permitted to pay their taxes in quarterly installments over a three-year period...
...The Riddle Of Atomic Control Debate over the atomic bomb continued to claim much of Congress' time, with no clear-cut solution of the baffling problem yet in sight...
...Douglas MacArthur is receiving scores of fan letters from Japanese citizens, many of them expressing approval of measures to suppress Japan's military clique...
...Meanwhile, workers at the General Motors Corporation voted six to one, and workers at the Chrysler Motor Corporation voted nine to one in favor of a strike to enforce demands for a 30 per cent wage increase, but the strike weapon will not be used until negotiations have broken down...
...One letter, from a woman, expressed strong affection for the American commander and asked for permission to come and live with him...
...fective Jan...
...A complete reconciliation has to be found, and new modus vivendi...
...Over in the House, however, Rep...
...The country heard last week from Prof...
...Landon criticized U. S. participation in the partition of Poland and warned that we are fast losing the friendship of the Asiatic peoples outside Japan, which we won by our treatment of the Filipinos, by using our forces to restore European colonial power...
...The U. S. Steel Corporation insisted that it could not raise wages because of "existing ceiling prices for steel products, together with the Government's wage stabilization policy...
...May is determined to press for passage of his own bill—a War Department-inspired measure which would provide for one year of compulsory military training for all able-bodied male youths upon reaching the age of 18, or upon completion of a regular high school course...
...Naval brass hats registered bitter opposition to the proposal, recommending, instead, that the Army and Navy be left as separate entities whose activities would be coordinated through a National Security Council composed of the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, possibly a Secretary for Air, and the chairman of a projected National Securities Resources Board...
...The steel industry is assured of over 300 million dollars in tax refunds from the Federal Treasury to protect its profits...
...Since V-J Day, the 'take-home' pay of steel workers has been cut from 25 to 50 per cent due ft> the shortened work week, down-grading, and other factors...
...The CIO United Steel Workers called for strike votes by more than 600,000 employes of 766 steel, aluminum, and iron ore companies after the 766 companies had rejected the union's demand for a $2-a-day wage increase...
...One of the most amazing feats of wartime espionage was disclosed last week when U. S. Army officials in Manila announced, that a hidden microphone, concealed in Japanese staff headquarters in the Philippines, enabled Gen...
...The OPA announced last week that new radios will sell for about the same as in 1942...
...Noting the coolness with which members of Congress listened to the President's special message and the reluctance they displayed when pressed for comments of endorsement, Washington correspondents predicted that the measure faces a stormy career in both houses and especially the Senate...
...4 on the Allied list of war criminals and who committed suicide in prison last week...
...The "counter-proposal" of General Motors—that workers agree to a 45-hour week and a six per cent wage increase, with overtime pay for more than 45 hours work, was indignantly rejected by officials of the United Automobile Workers...
...The measure has been sharply attacked by a variety of groups, including leading scientists who are bitterly opposed to the restrictions which would be placed on science...
...Large troop-carrying vessels, they asserted, are being diverted to commercial service, and at least one ship sailed recently for France to pick up 'British troops for transportation to Indonesia "to suppress the independence movement there...
...Battle Of The Brass Hats Meanwhile, there was continued strife in Washington over two other phases of the nation's military plans—a program of unified command for the Army and Navy and the disposition of the atomic bomb: The battle among the brass hats over coordinated command of the land, sea, and air forces intensified this week when Army officials renewed their demand _ for a single Department of National Defense, under a civilian of Cabinet rank, with air, ground, and naval forces as co-equal operational arms...
...Anti-Semitism distorted our outlook and we made grave errors...
...4 The automobile use tax-—a wartime revenue-rais...
...8 and said he hoped to obtain House approval by the end of the year...
...Commenting on the results of its poll and the comments made by the Senators, the AP concluded: "It seems obvious that unless sentiment changes, the President's plan has little chance of passing the Senate in the form proposed...
...1, but corporations are permitted to deduct unused 1946 excess profits tax exemptions from 1945 payments...
...The rates were scheduled to increase automatically to 2% per cent under the original law... measure—is repealed, providing automobile owners with annual relief of about $140,000,000...
...We have to meet the Jews with open hearts and on a clear basis...
...Norwegian officials, unlike the French, clamped the strictest secrecy over the execution of their number one traitor...
...We have to declare to the youth that it was a mistake...
...Price increases averaging about 12 per cent were granted to manufacturers, but wholesalers and retailers will be required to absorb the increase...
...We Nazis must have the courage to rid ourselves of anti-Semitism...
...A. J. May, chairman of the House Military Affairs Committee, announced hearings would begin Nov...
...In the form in which the conference committee compromise was scheduled to be passed this week—no floor amendments were possible when the bill left the committee—the measure makes these principal changes in the tax law: 1 By increasing exemptions and lowering rates for ? individual income taxpayers, the measure releases 12,000,000 low income married persons and persons with dependents from all Federal taxation and grants reductions for others ranging from $20 a year in the lower brackets up to $90,000 for those receiving $1,-000,000 a year...
...Forty Senators said they haven't yet made up their minds...
...The CIO's National Maritime Union charged last week that the War Shipping Administration and private shipping operators were "deliberately preventing the speedy return home of our troops from overseas...
...15 was the earliest date he had in mind...
...The possibility that the Ford Motor Company might show the way to settlement of the basic labor-management conflict in the country loomed this week when Henry Ford II told newspaper men, on the day that he had a conference with Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach, that "solutions can be found" to problems which might cause work stoppages at Ford plants...
...2 The corporation excess profits tax is repealed ef...
...Rates for all other corporations are reduced from 40 per cent to 38...
...Edwin Johnson, acting chairman of the Senate Military Affairs Committee, a vigorous foe of peacetime conscription, said he had no immediate plans for launching public hearings on the proposal and suggested that Jan...
...6 All military pay received by enlisted men during ? 1940 to 1946 inclusive, is exempt from taxation...
...Fan Mail...
...The wage and hour problem, he said, "will be settled by orderly bargaining procedures, in accordance with our custom...
...Nineteen, including eight Democrats, 10 Republicans, and a Progressive—Wisconsin's Robert M. La Follette, Jr.— said they were opposed...
...3 Normal taxes for corporations with incomes of ? less than $50,000 a year are reduced by four per cent, so that they will be graduated from 21 to 36 per cent, instead of from 25 to 40 per cent...
...The cooperation of a Filipino guerrilla espionage ring made it possible for the American command to obtain a verbatim report of a Japanese staff conference in which the Japanese commander, Tomoyuki Yamashita, disclosed his plans for the defense of that island...
...Brien MacMahon, Connecticut Democrat...
...Will Ford Show The Way...
...Philip Murray, union president, was quick to point out that "after granting the union's request for a $2-a-day wage increase, the steel industry would still make 474 million dollars in 1946, or three and a half times more in 'take-home' profits than in the pre-war years of 1935-1939...
...Arthur Vandenberg, Michigan Republican, that Congress conduct a careful, independent inquiry into the whole vexing problem before surrendering control to any group of brass hats or $l-a-year-men...
...Germany's downfall was blamed on the Nazi program of anti-Semitism in a remarkable document left by Robert Ley, who was No...
...Twenty-five, including 18 Democrats and seven Republicans, replied in the affirmative—an astonishingly small number in the face of the fact that the President made it a "must" measure...
...The Associated Press this week polled 84 Senators on the question: "Do you favor compelling physically-able young men to take military, or other war, training...
...In his Navy Day address on foreign policy (See Page 2) President Truman reaffirmed his determination not to share the secrets of the bomb's manufacture with other nations for the present, but the country was still without a policy for domestic control of atomic energy...
...5 Social security taxes paid by employers and em...
...Former Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, speaking to an audience of American GI's in Paris, declared that labor disputes in the U. S. had been grossly "overwritten" by the press...
...Our primary objective at this time is to get into full production and stay in full production...
...In anti-Semitism we violated a basic commandment of His creation," Ley wrote...
...ployes will remain at one per cent for each through 1946...
...Douglas Mac Arthur to know exactly of the Japanese defense plan for Leyte prior to the invasion last Fall...
...This view prevailed last week when the Senate voted to establish a special 11-man Committee on Atomic Energy to be headed by Sen...
...Vidkun Quisling, Norwegian Nazi leader, died before a firing squad last week...
...Names And Notes In The News Blame...
Vol. 9 • November 1945 • No. 44